Sunday, 14 July 2019

Ethnomedicinal studies on villages of Thenpuranadu, Tamil Nadu, India

Abstract and figures
Aim: Herbal medicine is widely practiced throughout the world from time im-memorable. The aim of the present study is to document available medicinal plants, methods of preparation and major uses in the villages of Thenpuranadu and Pachamalai; a part of Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India. Methods: Ethno medicinal survey was conducted among the villages of Thenpuranadu at Pachamalai a part of Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India. Results: Several medicinal plants were recognized as medicinal source to cure many diseases. Study has revealed 50 medicinal plant species belonging to 29 families that are frequently used for treatment of more than 20 diseases by local traditional healers. In that 90% of the medicinal plants are dicotyledons and the remaining 10% are monocotyledons. These 50 plants comprise trees (40%), shrubs (36%), and herbs (24%). Most predominantly used plant part is leaves (36%) followed by bark (26%) and other parts of plants. The families Leguminosae (14%), Verbenaceae (10%), Euphorbiaceae (10%) occupied dominantly from that 29 families. The local traditional practitioners commonly used medicinal preparative method was decoction (40%) followed by infusion (20%) and etc show on. The local traditional practitioners handling common diseases to dreadful diseases like malaria, asthma and etc. But most successful cases of diseases cured by traditional practitioners are common cold, fever, cough (30%) followed by stomach problems (16%). Conclusion: Tribal communities of Thenpuranadu, Pachamalai a part of Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India used and also followed natural medicinal system from long time. However, there is a need to conserve and document a scientific data concerning the use of the medicinal plants for future generation.