Sunday, 16 December 2018

[Open heart surgery under acupuncture ? Decrypting a program broadcast on France 2

Send to Sante Publique. 2018 July August;30(4):455-464. doi: 10.3917/spub.185.0455. ] [Article in French] Darbois N, Evain JN, Guillaud A, Lilot M, Pinsault N. Abstract OBJECTIVES: To analyze a clip from the program ? Acupuncture, osteopathy, hypnosis: do complementary medicines have superpowers ? about acupuncture as an anesthetic for surgical procedures in China. To propose a rational explanation for the phenomena observed. To describe the processes leading a public service broadcasting channel to offer this type of content at prime time and the potential consequences in terms of public health. METHOD: Analysis using critical thinking attitudes and skills, along with a bibliographical search of Medline, Google Scholar and Cochrane Library databases. RESULTS: The information delivered in the television clip is ambiguous. It does not allow the viewer to form an informed opinion on the relevance of acupuncture as an anesthetic for surgical procedures. It is reasonable to assume that the clip shows surgery performed with undisclosed epidural anesthesia coupled with mild intravenous anesthesia, sometimes performed in other countries. What needs to be highlighted here is the overestimation of acupuncture added to the protocol. The media tend to exaggerate the risks and expected effects of the treatments they report on, which can lead patients to turn to unproven therapies. CONCLUSION: Broadcasting such a clip at prime time underlines the urgent need for the public and all health professionals to be trained in sorting and critically analyzing health information. PMID: 30540134 DOI: 10.3917/spub.185.0455 Share on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on Google+