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Fri, Jan 4, 5:24 PM (20 hours ago)
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You might want to participate in the
Please consider submitting a paper proposal to our 4s 2019 Open Panel #155:
Society for Social Studies of Science (4S)
Annual Meeting, 4-7 September 2019 in New Orleans, Louisiana [NOLA], USA
The meeting theme is Innovations, Interruptions, and Regenerations
There are various ways to participate in the 4s NOLA meeting: joining open panels, proposing closed panels, designing a Making/Doing session, and making posters
For example, 191 open panels now are seeking paper submissions. See panel descriptions and search for key words at
See the submission process at
Submissions are due Friday 1 February 2019.
STS and Universities
Universities now occupy a strategic place in the so-called knowledge society or information-based political economy, supplying a rapidly growing demand for new kinds of expertise in nearly all areas of modern life, especially in wealthy countries. At the same time, universities are under considerable pressure to adapt to global ideas and practices about neo-liberalism and new public management, along with the quest for ‘excellence’ and ‘innovation’ with respect to teaching, research, and outreach.
Consequently, universities increasingly are expected to make themselves accountable and auditable by producing quantitative information on certain activities that enable the formation of metrics, rankings, and other new forms of control, including the management of branding, incomes, and outcomes. What is counted then counts, defining new criteria for evaluating admission, hiring, advancement, worthy subjects of inquiry, and modes of circulating knowledge.
STS has considerable potential to study universities as political economic actors, institutions, enterprises, and places of work, study, and the making of knowledge. We invite contributions that address how universities have engaged with these changing political economies of research and higher education. Papers that address how these demands are reshaping the interrelationship between research and teaching, departmental cultures, academic life, and ethnicity, gender/sexuality, class, disability, and migration issues in universities are also welcome.
The panel organizers are co-authors of an emergent manuscript called Questing Excellence: Tales of Two Universities which they will discuss at 4s 2019; it is based upon their decades of ethnographic experience in universities and studying knowledge making among engineers and scientists.
* Knut H. Sørensen, Professor
Institutt for tverrfaglige kulturstudier/Department of interdisciplinary studies of culture
Senter for teknologi og samfunn/Centre for Technology and Society
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU)/Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 7491 Trondheim, Norway
Institutt for tverrfaglige kulturstudier/Department of interdisciplinary studies of culture
Senter for teknologi og samfunn/Centre for Technology and Society
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU)/Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 7491 Trondheim, Norway
Email: Website:
* Sharon Traweek, Assoc Prof, Gender Studies, UCLA