Volume 77, Issue 2, February 2014, Pages 191–194
Herbal preparations for the menopause: Beyond isoflavones and black cohosh
and alternative medicines (CAM) such as isoflavones and black cohosh
are commonly used to deal with menopausal symptoms, but benefit a
limited proportion of women. The aim of this minireview is to summarize
the evidence of the efficacy and safety of other herbal preparations.
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) find that the extracts of
Mediterranean pine bark (Pycnogenol®), linseed, and Lepididium meyenii (Maca) reduce vasomotor symptoms. The results of RCTs of the hop flavonoid 8-prenylnaringenin are conflicting. Animal and human studies suggest that Dioscorea villosa
(Wild yam),and Broccoli may protect against osteoporosis and breast and
gynecological cancers but further evidence is required. Linseed may
protect against breast cancer but the results are conflicting.
- Menopause;
- Treatment;
- Herbal medicine;
- Nutraceutical
1. Introduction
abrupt decrease of ovarian estrogen production at the menopause leads
to vasomotor hot flashes, cognitive and emotional instability, sleep
disturbance, urogenital atrophy and osteoporosis. Menopausal hormone
therapy (MHT) with estradiol is the most effective treatment for
menopausal complaints. However, many women prefer complementary or
alternative remedies such as herbal preparations or nutraceuticals,
which are perceived to be more natural than hormones and believed to be
safer. This trend has increased after publications regarding increased
breast cancer risk with combined estrogen/progestogen MHT. Soy extracts,
containing the isoflavones diadzeïn and genisteïn [1] are effective against vasomotor complaints in some women [2]. Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) is commonly used, but concerns have been raised about possible liver toxicity [3] ; [4].
review aims at analyzing the evidence of possible effectiveness
regarding menopausal symptoms and women's health of herbal preparations
beyond soy isoflavones and black cohosh. It is based on publications
from the last decade that were selected through PubMed.
1.1. Hop (Humulus lupulus)
Hop is a climbing plant of which the flower cones are an ingredient of many beers. The hop-flavonoid 8-prenylnaringenin
(8-PN) is a stronger estrogen than soy isoflavones. There is some
evidence that 8-PN may be efficacious against vasomotor complaints, but
two RCT's regarding menopausal symptoms come to conflicting conclusions.
Heyerick et al. [5]
recorded a statistically significant benefit of 8-PN during the first
12 weeks of intake, remaining present after 12 weeks, though not
significantly better than that of placebo. In contrast, Erkkola et al. [6]
did not find a significant advantage of 8-PN over placebo in the first
16 weeks of treatment, while after this time period the difference
became significant, as a result of the decreasing effect of placebo.
Prenylnaringenin reduces the malignant transformation of breast cancer cells in vitro, and the production of the oncogenic estrogen-O-quinone ( Fig. 1). However, the in vivo concentrations in breast tissue after daily oral intake of 100 μg per day may be insufficient to exert chemoprotection [7].
- Fig. 1.Estradiol (E2) and estrone (E1) are converted by the hydroxylase-enzymes into watersoluble hydroxy-estradiol/estrone. There are 3 different hydroxylases that act in the positions 2 or 4, or 16α of the estradiol/estrone molecules. The 16-α-hydroxy-estradiol/estrone (16α-OH-E1/E2) displays a strong estrogenic action, inducing cell division. These hydroxy-estrogens are considered genotoxic and cancerogenic. The 2- and 4-hydroxy-estrogens (2-OH-E1/E2, 4-OH-E1/E2) can be converted by the enzyme cathechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) into inactive metabolites. Or they may be converted by cytochrome P450 or peroxidase into their respective S-quinones (the 2,3 S-quinone for the 2-hydroxy E1/E2, and the 3,4 S-quinone for the 4-hydroxy E1/E2). These S-quinones are both oxidized by a non-enzymatic reaction under the influence of reactive oxygen species (ROS) into their corresponding O-quinones. Both O-quinones can either be inactivated by the enzyme glutathione-S-transferase into glutathione conjugates, which are devoid of estrogenic activity. Both these O-quinones can also bind to DNA. The binding of 2,3-O-quinone to DNA generates stable adducts which carry no risk. The binding of the 3,4-O-quinone of estradiol or estrone to DNA cause depurination of particular DNA-nucleotides. The resulting derivatives can induce strand breaks and mutations in the daughter cells that may be cancerogenic.
1.2. Vitex agnus-castus
The fruit-oil of Vitex agnus-castus
binds to the estrogen receptor, inducing expression of
estrogen-dependent genes, and it is commonly recommended for the
treatment of premenstrual syndrome. This substance may exert
dopaminergic action, but a favorable effect on menopausal symptoms has
not been shown, even when combined with Hypericum perforatum (St John's wort) [8].
1.3. Dioscorea villosa
Diosgenin, the saponin extracted from the Dioscorea villosa (wild yam), does not bind to the human estrogen or progesterone receptor in vitro
and cannot be converted in the human body to progesterone. Dioscorea
could theoretically be given to women who have been treated for breast
cancer, but safety data are required. When given as a cream, the effect
on menopausal symptoms was not statistically significant compared to
placebo [9]. Dioscorea was found to increase bone mineral density in ovariectomised rats [10],
but studies in humans are lacking. A study where 22 women were given
390 g of yam per day for 30 days found that urinary concentrations of
the genotoxic metabolite of estrogen, 16alpha-hydroxyestrone decreased
significantly by 37% suggesting the potential to reduce breast cancer
risk, but again clinical trial data are required [11] (Fig. 1).
1.4. Linseed or flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum)
extract is a major source of lignans that are metabolized by the
intestinal flora into the weakly active estrogens enterodiol and
enterolactone. In a RCT flaxseed meal and flaxseed extract were found to
be significantly, albeit moderately, effective against menopausal
symptoms [12]. Linseed extract increases the 2OH/16OH-estrogen ratio in urine to a greater extent than soy isoflavones [13].
It also inhibits intracellular aromatase activity, with less estradiol
being produced from the precursors testosterone and
dehydroepiandrosterone. Because of these effects, several publications
have suggested that the intake of linseed extracts may protect against
hormone-dependent breast cancer [14]. However, this could not be confirmed in a recent population study [15]
and a prospective cohort study reported that postmenopausal breast
cancer patients with high estimated enterolignans may have a better
survival [16].
Dietary lignans may have the potential to protect against cardiovascular risk but evidence in large clinical trials is required.
1.5. Maritime pine bark extract
The extract of (Mediterranean) pine bark (Pycnogenol®)
is a rich source of anthocyanidins, which are strong anti-oxidants, and
reduce inflammation by inhibiting both cyclo-oxygenase 1 and 2 (COX
1&2), and nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) [17]. In three independent trials Pycnogenol®
was found to significantly reduce vasomotor symptoms, and to improve
the quality of life of menopausal women compared to placebo or no
treatment [18]; [19] ; [20].
The pine bark extract was also reported to improve endothelial function
patients with coronary artery disease by reducing oxidative stress [21].
1.6. Cruciferous vegetables
is produced by the breakdown of the glucosinolate glucobrassicin, which
can be found at relatively high levels in cruciferous vegetables such
as Broccoli, cabbage and brussel sprouts. Two trials have suggested a
potential role in vulvar and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia [22] ; [23].
Broccoli extract contains phylloquinone (vitamin K(1)) which has been
reported to increase bone mineral density in postmenopausal women [24] and to slow the progression of coronary artery calcium deposits (CAC) in healthy older adults with preexisting CAC [25]. However there is no evidence that cruciferous vegetables improve menopausal symptoms.
1.7. Lepidium meyenii (Maca)
Maca (Lepidium meyenii),
an Andean plant of the brassica (mustard) family has been used for
centuries in the Andes to manage anemia, infertility and female hormone
balance. A systematic review found four RCTs that met all inclusion
criteria. These RCTs tested the effects of Maca on menopausal symptoms
in healthy perimenopausal, early postmenopausal, and late postmenopausal
women. Using the Kupperman Menopausal Index and the Greene Climacteric
Score, all RCTs demonstrated favorable effects of Maca. However, the
authors concluded that the total number of trials, the total sample
size, and the average methodological quality of the primary studies,
were too limited to draw firm conclusions. Furthermore, the safety has
not yet been proven [26].
2. Summary
and alternative remedies using herbal medicines have a limited place in
the treatment of menopausal complaints. They are used by women who are
reluctant or anxious to use estradiol, but are not as effective as
estrogen. Several plant extracts can alleviate vasomotor symptoms but
not all are superior to placebo. Their potential beneficial effect in
preventing osteoporosis remains to be proven. Some plant extracts may
have the potential to reduce the risk of gynecological cancers and
cardiovascular disease, but this needs evaluation in large clinical
trials. Safety needs to be assessed particularly regarding potential
herb–drug interactions.
3. Practice points
- •
- The extracts of Maritime pine bark, Maca, and flaxseed may improve vasomotor hot flashes but more clinical trials are required to draw firm conclusions.
- •
- In animal studies wild yam may protect against osteoporosis, but clinical trials in humans are required.
- •
- The effects on breast and gynecological cancer and cardiovascular disease need evaluation in clinical trials.
4. Research agenda
- •
- There is a need for long-term follow-up studies, either cohort or randomized trials, assessing the alleged health benefits of individual herbal preparations, or combinations of these.
- •
- Safety data and herb–drug/herb–herb interactions need evaluation.
Both authors have contributed equally to this manuscript.
Competing interests
No competing interests.
No funding.
Provenance and peer review
Not commissioned, externally peer reviewed.
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