Sunday, 16 December 2018

Neglected Mediterranean plant species are valuable resources: the example of Cistus ladanifer.

Planta. 2018 Dec;248(6):1351-1364. doi: 10.1007/s00425-018-2997-4. Epub 2018 Sep 19. Raimundo JR1, Frazão DF1, Domingues JL1, Quintela-Sabarís C2, Dentinho TP3,4, Anjos O1,5,6, Alves M1, Delgado F7,8,9. Author information 1 CBPBI-Centro de Biotecnologia de Plantas da Beira Interior, Quinta da Senhora de Mércules, Apartado 119, 6001-909, Castelo Branco, Portugal. 2 Laboratoire Sols et Environnement (UMR 1120, INRA-Univ. Lorraine), ENSAIA, 2, Av. de la Forêt de Haye, TSA 40602, 54518, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France. 3 INIAV-Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, Pólo Investigação da Fonte Boa, 2005-048, Santarém, Portugal. 4 CIISA-Centro Investigação Interdisciplinar em Sanidade Animal, Avenida Universidade Técnica, 1300-477, Lisbon, Portugal. 5 IPCB-ESA-Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, Escola Superior Agrária, Quinta da Senhora de Mércules, Apartado 119, 6001-909, Castelo Branco, Portugal. 6 CEF-ISA-Centro de Estudos Florestais, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa, 1349-017, Lisbon, Portugal. 7 CBPBI-Centro de Biotecnologia de Plantas da Beira Interior, Quinta da Senhora de Mércules, Apartado 119, 6001-909, Castelo Branco, Portugal. 8 IPCB-ESA-Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, Escola Superior Agrária, Quinta da Senhora de Mércules, Apartado 119, 6001-909, Castelo Branco, Portugal. 9 CERNAS-IPCB-Centro de Estudos de Recursos Naturais, Ambiente e Sociedade, Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, Castelo Branco, Portugal. Abstract The combination of genotypic selection, targeted and improved cultivation, and processing techniques for specific applications gives C. ladanifer the potential to be used as a valuable resource in Mediterranean areas with poor agronomic advantages. Cistus ladanifer (rockrose) is a perennial shrub, well adapted to the Mediterranean climate and possibly to upcoming environmental changes. As a sequence to a thorough review on taxonomic, morphological, chemical and competitive aspects of C. ladanifer, the research team focuses here on the economic potential of C. ladanifer: from production to applications, highlighting also known biological activities of extracts and their compounds. The use of this natural resource may be a viable solution for poor and contaminated soils with no need for large agricultural techniques, because this species is highly resistant to pests, diseases and extreme environmental factors. In addition, this species reveals interesting aptitudes that can be applied to food, pharmaceutical, phytochemical and biofuel industries. The final synthesis highlights research lines toward the exploitation of this neglected resource, such as selection of plant lines for specific applications and development of agronomic and processing techniques. KEYWORDS: Biological activities; Cultivation; Economic outputs; Phytoremediation; Rockrose PMID: 30232598 DOI: 10.1007/s00425-018-2997-4 [Indexed for MEDLINE]