Sci Rep. 2016; 6: 25936.
Published online 2016 May 17. doi: 10.1038/srep25936
PMCID: PMC4869031
Kyle A. Artelle,a,1,2,3 Sean C. Anderson,1 John D. Reynolds,1,3 Andrew B. Cooper,4 Paul C. Paquet,2,5 and Chris T. Darimont2,3,5
to Ocean Research Group, Department of Biological Sciences, Simon
Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, British Columbia,
Canada, V5A 1S6
2Raincoast Conservation Foundation, PO Box 2429, Sidney, British Columbia, Canada, V8L 3Y3
3Hakai Institute, PO Box 309, Heriot Bay, British Columbia, Canada, V0P 1H0
of Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University, 8888
University Drive, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, V5A 1S6
5Department of Geography, University of Victoria, PO Box 1700 STN CSC, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, V8W 2Y2
aEmail: ac.ufs@elletrak
conflicts impose considerable costs to people and wildlife worldwide.
Most research focuses on proximate causes, offering limited
generalizable understanding of ultimate drivers. We tested three
competing hypotheses (problem individuals, regional population
saturation, limited food supply) that relate to underlying processes of
human-grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) conflict, using
data from British Columbia, Canada, between 1960–2014. We found most
support for the limited food supply hypothesis: in bear populations that
feed on spawning salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), the annual number of bears/km2
killed due to conflicts with humans increased by an average of 20%
(6–32% [95% CI]) for each 50% decrease in annual salmon biomass.
Furthermore, we found that across all bear populations (with or without
access to salmon), 81% of attacks on humans and 82% of conflict kills
occurred after the approximate onset of hyperphagia (July 1st),
a period of intense caloric demand. Contrary to practices by many
management agencies, conflict frequency was not reduced by hunting or
removal of problem individuals. Our finding that a marine resource
affects terrestrial conflict suggests that evidence-based policy for
reducing harm to wildlife and humans requires not only insight into
ultimate drivers of conflict, but also management that spans ecosystem
and jurisdictional boundaries.
conflicts are widespread, occurring when resource use by human and
non-human animals overlap. Interactions can endanger the safety and
well-being of humans and wildlife alike, lead to economic loss, and
affect the conservation of species by negatively altering public
perceptions1,2,3,4,5,6. Animals typically avoid humans7,
raising the question of what ultimately causes conflicts to occur when
and where they do. We propose that investigating the broader ecological
context of conflict (hereafter the ‘ecology of conflict’) might help to
explain variation in conflict patterns, leading to a better mechanistic
understanding and improved prediction and management8,9,10.
conceive of conflict as a process emerging from proximate and ultimate
drivers. Research usually focuses on the former, including human group
sizes and behaviours, attractant management, and behaviour of humans and
wildlife involved (but see6,8,11,12,13). Proximate inquiry provides important insights for understanding specific conflicts and how to avoid them14,15,16,
but renders limited insight into the timing, location, and causes of
broader conflict patterns. Moreover, proximate investigations rarely
yield insights generalizable across taxa.
Herein we use a
generalizable, ecological approach to explore patterns of
human-wildlife conflict, assessing three potential hypotheses of
ultimate drivers of conflict. The ‘Problem Individuals’ hypothesis posits that conflict frequency is driven by the number of conflict-prone (risk-tolerant/bold) individuals in populations12,17,18, and predicts that removing such individuals should reduce subsequent conflict12. Consistent with hunger-mediated risk-taking observed across taxa19,20,21,22, the ‘Regional Population Saturation’ hypothesis
posits that conflict patterns are driven by wildlife populations
exceeding regional carrying capacities, causing nutritionally stressed
individuals to take increased risks, leading to increased conflicts with
humans. This hypothesis predicts that population reductions (e.g.
by increased hunting) should decrease subsequent conflict. Finally, via
a similar reduction in per capita food supply (and hunger-mediated
pathway), the ‘Food Supply’ hypothesis posits that
conflict patterns are driven by changes in regional food supply. It
predicts that periods of high conflict should coincide with shortages of
natural foods23,24,25.
Although not exhaustive, this list of hypotheses allows comparisons of
different ultimate ecological processes that might commonly drive
conflict in many systems.
We assessed the extent to which conflict between humans and grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis)
in British Columbia (BC), Canada, might be explained by the three
proposed ultimate drivers of conflict. Considerable inter-annual
variation exists in patterns of conflict, represented here by human
injury and death from, and conflict kills of, grizzly bears from
1960–2014. Similarly, considerable variation exists in patterns of
annual human-caused mortality (mostly by hunting26), and in annual food availability, especially of spawning Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus
spp.), which, in areas where it is available to bear populations,
provides a high-caloric and disproportionately important food source to
which abundance and fitness are directly related27,28,29. The peak of spawning salmon biomass also coincides with hyperphagia, the pre-hibernation period of intensive energetic demand30,31,32,33.
Our assessment, which identifies food supply as the hypothesis with
most support, illustrates how using a multiple-hypothesis ecology of
conflict framework can discriminate among alternate ecological
explanations of conflict patterns. Moreover, it illustrates that
human-wildlife conflict might be affected by ecological processes that
are broadly applicable across space, time, and taxa, and that might
extend well beyond administrative and ecological boundaries.
Temporal and spatial patterns of conflict
1960–2014, severe attacks on humans were rare (mean of 1.18/year).
Although their frequency increased slightly through time, attacks were
episodic, with considerable inter-annual variation (from 0–4/year; Fig. 1A). Most (50 of 62; 81%) occurred late in the year (from July-onwards; Fig. 2A).
Similarly, between 1980–2014 conflict kills of grizzly bears (involved
in human-wildlife conflict and killed as a result, either by private
citizens or provincial agents) were episodic, increasing somewhat over
time (Fig. 1B), and primarily occurred late in the year, peaking in autumn (857 of 1042, 82% occurred from July-onwards; Fig. 2B).
This seasonal pattern was consistent in areas with and without spawning
salmon (379 of 479, 79% occurred from July-onwards in areas with
salmon, Fig. 2C; 478 of 563, 85% occurred from July-onwards in areas without salmon, Fig. 2D). Conflict-killed bears were typically younger than hunter-killed bears (median age of 2 and 5 years, respectively; Supplementary Fig. 1), and occurred closer to towns (median distance of 17 km for conflict-killed and 44 km for hunter-killed; Supplementary Fig. 1).
Conflict kills were clustered in hotspots, mostly where high estimated
densities of grizzly bears overlapped with human habitation (Fig. 3).

Number of grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis)-human conflicts by year in British Columbia, Canada: (A)
Annual number of severe (causing hospitalization) grizzly bear attacks
on humans for the whole province combined, 1960–2014 (top), and ( ...

Number of conflicts between grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis) and humans by month in British Columbia, Canada: (A) monthly number of severe grizzly bear attacks on humans from 1960–2014 (n = 64), monthly number of conflict-killed ...
Predictors of conflict kills
We used model-averaged, hierarchical models to identify associations between patterns of conflict (i.e. annual number of conflict-killed bears per km2)
and spatial and temporal variation in ecological predictors, and to
assess the relative support for our three hypotheses (problem
individuals, regional population saturation, food supply). Because
salmon only spawn in some areas, we fitted two separate model-averaged
models: a ‘salmon areas’ model that included temporal variation in
salmon availability, limited to areas with spawning salmon, and a ‘full
region’ model that included the full province but excluded salmon
availability as a predictor. Both models had reasonable fit to the data (e.g.
Supplementary Fig. 2).
Spatial predictors accounted for considerable regional differences in conflict patterns in both models (Fig. 4A).
Areas with larger estimated bear densities had more conflict in the
full region model, as did areas with larger human densities. We did not
find an effect of spatial differences in precipitation and temperatures
on conflict in either model. Similarly, we did not detect a difference
in conflict prevalence between areas with and without salmon.

Effect of ecological variables on annual number of conflict-killed grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis) in British Columbia, Canada, 1980–2013.
variables revealed support only for the food supply hypothesis.
Contrary to the problem individuals hypothesis, we did not find that
previous conflict kills were associated with subsequent conflict levels,
with 95% confidence intervals of coefficients that overlapped zero, and
with moderate relative variable importance (‘RVI’; 0.63 for full region
and 0.64 for salmon areas model; Fig. 4B, Supplementary Table 1).
Contrary to the regional population saturation hypothesis, we found
little evidence of an effect of previous hunting levels on conflict, and
low RVI (0.27 for full region and 0.32 for salmon areas; Fig. 4B, Supplementary Table 1).
Although we found little evidence of an effect of terrestrial food
supply on conflict, with 95% confidence intervals of coefficients for
annual climatic proxies for terrestrial food availability (temperature
and precipitation) that overlapped zero, and low RVI (0.12 for full
region and 0.21 for salmon areas; Fig. 4B),
we found the most support for marine-derived food supply affecting
conflict: annual variation in salmon biomass had the highest RVI of all
annual variables in the salmon areas model (0.93, Fig. 4B, Supplementary Table 1). Years with lower salmon abundance were associated with increased conflict (Fig. 4B, Supplementary Table 1).
For example, conflict increased by 20% (6%–32% [95% CI]) for each 50%
decrease in the geometric mean of salmon biomass for a grizzly bear
population with average salmon variability (Supplementary Fig. 3).
Discriminating among hypotheses
the three hypotheses assessed, we found most support for the food
supply hypothesis. Contrary to the predictions of the problem
individuals hypothesis, we did not find a reduction, but instead a
suggestive trend of an increase, in conflict kills following
periods with high conflict removal of bears. Apparent increases in
conflict following increased kills might be explained by a number of
mechanisms, including, but not limited to, social effects on the hunted
populations (e.g.6,34),
reduced tolerance of humans towards wildlife following recent periods
of conflict, or the presence of persistent anthropogenic attractants
across multiple years. However, in this particular case the suggestive
trend was not substantiated statistically, and hence did not constitute
evidence of any discernible effect of conflict kills on subsequent
conflict. That we did not detect an effect is perhaps not surprising
because most conflict involved younger individuals35.
If conflict-proneness decreases with age, then removing young
individuals might not reduce future conflict because individuals would
become less conflict-prone as they age, with or without management
Similarly, we did not find support for
the regional population saturation hypothesis. Whereas areas with higher
estimated densities of grizzly bears and humans experienced more
conflict, annual hunting intensity had no measurable effect on
subsequent conflict, suggesting attempted population reduction via
hunting might not be effective in mitigating conflict (see also24,36,37). Moreover, as in other wildlife systems where hunting is used in part to mitigate conflict34,
individuals killed by hunters differed from those typically involved in
conflict: in our system, hunter-killed bears were older and lived
farther from human habitation.
found the most support for the food supply hypothesis, with salmon
availability being the annual variable with the greatest measured
importance for explaining conflict prevalence. However, the use of
coarse measures might have obscured other effects related to food
supply. For example, estimated spawning abundance is a crude proxy for
salmon availability38,39.
In addition, whereas we did not find a strong association with annual
climate measures (temperature and precipitation), these measures might
have limitations as proxies for terrestrial food availability. Whereas
changes in climate and weather would be expected to affect terrestrial
food availability, responses among plant species vary considerably40, and weather-related events such as late frosts (e.g.40)
or acute weather events might have an effect not detectable with the
available data. Moreover, given the size and bioclimatic diversity of
British Columbia, a generalizable effect of climate on food availability
might not be realistic across this large and varied region. We suggest
that monitoring of terrestrial food availability, at least where
possible at finer scales, might help to elucidate food-related
mechanisms further and provide considerable improvements over the
proxies we used. Despite not detecting a relationship with terrestrial
foods, most conflict kills in all areas occurred in the latter part of
the year and peaked in autumn, coincident with hyperphagia. This
suggests that additional food-related causation might be important, even
in areas without salmon (e.g.25,37).
Although attacks were too rare to model, they similarly peaked during
hyperphagia, additionally suggesting food-related causation. Although
the particularities of hyperphagia’s effects on human-bear conflict are
not generalizable to all conflict systems, it provides an illustrative
example of how the timing of resource need, resource availability, and
human-wildlife conflict might offer insight into potential ecological
Management considerations
findings suggest that reconsidering lethal removals and hunting,
approaches commonly prescribed by management to reduce conflict4,6,34,41
might be warranted. Removal of individuals might be considered
necessary in some circumstances, such as when individuals exhibit
predatory behaviour towards humans13,24,42, or when specific individuals are involved in repeated livestock predation3,34.
However, as we observed, increasing overall rates of removal might not
affect subsequent rates of conflict. Improved conflict management might
instead include addressing underlying ecological stressors, such as
protecting or restoring natural food (e.g. from overharvest or
habitat destruction). Additionally, a focus on understanding the
underlying ecology of conflicts could focus limited resources on
mitigation efforts (including education and attractant management) when
and where conflicts are most likely to occur. Predicting conflicts could
enable a proactive, non-lethal approach to prevention, reducing the
impetus for the reactive, often lethal responses that might offer only
limited benefit in the long term.
Broadly, management
conducted without consideration of underlying ecology could lead to
errors, and in some instances, harm. For example, in cases where
increases in conflicts are driven by reduced food supply but are assumed
to be caused by increasing wildlife population densities (i.e.
regional population saturation hypothesis), managers might fail to
address the underlying issue and instead subject populations already
facing stress and potential declines to increased lethal control or
Moreover, in many
jurisdictions worldwide, including BC, wildlife populations (and the
processes that affect them) transcend ecological and/or jurisdictional
boundaries, yet are managed by agencies that do not43,44.
This ecological mismatch limits the ability of agencies to address
important ecological drivers of conflict like those detected here. For
example, in BC, grizzly bears (and human-bear conflict) are managed by
the provincial government of British Columbia, whereas the spawning
salmon on which many populations depend are managed by Fisheries and
Oceans Canada. The provincial government has the ability to destroy
grizzly bears, but not to manage their food, whereas our results suggest
the former might be less effective than the latter. Additionally,
whereas the importance of nutrient subsidies in ecology is well-studied,
including in this region (e.g.33,43,45,46),
to our knowledge it has never before been assessed as a driver of
human-wildlife conflict. Effective prevention and mitigation of
human-conflict might require agencies to manage at more ecologically
relevant scales, and manage not only conflict-implicated species, but
also the foods on which they rely. Similarly, encouraging agencies
responsible for prey species (e.g. salmon) management to also
consider dependent communities of wildlife consumers might help to
mitigate the current disconnect. Canada’s ‘Wild Salmon Policy’, which
requires ecosystem considerations in fisheries allocations47, provides an example of a potential mechanism, though it has yet to be implemented48.
Applying this policy for mitigating human-wildlife conflict might
provide a tractable test case for cross-biome ecosystem management while
benefiting both ecosystem conservation and human safety.
Ecology of conflict
study illustrates a generalizable multiple-hypothesis-testing approach
for assessing ultimate ecological drivers of human-wildlife conflict.
Instead of presenting a single hypothesis for observed patterns, we
concurrently weighed support for multiple hypotheses within a single
This approach not only provides greater confidence in the associations
detected, but also is amenable to various taxa, geographies, and
ecological contexts. For example, whereas food supply seemed to have the
greatest impact on conflict patterns in our study system, additional
mechanisms, including but not limited to our alternate hypotheses, might
be at play here or elsewhere, might interact with one another, and
might be context-dependent. Applying this approach broadly might help to
increase the understanding of ultimate drivers of human-wildlife
conflict in any system, while identifying commonalities among
human-wildlife conflict systems worldwide.
assessed patterns in timing, location, and age of grizzly bears
involved in human-wildlife conflict, represented by conflict kills of
bears and attacks on humans in British Columbia (BC), Canada. We modeled
the association between annual variation in ecological variables and
human-bear conflict frequency. Whereas we were primarily interested in
inter-annual patterns for assessing the relative support for our three
hypotheses, we included spatial variables in our model to account for
ecological differences among populations.
analyses were performed at the scale of Grizzly Bear Population Unit
(hereafter ‘population’), which is designated by the provincial
government of BC and is thought to correspond with geographically and
genetically relevant sub-populations (50; Supplementary Methods). The ‘habitable area’ (area excluding glaciers and water bodies) of these populations ranges from 2,698 km2 to 49,268 km2 (mean = 13,316 km2; Supplementary Fig. 4).
Conflict kills
compiled the annual number of conflict-killed grizzly bears from the
‘Compulsory Inspection Database’ (hereafter ‘CID’), which contains the
date, location, and cause (e.g. hunt, conflict kill, road accident) of all known human-caused grizzly bear deaths in BC, from 1977–201450; Supplementary Methods; Supplementary Fig. 5).
We also extracted age estimates from the database, which were available
for 75% of human-caused kills. We used entries only from 1980-onwards
because data quality improved considerably after this point (T. Hamilton
pers. comm.). We excluded conflict kills from areas where grizzly bears
are considered extirpated or threatened (n = 37; Supplementary Methods)
because such kills are anomalies, whereas we were interested in
generalizable patterns. We included only late-season conflict (occurring
from July 1st onwards; 79% of recorded conflict kills; Fig. 2)
as a response in our models, because abundance of spawning salmon (a
predictor in our model) and bear predation on salmon peak from summer
through autumn51. We used the ArcGIS52 spatial analyst kernel density estimator, which uses a quadratic kernel function as described in53 to visualize the spatial density (number per km2) of conflict kills.
We combined a database of all known dates and locations of attacks in BC from 1960 to 1997 provided by Stephen Herrero54
with a database of attacks from 1998 to 2014 provided by the BC
Ministry of Environment. We included only ‘severe’ attacks for both time
periods (for which details on hospitalization differed: pre-1998 severe
attacks included fatalities, and injuries requiring >24 hours of
hospitalization, whereas from 1998 onwards, when data on hospitalization
duration were absent, severe attacks included fatalities, and injuries
of a severity requiring hospitalization [e.g. dismemberment and
broken bones]) when examining trends through time. We did this because
all severe attacks are recorded by the provincial government, whereas
the proportion of ‘minor’ attacks (those not requiring medical
attention) recorded is unknown (but see Supplementary Fig. 6 for timing of all recorded attacks).
Spatial correlates
accounted for geographic variation in climate (temperature and
precipitation), grizzly bear and human population densities, and
presence or absence of spawning salmon. To assess climatic differences
among populations we used the program ClimateBC55,
which downscales climatic variables obtained from weather stations
across the province to an 800 m × 800 m resolution with high accuracy (R2 >> 0.9 between most predicted and weather-station measurements55,56). We created a 4 km × 4 km grid of points across each population’s habitable area (Supplementary Fig. 4)
and calculated the log-transformed mean of climate normals (mean spring
and summer temperatures and log total spring and summer precipitation
from 1981–2010) extracted at each point. To assess differences in
grizzly bear densities among populations, we divided 2012 population
estimates50 by habitable area in each population and log-transformed the quotient. We used the 2011 Canadian census57
for spatial assessments of human densities. We attributed human
population counts from the finest spatial scale available (census
subdivisions) to each bear population unit based on percent overlap of
the two spatial scales, divided by habitable area of the bear population
unit. For a bear population unit with k subdivisions the calculation

We used a province-wide database of spawning salmon enumerations58 to attribute presence/absence of spawning salmon to each population.
Annual correlates
each population, we assessed inter-annual variation in number of recent
conflict kills, number of recent hunting kills, mean spring and summer
temperature and precipitation, and annual salmon availability to
evaluate the relative support for our three hypotheses (problem
individuals, regional population saturation, food supply). We used
climate as a coarse but broadly applicable proxy for terrestrial bear
food availability because estimates of terrestrial food across BC do not
exist, though climate has been linked to food availability and
human-wildlife conflict elsewhere59. Specifically, given their broad association with net productivity60,
we used measures of temperature and precipitation, during the growing
season (spring and summer) of vegetative grizzly bear foods, including
shoots, sedges, and berries31,40,61,62.
We calculated annual values of mean spring and summer temperature and
log-transformed total precipitation from ClimateBC values extracted from
a 4 km × 4 km grid of points across each population. We calculated the
number of hunting and conflict kills in recent years using a 3-year
rolling window, e.g.:

each population, recent hunt and conflict kills were scaled by 2
standard deviations with the mean subtracted, providing a measure of
inter-annual variation scaled to the magnitude and variability of these
measures in each population. We did not include human population as an
annual predictor because such data do not exist annually, and there was
little temporal variation among censuses in this period. Similarly, we
did not include inter-annual variation in grizzly bear densities because
such data do not exist in BC26.
We assessed inter-annual variation in spawning salmon biomass across
the province from 1980 to 2013, using the Fisheries and Oceans Canada
nuSEDS database (Supplementary Methods58; see63,64 for caveats). At each salmon count location (Supplementary Fig. 7),
we calculated the annual biomass of each species individually, omitting
species-stream time series with data missing for more than eight years
total, or for three or more consecutive years. We estimated missing
counts in the remaining time series by multiple imputation with a
Ricker-logistic model fitted to each stream and species (Supplementary Methods; Supplementary Fig 8).
We attributed each stream salmon count location to a bear population
unit and calculated the total annual salmon biomass for each population
as the geometric mean of annual stream biomasses of all salmon species
combined (Supplementary Methods).
Within each bear population, annual biomass was scaled by 2 standard
deviations with the mean subtracted, providing a measure of inter-annual
variation scaled to the abundance and variability of salmon in each
We assessed associations between ecological correlates and conflict patterns using the R65 package glmmADMB, which estimates parameters by maximizing likelihood66.
We used a hierarchical modeling approach combining variables that vary
spatially among populations with those that vary temporally within each
population (Equation 3).
We centred and scaled all predictors (subtracted the mean from each
observation and divided by 2 standard deviations) to facilitate
meaningful comparisons of effect sizes among predictors67.
We ran ‘full region’ models that included all populations, and ‘salmon
areas’ models restricted to populations with estimated salmon
availability. We visually inspected residuals plotted against each
predictor and the fitted values and did not detect any remaining strong
patterns. Similarly, we visually assessed autocorrelation in residuals
and observed little spatial autocorrelation, and substantial temporal
autocorrelation in only one population (excluding this population had no
qualitative effect on our results), so we did not include
autocorrelation terms for model simplicity.
We modelled the number of conflict-killed bears (y) per unit area (km2) in year i and population unit j as

where μi[j] and ϕ represent the mean and size parameters of the ‘NB2’ parameterization of the negative binomial distribution68 in glmmADBM, which was used because our data were over-dispersed (ϕ in fitted model estimated as 0.72 for salmon areas and 0.62 for full region model); Xi[j]
represents a vector of annual predictors (salmon biomass, recent
conflict kills, recent hunt kills, mean spring and summer temperature,
total spring and summer precipitation) with associated βannual coefficients; and Zj
represents a vector of spatial predictors (grizzly population density,
human population density, mean spring and summer temperature, mean total
spring and summer precipitation, salmon present [yes/no]) with
associated βspatial coefficients. The αj term represents random deviations from the overall intercept α that vary with population unit and have variance
. The term
is an offset term representing the habitable area of each population.

We used an information theoretic approach69,
whereby we assessed relative variable importance to weigh support for
our hypotheses, and conducted model averaging across two sets of
candidate models (‘full region’ and ‘salmon areas’; Supplementary Table 2).
Spatial predictors were used to account for spatial differences in
conflict patterns and allow for inference about our temporal hypotheses.
We assessed support for our three hypotheses using coefficient
estimates and variable importance of temporal predictors in the two
model-averaged models. For the problem individuals hypothesis we
assessed previous 3 years of conflict kills, for the regional population
saturation hypothesis we assessed previous 3 years of hunting kills,
and for the food supply hypothesis we assessed marine-derived food using
salmon availability (salmon areas model only), and terrestrial food
using climatic variables (annual precipitation and mean temperature;
both models) combined. All analyses were performed using R 3.1.265 (for code and source data see
describing overall patterns of conflict, we used all data available
(spanning 1960 to 2014), whereas we were limited to data from 1980 to
2013 for modeling purposes because the salmon database and climate data
we used did not extend beyond 2013, and reliable conflict-killed bear
data were only available from 1980-onwards.
Additional Information
How to cite this article: Artelle, K. A. et al. Ecology of conflict: marine food supply affects human-wildlife interactions on land. Sci. Rep.
6, 25936; doi: 10.1038/srep25936 (2016).
thank the Earth to Oceans Research Group, Raincoast Conservation
Foundation, the Applied Conservation Science lab, and Tom Reimchen for
feedback on the research, the British Columbia Ministry of Environment
and Conservation Officer Service for data, advice, and feedback, Stephen
Herrero for sharing data, and Andrea Meyn for guidance in data
preparation. KAA was supported by Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada (NSERC CGSA [Alexander Graham Bell
Supplement] and Vanier Fellowship), C.D. Nelson Memorial Foundation,
Anne Vallée Ecological Fund, and a scholarship funded by the Tula
Foundation through the Hakai Network for Coastal Peoples and Ecosystems.
SCA was supported by Simon Fraser University and a David H. Smith
Conservation Research Fellowship; PCP by the Wilburforce Foundation; JDR
by an NSERC Discovery Grant (341481), the Tom Buell endowment, the
Pacific Salmon Foundation, and the BC Leading Edge Fund; and CTD by an
NSERC Discovery Grant (435683) as well as the Moore, Tula, Wilburforce,
and Willow Grove Foundations. We thank two anonymous reviewers for
improving this manuscript considerably.
Author Contributions
C.T.D. conceived the project to examine food-conflict relationships.
K.A.A. developed the idea into multiple hypotheses. K.A.A. and C.T.D.
designed the study. K.A.A. and S.C.A. performed the analyses and created
the figures. A.B.C. provided statistical guidance. J.D.R., C.T.D. and
P.C.P. provided conceptual guidance. All authors contributed to the
writing and reviewing of the manuscript.
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