Tuesday, 29 April 2014

New Book Announcement: “Gender and Violence in Haiti”

New Book Announcement: “Gender and Violence in Haiti”

Rutgers University Press has published a new book by Benedetta Faedi
Duramy (Golden Gate).  Here is the publisher’s description of Gender and Violence in Haiti: Women’s Path from Victims to Agents:

Women in Haiti are frequent victims of
sexual violence and armed assault. Yet an astonishing proportion of
these victims also act as perpetrators of violent crime, often as part
of armed groups. Award-winning legal scholar Benedetta Faedi Duramy
visited Haiti to discover what causes these women to act in such
destructive ways and what might be done to stop this tragic cycle of
Gender and Violence in Haiti is
the product of more than a year of extensive firsthand observations and
interviews with the women who have been caught up in the widespread
violence plaguing Haiti. Drawing from the experiences of a diverse group
of Haitian women, Faedi Duramy finds that both the victims and
perpetrators of violence share a common sense of anger and desperation.
Untangling the many factors that cause these women to commit violence,
from self-defense to revenge, she identifies concrete measures that can
lead them to feel vindicated and protected by their communities.
Faedi Duramy vividly conveys the horrifying conditions pervading Haiti, even before the 2010 earthquake. But Gender and Violence in Haiti
also carries a message of hope—and shows what local authorities and
international relief agencies can do to help the women of Haiti.
Traditional print and e-book editions are available.

-Bridget Crawford