
Saturday, 10 March 2018

Psychology's Feminist Voices based at York University launched a new blog: Standpoints

Toward the end of 2017 Psychology's Feminist Voices based at York University launched a new blog: Standpoints. The aim of Standpoints is to highlight the situated side of knowledge-making, to serve as a platform for the varied views of those working and thinking at the intersections of feminism, psychology, history, and science studies. Please have a look and consider subscribing. We feature a variety of different types of posts, including (but not limited to): Research Reflections – posts discussing and reflecting on feminist research. Lab Notes – posts taking you into the laboratories of feminist psychologists. Behind the Scenes – posts taking you behind the scenes of events, projects, and more. Connections – posts linking feminism, psychology, history with broader issues in the world today, including activist work. New posts appear on Standpoints twice a month and we are currently featuring an additional monthly post as part of special series on life in a contemporary feminist psychology laboratory. In addition to subscribing, with the new year upon us we are seeking additional contributors and would like to invite you and your students to write for the blog. Consider this an opportunity to share your work and insight with our extensive and diverse global audience of readers. Posts are generally in the 1,000 word range and we encourage the inclusion of media (photographs, video, etc.) whenever possible. You can explore our posts to date here. Please do be in touch if you are interested in writing for Standpoints and would like to discuss this opportunity further! Jacy Young, Standpoints Blog Editor Email: Alexandra Rutherford, Psychology's Feminist Voices Project Director Email: