Conference: Friday 27th September 2013
Is there a co-operative alternative to capitalism?
A short conference in association with:
Venue: Amnesty International HQ – London EC2A 3EA
Time: 12.00 noon to 7.30pm
An exciting day of talks and workshops with people contributing on subjects including:
Co-operatives, capitalism and climate change
Technology and open source co-operations
Making co-ops the dominant business model
Some excellent guest speakers including Ed Mayo (Secretary General – Co-operatives UK) and Hilary Wainwright (editor Red Pepper) are being invited.
Click on the cover to see the contents.
Places are limited, so to add yourself to the list of interested parties, please email with 'September conference' in the subject line. You'll receive a notification email when the formal booking process is up and running.
Full running order
Co-operatives, capitalism and climate change
12.00 noon to 1.00pm
Keynote Speakers:
- Rob Harrison (Editor - 'People over Profit')
- Paul Monaghan (Up the Ethics/Co-op Energy)
- John Restakis – to be confirmed - (author Humanising the Economy)
Comments and questions from the floor
1.00 - 2.00 Lunch
Technology and open source co-operation
2.00 - 3.00
- Nic Wistreich – chapter author People over Profit (Open source capitalism)
- Dave Boyle (Technology co-ops and co-operation)
Comments and questions from the floor
Workshops/Breakout Groups
3.00 - 4.00
- Co-ops and climate change
- Co-operation and open source
- International co-operatives
- Co-operatives and tax avoidance
- Making co-operatives the dominant business model
4.00 - 4.30 Tea
Is there a co-operative alternative to capitalism?
4.30 – 5.30
Closing speakers:
- Hilary Wainwright (editor Red Pepper)
- Ed Mayo (Secretary General – Co-operatives UK)
Book Launch and Drinks reception
5.30 - 7.00
Launch of 'People of Profit: The Co-operative Alternative to Capitalism' including short contributions from chapter authors.
For more information contact:
Is there a co-operative alternative to capitalism?
Friday September 27th 2013
At Amnesty International Human Rights Action Centre – London EC2A 3EA
A short conference in association with: (New Internationalist)