Friday, 28 July 2017

Microscopic Studies and Physicochemical Evaluation of Antigonon Leptopus Leaves

Article · September 2016
Antigonon leptopus (Polygonaceae) is an evergreen climber native to Mexico. The parts of this plant like seeds, tubers and flowers are consumed as food in several parts of the world. Tea prepared from aerial parts is used as a cold remedy and pain relief. The leaves are used for diabetes, urinary problems, low blood pressure and as a heart tonic. It also has Xanthine oxidase inhibitor and anticancer activity. Though pharmacogostic evaluation of other plant parts of Antigonon leptopus is already carried out, no standards are available for the leaf. The present study has been carried out for the authentication and to lay down the standards for the identification of the leaves. Therefore, the fresh leaves and dried powder is used for the microscopical, macroscopical, physicochemical and fluorescence analysis

Microscopic Studies and Physicochemical Evaluation of Antigonon Leptopus Leaves. Available from: [accessed Jul 28, 2017].