Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Signs Call for Papers: Public Feminisms

Andrew Mazzaschi's picture Announcement published by Andrew Mazzaschi on Friday, March 2, 2018 Type: Call for Papers Date: September 15, 2018 Subject Fields: Women's & Gender History / Studies, Political History / Studies, Political Science, Literature, Sociology Even as antifeminist and right-wing forces have gained footholds worldwide, feminists have forcefully asserted themselves in the public sphere as key voices of resistance. From the Women’s Marches around the world that took place the day after Donald Trump was inaugurated, to the 2012 protests in Delhi, to a new resurgence of writers proudly adopting the moniker, feminists have organized to claim public space and a public voice. It is no overstatement to claim that “the resistance” is being led by women, with intersectional feminism at its core. Meanwhile, a shifting media landscape has enabled contradictory dynamics: feminists—through innovative uses of social media and online media outlets, as well as mainstream media—have found (and created) platforms to amplify their public voices, yet the pool of public intellectuals and the punditry continues to be largely dominated by white men. This special issue seeks to address these dynamics through a multifaceted and interdisciplinary discussion of “Public Feminisms.” Signs has sought—through the creation of the Feminist Public Intellectuals Project—to actively advocate for feminist voices in both the scholarly and the public sphere, building a critical mass of public intellectuals who speak with a feminist voice to audiences outside of academia. These multipronged efforts have engaged feminist theorizing and historicizing with the pressing political and social problems across the globe. This special issue seeks to further extend the discourse of public feminisms. Possible areas of focus might include: How have new forms of media enabled new public forms of feminism (or antifeminism)? How does changing media create new risks for feminist discourse or feminist individuals? How are feminist publics and public feminisms represented in literature, film, television, theater, dance, or other cultural forms today and in prior moments of resistance? How can these forms of expression be put to feminist use? How has feminism either challenged or contributed to the concept of publicness itself? What historical models of publicness has feminism adopted or transformed? How has claiming public space related to claiming discursive space, or vice versa? How have feminisms conjured new publics or counterpublics? How do race, nation, religion, class, sexuality, and caste structure where and which feminisms tend to become public? How have feminists across time challenged these dynamics? How do nonfeminist forces shape what circulates in the name of feminism, and how can feminists combat it? What can comparisons among different historical eras, geographical areas, or political climates tell us about the conditions under which public feminisms can emerge? To what extent are new languages necessary to shifting public discourses about feminism? How are new conceptual languages or vocabularies adopted as part of public discourse? Signs particularly encourages transdisciplinary and transnational essays that address substantive feminist questions, debates, and controversies without employing disciplinary or academic jargon. We welcome essays that make a forceful case for why public feminism demands a specific and thoughtfully formulated interdisciplinary feminist analysis and why it demands our attention now. We seek essays that are passionate, strongly argued, and willing to take risks. The deadline for submissions is September 15, 2018. Please submit full manuscripts electronically through Signs’ Editorial Manager system at http://signs.edmgr.com. Manuscripts must conform to the guidelines for submission available at http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/journals/signs/instruct. Contact Info: Andrew Mazzaschi, PhD Deputy Editor Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society Northeastern University 360 Huntington Ave. 261 Holmes Hall Boston, MA 02115 Contact Email: signs@northeastern.edu URL: http://signsjournal.org/for-authors/calls-for-papers/#public