Monday, 13 August 2018

A combined effort to avoid strongyle infection in horses in an oceanic climate region: Rotational grazing and parasiticidal fungi(Article)

Parasites and VectorsOpen AccessVolume 11, Issue 1, 12 April 2018, Article number 240 Hernández, J.Á.aEmail Author, Sánchez-Andrade, R.aEmail Author, Cazapal-Monteiro, C.F.aEmail Author, Arroyo, F.L.aEmail Author, Sanchís, J.M.bEmail Author, Paz-Silva, A.aEmail Author, Arias, M.S.aEmail Author View Correspondence (jump link) aEquine Diseases Study Group (COPAR GI-2120), Animal Pathology Department, Veterinary Faculty, Santiago de Compostela University, Lugo, Spain bParasitología, Universidad de la República (Regional Norte), Salto, Uruguay Abstract View references (33) Background: An approach to preventing strongyle infection in horses was tested, comprising rotational pasturing and the administration of spores of two parasiticidal fungi, Mucor circinelloides and Duddingtonia flagrans. Methods: Twenty-two adult Spanish Sport Horses were dewormed with ivermectin (1 mg pour-on/kg body weight) and then randomly divided into three groups. G-1 was maintained with continuous grazing, and G-2 and G-3 were kept on a four-paddock rotation system. Commercial pelleted feed (2.5 kg/horse) was supplied to G-1 and G-2 twice a week; horses in G-3 received pellets containing 2 × 106 spores/kg of each fungus. Fecal samples were analyzed by the flotation method to estimate the reduction in the fecal egg counts (FECR), the percentage of horses shedding eggs (PHR), and the egg reappearance period (ERP). Results: Third-stage larvae were identified in fecal pats as Cyathostomum (sensu lato) types A, C and D, Gyalocephalus capitatus, Triodontophorus serratus, Poteriosthomum spp., Strongylus vulgaris and S. edentatus. Two weeks after treatment, the FECR values were 100% in G-1, 96% in G-2 and 99% in G-3; the PHR values were 100% in G-1, 75% in G-2 and 88% in G-3. A strongyle ERP of 6 weeks was observed in G-1, ERP of 10 weeks was observed in G-2, and ERP of 16 weeks was observed in G-3. The counts of eggs per gram of feces (EPG) were > 300 EPG in G-1 and G-2 but remained below 250 EPG in G-3 throughout the observation period of 12 months. Conclusions: These results suggest that horse strongyle infection could be decreased by combining rotational pasturing with feeding pellets containing the spores of parasiticidal fungi. © 2018 The Author(s). Author keywords Duddingtonia flagransHorsesIntegrated controlMucor circinelloidesPelleted feedRotational pasturingStrongyles Indexed keywords EMTREE drug terms: ivermectin EMTREE medical terms: animal experimentantihelminthic therapyArticleclimatecontrolled studyCyathostomumDuddingtoniafecal egg countfeces analysisfungus sporegrazing managementGyalocephalus capitatushorse breedhorse diseasemicrofilaria (nematode larva)Mucor circinelloidesnematodenonhumanoceanic climatePoteriosthomumstrongyle infectionStrongylus edentatusStrongylus vulgarisTriodontophorus serratus Chemicals and CAS Registry Numbers: ivermectin, 70288-86-7 Funding details Funding number Funding sponsor Acronym Funding opportunities Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MINECO Federación Española de Enfermedades Raras FEDER AGL2012-34355 CTM2015-65954-R Funding text This work was partly supported by the Research Projects AGL2012-34355 and CTM2015-65954-R (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain; FEDER). 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