Wednesday, 28 November 2012

No citation and I am supposed to say nothing?

Someone appears to have copied a method I used without citing my work or the work that I based it on or the other people that also used the method based on my work or the work of others in my field. I don't see why I should say nothing about that. I spent years of my life getting that method into the academic literature and I really believe that 2 female editors made the different. They may have even have had to review the papers themselves. Most academics using any method have to cite a source and that source is not usually a textbook. One of my many rejection letters is below, one that I actually complained about to my former supervisor because of who was on the committee that the letter mentions.


Dear Dr.

I write to with regard to manuscript ***** entitled "Medicinal plants
used for SDNTYSUMD in pets in British Columbia, Canada", which you
submitted to the Journal of Journal of UZZ***YTNSHFS.

I have read your manuscript and do not feel that such a survey is appropriate
for our journal. The main issue is that your paper reports on use of these
materials, however efficacy is judged solely by the respondants.  Having just
chaired a NRC Committee on UZZ***YTNSHFS, I am convinced that data should only be
published once balanced trials of efficacy are conducted. In light of the
appropriateness of your manuscript for our journal, your manuscript has been
denied publication in the Journal of UZZ***YTNSHFS.

Thank you for considering the Journal of
for the publication of your research. I hope the outcome of this
specific submission will not discourage you from the submission of future
manuscripts that report on blinded trails or experimental studies.

Yours sincerely,