Thursday, 26 November 2015

Preliminary phytochemical screening of pimenta racemosa var. Racemosa (myrtaceae) from tÄchira - venezuela (

Volume 2, 30 August 2014, Pages 61-68

Laboratory of Polymers and Colloids (POLYCOL), Chemical Engineering Department, University of Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela
Organic Biomolecular Research Group, University of Los Andes, Mérida,


Pimenta racemosa var. racemosa (Mill.) J. W. Moore, commonly known as Bay-rum, Malagueta, Pepita species and pepper, is a Caribbean tree, belonging to Myrtaceae family, with a special interest in their leaves for the production of essential oil well known as "Bay-Rum". According to literature consulted there are no reports either for phytochemical or pharmacological activities with respect to extracts of this species. The aim of this study was to evaluate extracts from aerial parts (leaves, fruits, stems and bark) and roots of P. racemosa var. racemosa collected in April 2012, in order to perform a preliminary phytochemical screening. All extracts were obtained by maceration, and phytochemical screening was carried out by simple colorimetric and TLC techniques. Results indicated mainly the presence of terpenoids, steroids, saponins, phenolic nuclei, glycosides, tannins, and quinines. This information no only supports the use of this plant in traditional medicine but might be useful for further chemical and biological investigations. © 2015, SILAE (Italo-Latin American Society of Ethnomedicine). All rights reserved.

Author keywords

Phenolic nuclei; Phytochemical screening; Pimenta racemosa var. racemosa; Steroids; Terpenoids

Indexed keywords

EMTREE drug terms: anthraquinone derivative; antiinflammatory agent; cardiac glycoside; coumarin derivative; flavonoid; phenol derivative; phenolic nuclei; phytosterol; Pimenta racemosa extract; plant extract; plant glycoside; quinine; quinone derivative; saponin; tannin derivative; terpenoid; unclassified drug
EMTREE medical terms: Article; bark; colorimetry; drug screening; fruit; nonhuman; phytochemistry; Pimenta; Pimenta racemosa; plant leaf; plant root; plant stem; thin layer chromatography; Venezuela
Chemicals and CAS Registry Numbers: quinine, 130-89-2, 130-95-0, 14358-44-2, 549-48-4, 549-49-5, 60-93-5, 7549-43-1; saponin, 8047-15-2
ISSN: 18278620Source Type: Journal Original language: English
Document Type: Article
Publisher: SILAE (Italo-Latin American Society of Ethnomedicine)