Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Futures of Feminist Science Studies, Special Issue

Announcement published by Daniel Rivers on Friday, January 26, 2018 Type: Call for Papers Date: March 20, 2018 Location: United States Subject Fields: American History / Studies, Cultural History / Studies, Ethnic History / Studies, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Women's & Gender History / Studies Women's Studies: an interdisciplinary journal invites submissions that work at the intersections of science studies, feminism, and cultural studies. We are especially interested in work that explores the possibilities that emerge from feminist science studies, both as a critique science’s “culture of no culture” and as a pedagogical intervention relevant to the training of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies students. Submissions for this issue should fall into one of two broad categories: "Gender, Science, and the Practice of Culture" and "Feminist Science Studies in the University Classroom." General topics of interest for the first category include: DIY and citizen science; toxicity and feminized labor; fat studies and the medical gaze; globalization and/or indigenous science; feminism and evolutionary psychology; reproductive justice; queer ecology; ecofeminism and the Anthropocene; WISE; Girls Who Code; and feminism and science writing. Editorial review will prioritize submissions that analyze the production and application of scientific knowledge at the intersections of gender, race, class, ability, and difference. We are also interested in pedagogy and praxis pieces that attend to the goals, opportunities, and challenges of integrating feminist science studies into the gender and sexuality studies classroom—especially as they relate to student engagement with environmental justice, citizen science, and the medicalization of difference. Interested parties should submit a 400-600-word proposal and C.V. To drivers@fullerton.edu by March 20th, 2018. Proposals should outline the article’s projected page length and framework of inquiry, as well as any novel archives, methods or analytical approaches. Notifications will be distributed by April 15 with articles due for review by June 30. Contact Email: drivers@fullerton.edu URL: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/gwst20/current