Sunday, 7 April 2019

2009 Pharmaco-Toxicological Aspects of Herbal Drugs Used in Domestic Animals

  • December 2009
  • Natural product communications 4(12):1777-84
  • DOI:
  • 10.1177/1934578X0900401230
  • Source
  • PubMed
Abstract and figuresHerbal drugs are more and more used both in human and veterinary medicine to mitigate and prevent minor diseases and to support conventional medicine using allopathic drugs. Nevertheless, 'natural product' does not mean lack of adverse effects, and many people and veterinarians do not know enough about the adverse reactions that can occur following the administration of such drugs in domestic animals. Moreover, herbal products can interact with each other when administered concomitantly or can agonize or antagonize the effects of synthetic drugs administered as primary therapy. The use of non-conventional medicines (NCM) should be considered as a veterinary practise. In this paper, the herbal drugs most utilized in domestic animals, both pets and large animals, are reviewed, as their use is increasing, despite the prejudices of the academic world and some of the adverse effects and interactions that can occur in domestic animals