Friday, 28 July 2017

Call for papers: Localities Special issue on Global Ecological/Environmental Challenges and Local Responses Deadline for submission: 30 September 2017

CfP- Special issue: Global Ecological/Environmental Challenges and Local Responses

Localities, an international, interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal of Center for Locality and Humanities at Korean Studies Institute (Pusan National University, Korea), publishes articles that explore the local in this age of globalization and transnationalism and attend to locality not only as a location of resistance against globality but also as a location of alternatives. Localities invites research articles dealing with the topic of ‘global ecological/environmental challenges and local responses’ for its 7th issue, although we still welcome research articles dealing with theoretical and practical issues on locality or translocality in general.
Global Ecological/Environmental Challenges and Local Responses
We live in a world where environmental and ecological challenges have been greatly threatening our lives in this planet. All participants, including human and non-human beings, in this life of the earth cannot escape from the effects of environmental degradation and ecological crisis largely caused by global warming, nuclear disaster, etc. In response to this call, scholars and activists around the globe have been making strenuous efforts to come up with better ideas and practices that can be applied to the level of the governmental policymaking process and in our daily lives as well. We are interested in research papers dealing with global environmental and ecological challenges and local responses not only from a scholarly perspective in the humanities but also from an activist perspective. We thus welcome research papers engaging not only with a theoretical and critical studies but also with an empirical studies, applying the inter- or multi-disciplinary methodology from diverse perspectives such as social, political, cultural (including literary and filmic representations), and economic ones.
Localities invites research articles on the following topics in particular:
    -Theories and methodologies on locality or translocality from a humanities perspective.
    -Empirical studies on local or trans-local phenomena.
    -Practices or movements for resolving various local or trans-local problems.
Additionally, Localities also accepts Local Stories and Book Reviews. See the journal’s website for more information.
Information for Authors
Academic Papers should not exceed 10,000 words including an abstract of 300 words and 5-6 keywords. They must be prepared according to the rules for the manuscripts which can be found in theAuthor Guidelines here. Manuscripts should be submitted to this email.