Thursday, 26 November 2015

Born on November 26

1827   Ellen Gould White, founder of the Seventh Day Adventists.

1922   Charles M. Shultz, American cartoonist who created "Peanuts" starring Charlie Brown.

1933   Robert Goulet, singer, actor.
1938   Rich Little, comedian, actor; noted for his ability to impersonate famous personalities.
1939   Tina Turner, singer, dancer , actress ("What’s Love Got to Do with It"). 
15 October 2015, 13p

The Influence of Religious Affiliation on Participant Responsiveness to the Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP) Lifestyle Intervention  ( Articles not published yet, but available online Article in press About articles in press (opens in a new window) )

Lifestyle Research Centre, Avondale College of Higher Education, 582 Freemans Drive, Cooranbong, NSW, Australia
Spirituality and Worship Research Centre, Avondale College of Higher Education, Cooranbong, NSW, Australia
Medical Nutrition Therapy Northwest, Clackamas, OR, United States


Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) and non-SDA (21.3 and 78.7 %, respectively) individuals (n = 7172) participating in the Complete Health Improvement Program, a 30-day diet and lifestyle intervention, in North America (241 programs, 2006–2012) were assessed for changes in selected chronic disease risk factors: body mass index (BMI), blood pressure (BP), pulse, lipid profile and fasting plasma glucose (FPG). Reductions were greater among the non-SDA for BMI, pulse and blood lipids. Furthermore, the majority of non-SDA in the highest risk classifications for BP, lipids and FPG, but only some lipids among SDA, were able to show improvement by 20 % or more. © 2015 The Author(s)

Author keywords

CHIP; Chronic disease; Diet; Lifestyle intervention; Seventh-day Adventist
ISSN: 00224197 CODEN: JRHEASource Type: Journal Original language: English
DOI: 10.1007/s10943-015-0141-3Document Type: Article in Press
Publisher: Springer New York LLC