Available online 29 July 2015
Profiles of phenolics, carotenoids and antioxidative capacities of thermal processed white, yellow, orange and purple sweet potatoes grown in Guilin, China
- Open Access funded by Beijing Academy of Food Sciences
- Under a Creative Commons license
objectives of this study were to systematically compare phenolic
profiles, carotenoids profiles and antioxidant activities of raw and
cooked sweet potatoes of five varieties (white, yellow, orange, light
purple and deep purple). Total phenolic content (TPC), monomeric
anthocyanin content (MAC), total carotenoid content (TCC),
2-diohenyl-1-picryhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging capacities and
ferric reducing antioxidant powder (FRAP) were determined by
colorimetric methods. Higher anthocyanin contents and antioxidant
capacities were detected in purple sweet potato species, while higher
carotenoid contents were detected in yellow and orange sweet potato. All
cooked sweet potato exhibited significantly (p < 0.05)
lower TPC, MAC, TCC, DPPH and FRAP values as compared to the respective
raw samples. Under the same cooking time, steaming was good for the
retention of TPC, roasting was good for keeping anthocyanins, and
boiling was beneficial to preserve carotenoids.
- sweet potato;
- processing;
- phenolics;
- carotenoids;
- antioxidant capacities
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- Deep-purple sweet potato exhibited greater phenolics and antioxidants than others.
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- Yellow and orange sweet potatoes possessed higher carotenoids than others.
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- Different processing methods significantly degraded antioxidants.
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- Cooked sweet potato exhibited lower bioactive substances and antioxidants.
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- Consumer may obtain bioactive substances by choosing cooking ways.
1. Introduction
Sweet potato is a crop with rich nutritional values including carbohydrates, dietary fibers, vitamins, and minerals [1].
Currently, it is the sixth most popular and abundant staple food
worldwide. It plays an important role in solving the issues of food,
energy, natural resources and environment. Four commonly available
colored sweet potato species in China are white, yellow, orange, and
purple, which have completely different chemical compositions.
major bioactive substances in purple sweet potato are phenolics and
anthocyanins. Phenolics are the antioxidant molecules with at least one
aromatic ring and one or more hydroxyl groups [2].
Anthocyanins, are a group of water-soluble flavonoids. As the
predominant pigments and functional phenolics in purple sweet potato,
anthocyanins are the naturally strong free-radical scavengers, which
provide many pharmaceutical values including anti-oxidation, anti-tumor
capacities, and prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. In
yellow or orange sweet potato species, carotenoids (such as β-carotene) act as the primary pigment molecule [3] as well as the source of provitamin A, which shows vitamin A activity [4]. Carotenoids have strong antioxidant capacity to scavenge free radicals because of their conjugated double bonds [5].
sweet potato is cooked, either by boiling, steaming or roasting, before
consumption. Such thermal processing can cause impairment of the
functional compounds of sweet potato. There have been reports of
negative correlation between heat treatments (steaming and baking) and
some bioactive substances, such as anthocyanins. Carvalho et al. [6] reported a dramatic decrease in both total carotenoid and β-carotene contents of sweet cassava after cooking.
the benefits of sweet potato are widely established through numerous
studies, there is limited information about how their functional
components (e.g., phenolic substances, carotenoids), and antioxidant
capacities are affected by different home-cooking ways. In the present
study, we investigated the changes in total phenolic content (TPC),
monomeric anthocyanin content (MAC) and total carotenoid content (TCC),
as well as antioxidant capacities (DPPH and FRAP) of five species of
sweet potato after three types of ordinary thermal processing, such as
boiling, steaming and roasting with a view to understand detail changes
in the functional compositions of different chemical constituents.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Chemicals and reagents
reagent, 2-diohenyl-1-picryhydrazyl (DPPH), and 2, 4, 6-tri
(2-pyridyl)-s-triazine (TPTZ) were purchased from Shanghai Yuanye
Biological Technology Co., Ltd (Shanghai, China). The 6-hydroxy-2, 5, 7,
8-tetramethlchroman -2-carboxylic acid (Trolox) was obtained from
Sigma-Aldrich Co. (Shanghai, China). Absolute ethanol was obtained from
Tianjin Fuyu Fine Chemical Co., Ltd. Other chemical reagents were
supplied by Tianjin Damao Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd. (Tianjin, China).
All chemicals were analytical grade unless specially mentioned.
2.2. Sweet potato samples
Five species of sweet potatoes were sampled, including light purple, yellow, white, orange, and deep purple (shown in Fig. 1. and Table 1). All of them were cultivated in Guilin Agricultural Research Institute in Guilin of Guangxi Province (China) in 2013.
- Table 1. Physical characteristics and origin information of five varieties of sweet potatoes.
Code Species Color of flesh Geographical location 1 Gui 04-53 Light purple Guilin Agricultural Research Institute of Guangxi Province, China 2 Gui 09-75 Yellow 3 Guishu #2 White 4 Guineng 05-6 Orange 5 Guijingshu 09-7 Deep purple
2.3. Cooking approaches and cooking time
thermal processes were performed for sweet potatoes with five species
(light purple, yellow, white, orange and deep purple). All sweet potato
samples were not peeled before and during heat treatment. After cooking,
they were peeled. Boiling, steaming and roasting processes imitated
cooking methods at home as far as possible.
the boiling treatment, about 130 g of sweet potato was added to 650 mL
tap water (sample/water - 1:5, w/v). The water was heated to its boiling
point before being added to the different kinds of sweet potatoes, and
then cooked in the electric hot plate cooker for about 30 min. For the
steaming process, approximately 130 g sweet potato was placed in a steam
cooker, in which one liter tap water was filled. Steaming was conducted
for about 30 min after the water generated steam. For the roasting
process, an electric oven (Galanz, China) was applied to preheat to
230 °C. After that, about 130 grams of sweet potato was placed in the
oven and roasted for 30 min at 230 °C.
samples (including non-cooked and cooked) were lyophilized by
freeze-dryer (Labconco Corporation, Kansas City, MO, U.S.A.), and then
sweet potato samples were ground by a grinder (Beijing Zhongxing Weiye
Instrument Co., LTD). Ultimately, sweet potato powder were passed
through 80 # mesh and stored at 4 °C in a refrigerator (Dukers) for
further studies.