Monday, 13 August 2018

Nomad aesthetic: Cattle modifications among the northern Turkana of north west Kenya(Article)(Open Access)

Volume 8, Issue 1, 1 December 2018, Article number 6 Dioli, M.Email Author View Correspondence (jump link) Riu Tajo 15A, Alfaz del Pi, Alicante, Spain Abstract View references (85) Among the Turkana of north western Kenya, as well as in many other eastern African pastoral societies, cattle are not only a source of food but also an essential tool for a man to establish his own concepts of aesthetic and to visibly express his own personal identity and social relationships among his people. A Turkana man achieves these objectives by choosing a specific male cow and then modifying its external appearance with branding to permanent alter the coat, with a forceful modification of the growth direction of the horns, and with peculiar cuttings of the ear margins and dewlap. These modern-day practices are identical to the images of cattle present in numerous Neolithic rock art scenes over widespread geographical areas. This present-day Turkana custom may facilitate a correct interpretation of prehistoric rock art and help to understand the systems of thoughts, values and aesthetic perceptions of long-vanished prehistoric pastoral societies. © 2018, The Author(s). Author keywords African rock artBrandingCattle modificationsEast African pastoralistHorn deformationsTurkana ISSN: 20417136 Source Type: Journal Original language: English DOI: 10.1186/s13570-017-0110-4 Document Type: Article Publisher: SpringerOpen References (85) View in search results format All View all 85 references 1 Abbink, J. Love and death of cattle: The paradox on Suri attitudes toward livestock (2003) Ethnos, 68, pp. 341-364. Cited 10 times. 2 Almagor, U. Name-oxen and ox-names among the Dassanetch of southwest Ethiopia (1972) Paideuma, 18, pp. 79-96. Cited 3 times. 3 Altenmüller, H. 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