Thursday, 26 November 2015

1979 Oil deposits equaling OPEC reserves are found in Venezuela.

Volume 106, August 01, 2015, Pages 44-49

Cholesterol and fatty acid composition of longissimus thoracis from water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) and Brahman-influenced cattle raised under savannah conditions  (Article)

Facultad de Medicina, Universidad del Zulia, Aptdo, Maracaibo, Venezuela
Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad del Zulia, Aptdo, Maracaibo,


Male (n. =. 66) water buffalo (Buffalo) and Brahman-influenced cattle (Brahman) were born, raised, weaned, fattened on grazing savannah and harvested at two different ages (19 and 24. months) to compare lipid composition of the longissimus thoracis muscle. Half of the animals were castrated at seven months of age (MOA) to examine the castration effects. At 24 MOA Brahman steers showed the highest content of total lipids (. P<. 0.05). No significant variation was detected in cholesterol content for either the main or interaction effects in the age groups. Some individual fatty acids varied with the species (. P<. 0.05), however, interspecific similarities were found in fatty acid ratios. For health-related indices, only atherogenic index (AI) showed lower values in favor of Buffalo meat (. P<. 0.05) at both harvesting ages. Although, meat derived from both bovid groups was leaner and showed lower cholesterol level, AI indicates that Buffalo meat might be beneficial from a human health standpoint. © 2015 Elsevier Ltd.

Author keywords

Beef cattle; Cholesterol; Fatty acid; Intramuscular fat; Water buffalo

Indexed keywords

Engineering controlled terms: Birds; Cholesterol; Meats
Beef cattle; Cholesterol content; Cholesterol levels; Different ages; Fatty acid composition; Interaction effect; Intramuscular fats; Lipid composition
Engineering main heading: Fatty acids
Species Index: Animalia; Bos; Bovidae; Bubalus; Bubalus bubalis
ISSN: 03091740 CODEN: MESCDSource Type: Journal Original language: English
DOI: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2015.03.024Document Type: Article
Publisher: Elsevier Ltd