Monday, 29 July 2019

CFP: ISEE Sessions at the 2020 Central Meeting of the American Philosophical Association

Call for Papers
2020 Central Meeting of the American Philosophical Association
Submissions are invited for the International Society for Environmental Ethics Group Sessions at the 2020 Central Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago, IL (February 26-29, 2020).
Research in any area of philosophy related to or concerning environmental issues is welcomed, but special consideration will be given to work in the areas of climate change & climate justice, energy & energy justice, and mass extinction.
ISEE is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and we welcome submissions from all, including scholars of color, LGTBQ scholars, indigenous scholars, and other scholars from communities underrepresented in the profession.
We invite submissions for individual papers (presentations of approximately 20 minutes) as well as themed sessions (topical discussions, panels, author-meets-critics, etc…)
Submission Procedure:
  • Please submit materials by the end of the day on August 30th, 2019.
  • For individual papers: please provide a 300-word abstract.
  • For themed sessions: please submit 1) the proposed session title, 2) a brief description (approximately 500 words) of the session including the names of all participants, and 3) titles for all papers. Individual paper abstracts are strongly encouraged, and all participants should be confirmed as willing to attend if the session goes forward.
  • Materials should be submitted in Microsoft Word or PDF format to: Megs Gendreau (ISEE Treasurer) at
  • Please include “ISEE/APA” in the subject line of your email and feel free to contact Megs if you have further questions or concerns.