PeerJ. 2016; 4: e2288.
Published online 2016 Aug 18. doi: 10.7717/peerj.2288
PMCID: PMC4994077
Department of Ecology/Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
Corresponding author.Tomáš Jůnek:
Academic Editor: Yolanda van Heezik
vertebrate fauna of the Philippines, known for its diversity and high
proportion of endemic species, comprises mainly small- to medium-sized
forms with a few large exceptions. As with other tropical ecosystems,
the major threats to wildlife are habitat loss, hunting and invasive
species, of which the feral cat (Felis catus) is considered the
most damaging. Our camera-trapping study focused on a terrestrial
vertebrate species inventory on Bohol Island and tempo-spatial
co-occurrences of feral cats with their prey and competitors. The survey
took place in the Rajah Sikatuna Protected Landscape, and we examined
the primary rainforest, its border with agricultural land, and rural
areas in the vicinity of villages. Altogether, over 2,885 trap days we
captured 30 species of vertebrates–10 mammals (including Sus philippensis), 19 birds and one reptile, Varanus cumingi.
We trapped 81.8% of expected vertebrates. Based on the number of
events, the most frequent native species was the barred rail (Gallirallus torquatus).
The highest overlap in diel activity between cats and potential prey
was recorded with rodents in rural areas (Δ = 0.62); the lowest was in
the same habitat with ground-dwelling birds (Δ = 0.40). Cat activity was
not recorded inside the rainforest; in other habitats their diel
activity pattern differed. The cats’ activity declined in daylight in
the proximity of humans, while it peaked at the transition zone between
rainforest and fields. Both rodents and ground-dwelling birds exhibited a
shift in activity levels between sites where cats were present or
absent. Rodents tend to become active by day in cat-free habitats. No
cats’ temporal response to co-occurrences of civets (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus and Viverra tangalunga) was found but cats in diel activity avoided domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris).
Our first insight into the ecology of this invasive predator in the
Philippines revealed an avoidance of homogeneous primary rainforest and a
tendency to forage close to human settlements in heterogeneous
habitats. A detailed further investigation of the composition of the
cat’s diet, as well as ranging pattern, is still needed.
Keywords: Biodiversity, Camera trap, Felis catus, Invasive species, Overlap, Philippines, Relative abundance index, Species accumulation curve, Canis lupus familiaris
The Philippine Archipelago is considered a global biodiversity hotspot, known for its high proportion of endemic species (Ambal et al., 2012).
The terrestrial vertebrate taxa, which primarily encompass small to
medium sized species, inhabit more than 7,100 islands. These species
include at least 213 mammals (Heaney et al., 2010), 674 birds (Lapage, 2015), 270 reptiles and 111 amphibians (BREO, 2015).
to other oceanic islands, the predominantly small fauna of the
Philippines suffers from the presence of competing invasive species,
such as Rattus spp., and the feral cat (Felis catus).
The cat is listed as the most widespread and probably most damaging of
the four carnivores included on the list of the 100 worst invasive
species (Lowe et al., 2000). At least 175 vertebrates are threatened or have been driven to extinction by feral cats on at least 120 islands (Medina et al., 2011).
Meta-analysis has revealed that the negative impact of feral cats is
largest for insular endemic mammals, and is exacerbated by the presence
of invasive cat prey species such as mice (Mus musculus) or rabbits (Oryctolagus cunuculus) (Nogales et al., 2013). The cat is widely kept as a pet by people throughout the Philippines and can be found foraging in every habitat (Duffy & Capece, 2012).
Despite the general prevalence of cats in the Philippine landscape,
there is a noticeable lack of knowledge regarding the cat’s impact on
the biodiversity of this archipelago.
Cats feed on a wide range of animals, from arthropods, reptiles and birds to mammals the size of a rabbit (Pearre, Maass & Maass, 1998).
In Australia alone, with a variety of animals of similar size such as
those found in the Philippines, 400 prey species consumed by cats have
been recorded (Doherty et al., 2015). In the Philippines, members of the orders Chiroptera and Rodentia are the most numerous mammalian species (Heaney et al., 2010). A wide range of terrestrial and arboreal rodents with body mass ranging from the 15-g Musseromys spp. to the 2.6-kg Phloeomys spp. risk predation by cats. Only adult individuals of Phloeomys and Hystrix pumila (Heaney et al., 2010)
exceed the potential prey dimensions. According to size and niche,
members of the Tupaiidea (treeshrews), Erinaceidae (moonrats) and
Soricidae family (shrews) should be listed as mammalian prey for cats.
Similarly, the smallest Philippine primate, Tarsius syrichta, which inhabits Bohol and other islands of the Mindanao faunal region, can be included (MacKinnon & MacKinnon, 1980).
On Bohol Island (3,269 km2),
as on the other Philippine islands, bats and rodents dominate among
local mammals. The small mammalian fauna consists of one insectivorous
species and nine species of rodents, including the introduced Mus musculus, Rattus rattus, Rattus norvegicus, Rattus tanezumi and Rattus exulans (Heaney et al., 2010).
The avifauna of Bohol numbers 235 species, with Passeriformes forming
the largest sub-group at 83 species. Bohol is also home to 14
ground-dwelling bird species inhabiting the woody or bushy inland
habitats potentially affected by cats (Kennedy, 2000).
Along with dogs (Canis lupus familiaris), possible competitors of cats on Bohol include two mammalian carnivores, Asian palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) and Malayan civet (Viverra tangalunga) (Heaney et al., 2010) and two reptile species: yellow-headed water monitor (Varanus cumingi) and reticulated python (Python reticulatus) (BREO, 2015). To our knowledge, no predation between cat and civets has been published.
The timing of activity of mammalian predators is a well discussed topic (e.g., Palomares & Caro, 1999; Tambling et al., 2015).
Time-stamped records from camera traps allow for detailed insights into
the time budget and temporal coexistence of animals across trophic
guilds, seasons, etc. (Rowcliffe et al., 2014), and recent camera trapping studies have successfully examined overlaps in diel activity patterns (Ridout & Linkie, 2009), confirming significant activity overlap between carnivores and their preferred prey (Harmsen et al., 2009; Lucherini et al., 2009; Sweitzer & Furnas, 2016) and suggesting predator behavior to reduce foraging energy expenditure (Foster et al., 2013).
In their role as mesopredators cats must optimize their use of time not
only to encounter prey but also to cope with a sympatric superior
predator (Brook, Johnson & Ritchie, 2012).
The combination of partitioning of habitat, prey size and a 24-h daily
cycle is thought to be a complex mechanism allowing competing felids to
coexist in different animal communities (Di Bitetti et al., 2010; Foster et al., 2013; Silmi, Anggara & Dahlen, 2013; Sunarto et al., 2015). For example, low overlap in activities has been found between marbled cat (Pardofelis marmorata) and clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) in Thailand (Lynam et al., 2013). Wang & Fisher (2012)
also confirmed higher segregation of diel activities of cats with
respect to dingoes during wet months. The particularly suppressive
effect of an apex carnivore on invasive populations of cats is
considered an important conservation issue (Brook, Johnson & Ritchie, 2012; Lazenby & Dickman, 2013; Doherty, Bengsen & Davis, 2015).
conducted a camera-trap survey on Bohol Island in an attempt to uncover
tempo-spatial co-occurrences of terrestrial vertebrate species on
regularly used trails and to confirm the presence of cats in the
protected primary rainforest (Zone I), a transition zone along the
border of the primary rainforest with the agricultural landscape (Zone
II), and inside the rural landscape in the proximity of human
settlements (Zone III). Our objectives were to: (1) create a general
inventory of camera-trapped taxa; (2) model the species accumulation
curve using previous knowledge of the possible number of mammalian,
avian and reptile species detectable by camera-traps; and (3) compare
the diel activity levels of cats with those of potential prey and
Materials & Methods
Study site
study was conducted under research permit No. 2014-04, issued by DENR,
Region VII, Philippines, between July 2nd and December 4th, 2014 in the
surroundings of the town of Bilar, Bohol Island, Philippines. The
landscape consists of a mixture of distinctive flat rural areas near
human settlements, used as rice fields and plantations for various
crops, steep karst hills covered by brush and secondary forest, and
primary rainforest in protected areas. The town of Bilar lies between
two conservation areas, the Rajah Sikatuna Protected Landscape (RSPL)
and the Loboc River Watershed Forest Reserve. RSPL is the second largest
protected sanctuary on Bohol, covering 11,034 ha of a mostly hilly
limestone environment rich in characteristic landforms such as ravines,
sinkholes and caves. The altitude in RSPL varies between 300 and 826 m
above sea level. The forest canopy is multi-layered, with trees reaching
up to 20 m in height. Members of the families Dipterocarpaceae,
Moraceae and Melicacea dominate the canopy. Certain regions of RSPL have
been reforested with white teak (Gmelina arborea) and Honduras mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) (Barcelona et al., 2006).
The average annual precipitation reaches 1,600 mm; the rainy season
typically lasts from June to December, with an increase in precipitation
to 200 mm per month. The driest month is April when approximately 40 mm
of rain falls.
Sampling design
monitored three types of landscape typical of tropical regions and
deployed cameras in groups, one camera per location, at eight trapping
sites (Fig. 1):
Zone I—protected primary rainforest including the Watershed Forest
Reserve (site WS), interior of RSPL (site SP) and abandoned farms in the
early stages of succession into RSPL (site SF); Zone II—transition zone
between the primary rainforest of RSPL and rice fields close to the
village of Bulak (site BU), transition zone between RSPL and rice and
corn fields close to Logarita Springs (site LS), and transition zone
between RSPL and the farms of the village Binantay (site BI); Zone
III—mixture of brush and degraded forest and plantations on the edge of
the village of Subayon (site SU), and at Bohol Habitat Conservation
Center on the edge of the town of Bilar (site HB). Details on camera
traps’ deployment and duration of sampling are shown in Table 1.
Sampling procedures
used 41 weatherproof infrared digital camera traps –29 units of Ltl
Acorn 5210MC (Shenzhen Ltl Acorn Electronics Co., Ltd.) and 12 units of
SPYPOINT IR7 (SPYPOINTMD, G.G. Telecom). Prior to the study,
we tested both types of cameras in a week-long trial which was focused
on the difference in detection rates for moving objects. No difference
larger than 10 % between numbers of independence events was found. Both
types of cameras were also used in every habitat to avoid a bias from
site-specific detection rates. Cameras were set up to perform the same
delay between recordings –SPYPOINT to take two images with a delay of 10
s between consecutive triggering, and Ltl Acorns to take one picture
followed by a 5 s video, with a 5 s delay between triggering. Video
sequences served as an additional tool for the identification of
We placed all cameras
opportunistically on the most frequented trails or their junctions and,
according to the expected size of target vertebrates, we fastened
cameras with a belt onto the trunks of trees or bushes nearest to the
trail, at a height of up to 0.5 m, with a focal point approximately 2 m
from the lens. All cameras were active 24 h a day; all records in
infrared mode were available only in a black-and-white version. No bait
was used.
Identification of taxa
observers, VB and TJ, independently identified all species visually
from images and videos; the results were mutually crosschecked, and
disagreeing or unidentifiable records were excluded from the analysis.
Based on available databases (Heaney et al., 2010; BREO, 2015; Lapage, 2015), we made a list of terrestrial mammalian and avian ground-dwelling species known or expected to occur on Bohol (Table 2). From reptiles, we included only the largest four-legged taxon, the yellow-headed water monitor (Varanus cumingi). Members of the order Chiroptera and the strictly arboreal Philippine colugo (Cynocephalus volans) were a priori omitted. The conservation status of each species was assessed following IUCN (2015).
List of species recorded during a survey in the area of the Rajah Sikatuna Protected Landscape, Bohol, Philippines.
to the limited nature of the recordings, for the identification process
and the calculation of a species accumulation curve all taxa the size
of a mouse (Mus musculus and also the insectivorous Crocidura beatus) were pooled into the group called ‘mice’, and all species of rats (Rattus spp. and Bullimus bagobus) into the group ‘rats’. In addition, both known species of squirrels (Exilisciurus concinnus and Sundasciurus philippinensis)
were grouped into one taxon: ‘squirrels’. In total, the list consisted
of eight taxa of mammals, 13 birds and one reptile. For purposes of overlap
analyses between cats and their competitors and prey, we pooled both
native carnivore species into a group called ‘civets’ and put mice, rats
and squirrels into the group ‘rodents’. Ground-dwelling species of
birds were the second analyzed group of prey; dogs were accordingly
examined as competitors.
Data analysis
were defined as events (or activity records) when the delay between two
consecutive images of an individual exceeded 10 min. The same
individual could theoretically trigger more than one camera within 10
min. For each species and Zone, in Table 2 we reported occurrences of species at cameras represented by events (Lazenby & Dickman, 2013).
used a species accumulation curve based on the cumulative number of
camera-trapping days, computed in EstimateS Version 9.1.0 (Colwell, 2013),
to find out if our survey lasted a sufficient number of days to capture
the 22 expected terrestrial vertebrate species (including three pooled
groups) known from Bohol. We followed Tobler et al. (2008)
and calculated well-performing estimators of species richness: the
non-parametric abundance-based estimator ACE, and the non-parametric
incidence-based estimators ICE and Jackknife 1. An abundance-based
rarefaction approach with 95% confidence intervals and 1,000 random
iterations of sample order was used.
The pair-wise temporal overlap of selected activity patterns was analyzed using the R statistical environment package ‘overlap’ (Meredith & Ridout, 2014). Following Ridout & Linkie (2009), we applied kernel density estimation on circular data pooled within all study sites. Density of activity (y-axis) uses a von Mises kernel, corresponding to a circular distribution, and is based on recorded time of each event on 24-h x-axis.
The coefficient of overlap (Δ) was calculated with a smoothing
parameter of 1.0. We used a smoothed bootstrap of 10,000 resamples to
determine standard errors and 95% confidence intervals. We only analyzed
combinations of pairs of species, which scored at least 30 events in
the activity record (MS Ridout, pers. comm., 2015) in a given
environment. The number of events used for calculation of the activity
pattern overlap for each analyzed group of animals and each location is
shown in Table 3.
Species inventory
the whole survey period, lasting 155 days, we accumulated 2,885 trap
days and 2,034 events. The combined capture rate across all sites was
73.1 events per 100 trap days. The list of all 30 animal taxa recorded
is shown in Table 2.
The most frequent native species was the barred rail (Gallirallus torquatus), captured in 183 independence events. We did not record four expected bird species: Megapodius cumingii, Coturnix chinensis, Turnix sylvaticus and Gallinago megala. On the other hand, we confirmed the survival of the Philippine warty pig (Sus philippensis).
Given its size, it was probably a male individual that was captured,
only once, on three images on August 9th (6:35 pm) in a mud wallow in
the interior of RSPL.
We found that feral cats most
often occurred in the Zone II and III, and were absent inside the
primary forest. A similar trend was found for ground-dwelling birds.
Most rats and other small mammals were recorded in the transition Zone
II between the RSPL forest and agricultural land. Along with feral cats
and domestic dogs, we also recorded all three medium-sized mammals
occurring on Bohol—the common palm civet (59 events), Malay civet (16
events) and long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) (7 events). Humans were also captured but excluded from the analysis.
all eight sampling sites, we captured 18 of 22 expected target taxa,
which corresponds to a success rate of 81.8% of the species inventory
(100% of mammals and reptiles, 69.2% of birds). We used these 18 taxa
for calculating the species accumulation curve (Fig. 2).
The mean estimated species richness computed in EstimateS was 19.7
species (ACE = 19.6, ICE = 19.5 and Jackknife 1 = 20.0). We recorded
15.89 species (72.2% of expected species) in 1,000 trap days. The eight
target species of mammals were captured in 1,723 trap days; similarly,
nine ground-dwelling birds were recorded within 1,435 trap days.
Temporal overlaps
recorded cats only in transition Zone II and in the rural landscape
close to human settlements (Zone III). Diel activity patterns of cats
differed among zones (Fig. 3).
Cats showed a decrease in late-afternoon activity near villages,
whereas activity in the transition area peaked right before noon.
Generally, the activity of cats by daylight was higher in transition
zones; in Zone III cats were recorded mainly at night.

Overlap between diel activity patterns of cats in transition Zone II (dashed line) and rural Zone III.
The highest overlap in activity patterns between cats and rodents (Table 4) was found in the rural landscape of Zone III, and between cats and ground-dwelling birds in transition Zone II (Fig. 4).

between the diel activity patterns of cats with (A) rodents, (B)
ground-dwelling birds and (C) dogs in transition Zone II and rural Zone
pattern overlaps between cats, their potential prey (rodents and
ground-dwelling birds) and competitors (dogs and civets) in transition
Zone II, rural Zone III and among all sites surveyed in the area of the
Rajah Sikatuna Protected Landscape, ...
Both categories of potential prey showed shifts in temporal occurrence within sites, based on the presence of cat (Fig. 5).
As seen, the peaks of rodent activity decreased in the hours before
sunrise and increased after sunset, whereas the activity of
ground-dwelling birds peaked about 4 h sooner at sites where cats were
not recorded.

between the diel activity patterns of (A) rodents and (B)
ground-dwelling birds at sites with and without the presence of cats.
Cats showed the second lowest overlap among all groups with dogs in Zone III (Table 4)
where dogs were dominant and active during the day. In Zone II these
two animals appeared to peak in their activity at different times: dogs
were most active in the morning and late afternoon, whereas cats peaked
before noon (Fig. 4).
The overlap between the diel activity patterns of cats and both species of civets is shown in Fig. 6.
Cats exhibited roughly consistent activity throughout a 24-h period,
with no apparent shift caused by the nocturnal occurrence of sympatric
to our knowledge, to date no study of the behavior and ecology of feral
cats has been conducted in the Philippines, nor any camera-trap-based
species inventory on Bohol. With the exception of the Philippine pygmy
squirrel, Exilisciurus concinnus, we were able to capture and
identify every non-volant mammalian species recorded as occurring on
Bohol larger than a mouse, including an individual of Sus philippensis, which is considered to be close to extinction (Oliver, 1993),
even by local people. Camera traps captured 81.8% of known
ground-dwelling mammalian, avian, and reptilian species, similar to the
86 % captured in the Amazon rain forest (Tobler et al., 2008) or 89% in the lowland rainforest of Borneo (Bernard et al., 2013);
both those camera-trapping studies were restricted to mammals. In
addition, the initially steep shape of our general species accumulation
curve corresponds with studies conducted in tropical ecosystems and
confirms the robustness of the approach. Similarly to Rovero et al. (2014),
we captured the majority of selected species in 1,000 trap days,
considered a reliable threshold enabling the detection of rare species (O’Brien, 2011).
absence of cats in the interior of primary rainforest seems not to be
driven by distance from the nearest human settlements, given that all
three monitored sites were up to approximately 3 km from houses. We
suggest that the absence of preferred features and habitats in the rain
forest may have resulted in camera traps failing to capture cats. Cats
typically use a mixture of vegetation cover at ground level which
provides both cover and open space for observing their prey; such
habitat may increase hunting success (Doherty, Bengsen & Davis, 2015). The habitat heterogeneity hypothesis by Tews et al. (2004)
predicts that heterogeneous habitats offer a greater diversity and
density of potential prey than homogeneous ones, which could be
conceivable for cats. Linear features in space (e.g., tree lines, roads
and other corridors) are generally considered to maximize cat’s
detectability (Crooks, 2002; Bengsen, Butler & Masters, 2012). We would expect to record cats in primary forest mostly on trails (Trolle & Kéry, 2005; Harmsen et al., 2010; Anile et al., 2014) but they could disperse into the undergrowth on paths that are undetected.
presence of competing, potentially dangerous predators in primary
forest is unlikely to explain the absence of cats. Dogs and both species
of civets were equally present in all three zones. The common palm
civet and Malay civet are omnivorous with a distinctive nocturnal
activity pattern (Jennings et al., 2009)
but they forage in the habitat of cats, and given their size we
consider them to be competitors of cats. Nonetheless, cats do not show
any temporal avoidance, indicating no interspecies competition, which
has evolved during almost a 500-year co-existence (Jubair, 1999). For a more comprehensive view of possible niche partitioning, as found for example between felids on Sumatra (Sunarto et al., 2015), a camera-trapping study should be conducted on Negros, where the Visayan leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis ssp. rabori) occurs as a regional direct competitor (IUCN, 2015).
Our results (Tables 2 and and3)3)
show that species richness and availability of both prey categories
(rodents and birds) was higher, nearly by orders of magnitude, in both
human-altered zones than in primary rainforest. We attribute this to the
variety of vertebrate and invertebrate prey, which is more abundant in
heterogeneous landscapes. In addition, as suggested by Lozano et al. (2003),
feral cats use a wide range of habitat components to meet their
different activity requirements (e.g., hunting, resting), and this
landscape offers a mixture of agricultural features with secondary
growth, infrastructure and potential human subsidies (Ferreira et al., 2011).
Our data clearly support such a tendency to forage relatively close to
human settlements, however we were not able to determine from our
records whether a photographed animal was feral or domestic.
Although the diel activity pattern of cats was roughly consistent over 24-h periods (Fig. 6),
a detailed analysis of zones revealed a decline in diurnal activity in
the vicinity of villages, in contrast to an apparent activity peak
before noon in Zone II (Fig. 3). Both Zones II and III offered more-or-less the same number of prey species (Table 2).
Compared with Zone II, we hypothesize that more uniform diurnal
activity of relatively abundant dogs dissuaded cats from daytime
foraging in Zone III (Fig. 4).
Also subsidies provided by humans in villages could influence cats to
remain inactive in shelters and forage at night. We did not detect any
sign of cats being spatially excluded by dogs, but our results support
findings that cats optimize their timing of hunting behavior to when
dogs are less active, hence avoiding potentially dangerous encounters (Brook, Johnson & Ritchie, 2012; Wang & Fisher, 2012).
Cats were more diurnal in Zone II. This could be explained by the same
factor, because the zone-specific relative abundance index of dogs was
two times lower than the index of cats than in Zone III (Table 3). So cats could respond both to lower disturbance from dogs and to higher diurnal availability of rodents in Zone II (Fig. 4). Other prey not detected by cameras such as insects or lizards might also be present (Bonnaud et al., 2011).
Prey species showed shifts in diel activity patterns between sites where cats were, or were not, present (Fig. 5).
When cats were absent, rodents tended to forage visibly by day, while
the activity of ground-dwelling birds peaked about 4 h later. It is
difficult to interpret the shift in bird activity; data from sites
without cats were considered too scarce to perform a reliable analysis.
Rodents shift their activities to become nocturnal if cats are present
and more diurnal (Doherty et al., 2015).
This raised the question of whether almost 500 years of cat presence in
the Philippines has driven adaptive mechanisms of prey and competitors
to cope with a new predator or not. Our results suggest that this
already happened, similar to the 4000-year history of the dingo in
Australia (Carthey & Banks, 2012). Nevertheless, we believe that further research is needed, especially throughout all seasons.
of feral cat diet is paradoxically the least researched in tropical
habitats with the richest terrestrial biodiversity (Doherty et al., 2015; Doherty, Bengsen & Davis, 2015).
Our findings reveal the first tempo-spatial co-occurrences between
feral cats and their potential prey in a typical mixture of Philippine
landscapes. We suggest feral cats’ temporal avoidance of dogs as the
apex predator. We confirm that camera traps are capable of capturing
small-bodied fauna, ground-dwelling birds and highly elusive species,
such as Sus philippensis, as well. Endangered Philippine fauna
exposed to invasive species should rapidly become the target of a broad
and long-term camera-trapping inventory survey. For an in-depth
knowledge of the dietary intake of feral cats in the Philippines, DNA
analysis of scat is recommended as a priority for researchers (Nogales et al., 2013).
In addition, collared and GPS-tracked cats would provide information
about habitat use and the size of home ranges. Finally, attention should
be paid to the cultural value of cats kept as pets within Philippine
society, to inform eradication strategies.
Supplemental Information
Data S1
Dataset from Bohol:
contains following files: overlap.csv-Activity records of selected
species of terrestrial vertebrates camera-trapped during survey on Bohol
Island, Philippines. Columns represent sites of survey (Zone), species
captured (Sps) and time of record in 0-1 format (Time). RAI.xls-number
of independent events of all camera-trapped taxa on Bohol island and
calculation of the relative abundance indices.
estimatesS˙data.xls-matrix of detection (0-1 format) of 18 recorded
vertebrate species (columns) on Bohol in 2,885 trap days (raws) for
computation of species accumulation curve by EstimateS.
Click here for additional data file.(42K, zip)
would like to acknowledge the following persons and organizations which
made our study possible: Mr. Isabelo R. Montejo, regional director, and
Mr. Eusalem S. Quiwag from the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR), Region VII, Philippines; the staff of Rajah Sikatuna
PL; Ms. Cristy Burlace and staff from the Habitat Bohol; Dr. Petr Anděl
from the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague; Ms. Monika Drimlová
for tireless field work; and two anonymous reviewers for comments on
this manuscript.
Funding Statement
GA FZP 20144257, 20134247.
project was financially supported by grants GA FZP, reg. No. 20144257,
and GA FZP, reg. No. 20134247, provided by the Czech University of Life
Sciences Prague. The funders had no role in study design, data
collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the
manuscript.Additional Information and Declarations
Competing Interests
The authors declare there are no competing interests.
Author Contributions
Vlastimil Bogdan and Tomáš Jůnek
conceived and designed the experiments, performed the experiments,
analyzed the data, contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools, wrote
the paper, prepared figures and/or tables, reviewed drafts of the paper.
Pavla Jůnková Vymyslická
conceived and designed the experiments, performed the experiments,
contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools, reviewed drafts of the
Field Study Permissions
The following information was supplied relating to field study approvals (i.e., approving body and any reference numbers):
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Region VII, Philippines; Research permit No. 2014-04
Data Availability
The following information was supplied regarding data availability:
Jůnek, Tomáš (2016): Dataset from Bohol. Figshare.
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