Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Call for Abstracts: Colloquium on Environmental Scholarship

Call for Abstracts: Colloquium on Environmental Scholarship

Fifth Annual Colloquium on Environmental Scholarship

at Vermont Law School

October 4, 2014

Deadline for submitting abstracts: June 1, 2014
Vermont Law School will host the Fifth Annual Colloquium on Environmental Scholarship on October 4, 2014.
This event offers environmental law scholars the opportunity to present
their works-in-progress, get feedback from their colleagues, and meet
and interact with those who are also teaching and researching in the
areas of environmental and natural resources law and related specialty
If you are interested in presenting a paper at the Colloquium, please submit a working title and short abstractusing the online form here, no later than June 1, 2014.
For an abstract to be eligible for submission, the author must
anticipate that the paper will still be at a revisable stage (neither
published nor so close to publication that significant changes are not
feasible) by the date of the Colloquium. We will do our best to include
all interested presenters, and will notify authors about acceptances no
later than July 1, 2014.

All selected participants must submit a draft paper no later than September 20,
2014, and all participants will be asked to provide commentary on
another participant’s paper draft at the Colloquium. Final papers will
also be eligible for publication in the Vermont Journal of Environmental