
Sunday, 15 October 2017

Job Opening: Assistant Professor of Environmental Ethics New College of Florida

New College of Florida invites applications for a tenure-track position in Environmental Ethics to begin Fall 2018. We seek candidates specializing in Environmental Ethics. Areas of competence are open, but an ability to teach courses in other areas of applied ethics and/or Non-Western Philosophy, Comparative Philosophy, History of Science, or public policy are very welcome. This position will be part of a cluster hire in Sustainability Studies; some faculty may receive joint-appointments in their discipline and in Environmental Studies. Interest in environmental justice, community engagement, and readiness to teach students in our Environmental Studies program is especially desirable. This position is one of 15 new faculty lines for 2018, and part of an exciting multi-year campus-growth initiative funded by the State of Florida (see In addition, provide 1) a statement about teaching philosophy; 2) a statement regarding the candidate’s contributions or approaches to supporting an inclusive culture and learning environment; 3) 2 or 3 brief course proposals, preferably introductory and advanced. Applicants should arrange for letters of recommendation to be submitted by three references. Deadline: We will begin reviewing files on November 15, 2017. According to Florida law, applications and meetings regarding applications are open to the public upon request. Applicants who need reasonable accommodations in order to participate in the selection process must notify the chair of the search committee 48 hours in advance of a meeting. New College is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access Institution. For further information contact Chair of the Search, Professor April Flakne at