Sunday, 6 January 2019

I'm raising money for Herbal medicines for improved fertility.

Click to Donate:  via @gofundme

I am a Canadian-based affiliate of a Dutch institute called the Institute for Ethnobotany and Zoopharmacognosy (IEZ). We conduct research on medicinal plants for animal health. Typically the plant uses are the same for human health. My interest is in medicinal plants that can be used to promote fertility, including in combination with IVF and IUI. Currently Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture are being used in combination with IVF but there has been little research worldwide on other plants and cultural traditions.

I want to continue the research outlined in my recent publication –“Herbal fertility treatments used in North America from colonial times to 1900, and their potential for improving the success rate of assisted reproductive technology”

I want to continue focusing on the North American doctors of the late 1800s and early 1900s who used these plants and learned about them from their female patients. Some of the original sources of information would be Native Americans that colonists encountered and learned from. It will primarily be a historical study that I hope will lay the groundwork for future clinical trials to be conducted by others.