Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Call for Papers 2013 University of South Carolina Conference for Women’s & Gender Studies

Call for Papers
2013 University of South Carolina Conference for Women’s & Gender Studies
February 29-March 2, 2013

Gender at the Crossroads of the Sciences, the Social Sciences, and the Humanities

We invite papers that focus on gender studies across and between disciplines, and papers that focus on gender studies as transitional, transformative, and transnational.    

We also invite any papers that take on the trans- (papers about the ways gender studies addresses the across, the beyond, the between).  This includes, but is not limited to, topics invoking the intersections of gender and the environment or gender and space.

Please send proposals of approximately 250 words to Anna Sykes, WGST Program Director, by January 10.  You may email proposals to ESYKES@mailbox.sc.edu, or send hard copies to Anna Sykes, WGST, Jones PE Suite 109, USC, Columbia SC 29210.  Proposals must be received by January 10.