PLoS One. 2016; 11(3): e0151483.
Published online 2016 Mar 15. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0151483
PMCID: PMC4792457
Relative Preference and Localized Food Affect Predator Space Use and Consumption of Incidental Prey
Tyler E. Schartel1,3,* and Eric M. Schauber1,2
Antoni Margalida, Editor
This article has been cited by other articles in PMC.
localized foods can concentrate predators and their foraging efforts,
thus altering both the spatial distribution of predation risk and
predator preferences for prey that are encountered incidentally.
However, few investigations have quantified the spatial scale over which
localized foods affect predator foraging behavior and consumption of
incidental prey. In spring 2010, we experimentally tested how
point-source foods altered how generalist predators (white-footed mice, Peromyscus leucopus) utilized space and depredated two incidental prey items: almonds (Prunus dulcis; highly profitable) and maple seeds (Acer saccharum;
less profitable). We estimated mouse population densities with trapping
webs, quantified mouse consumption rates of these incidental prey
items, and measured local mouse activity with track plates. We predicted
that 1) mouse activity would be elevated near full feeders, but
depressed at intermediate distances from the feeder, 2) consumption of
both incidental prey would be high near feeders providing less-preferred
food and, 3) consumption of incidental prey would be contingent on
predator preference for prey relative to feeders providing
more-preferred food. Mouse densities increased significantly from pre-
to post-experiment. Mean mouse activity was unexpectedly greatest in
control treatments, particularly <15 m from the control (empty)
feeder. Feeders with highly preferred food (sunflower seeds) created
localized refuges for incidental prey at intermediate distances (15 to
25m) from the feeder. Feeders with less-preferred food (corn) generated
localized high risk for highly preferred almonds <10 m of the feeder.
Our findings highlight the contingent but predictable effects of
locally abundant food on risk experienced by incidental prey, which can
be positive or negative depending on both spatial proximity and relative
foraging behaviors, and the resulting distribution of predation risk
within a landscape, are influenced by what prey are available and where
they are located. Optimal foraging theory provides a framework for
predicting predator choice of prey on the basis of energetic
profitability [1], as well as the spatial distribution of predator foraging efforts in relation to local prey availability [2, 3].
Increased abundance of generalist predators, which are numerically
decoupled from the abundance of some prey, can increase the likelihood
of localized extinction for sparse or rare prey items [4].
These sparse or rare items are especially vulnerable when encountered
and consumed opportunistically as incidental prey while predators forage
for primary, or locally abundant, foods [5]. Abundant food sources can supplement predator diets [6–9] elevate predator densities [10, 11], and influence generalist foraging strategies and space use [12, 13],
suggesting that the distribution of primary food resources may play a
crucial role in determining local risk to incidental prey.
have identified several scenarios whereby primary prey can influence
the impacts of generalist predators on incidental prey. Primary prey
sources can, when abundant, reduce predation risk for incidentally
encountered and less-preferred prey items [14–19]. Alternatively, abundant primary prey can increase local predator densities through aggregative and numerical responses [20, 21],
producing apparent competition that increases local predation rates on
incidental prey that are preferred or highly vulnerable [22–24]. For example, deer feeders dispensing corn (Zea mays) spatially concentrate foraging by raccoons (Procyon lotor), increasing predation risk for nearby nests of wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopova) and turtles [25, 26].
On the other hand, locally abundant food also can draw predators away
from opportunistically consumed prey items like waterfowl nests located
in different areas [27].
disparities in indirect effects of primary prey on incidental prey via a
shared predator may be explained by the spatial scales at which
predators are active and the preference ranking of available foods.
However, few investigations have attempted to quantify the spatial scale
at which spatially concentrated foods influence predator activity and
foraging behavior. Optimally foraging generalists should preferentially
consume the most profitable prey items available [28],
so the relative profitability of abundant prey will determine (at least
in part) whether incidental prey are consumed or disregarded. This
reasoning raises a series of questions: (1) at what spatial scale do
localized, abundant food sources influence predator space use and
foraging behavior, (2) how do abundant food sources influence predator
preference for other prey items, and (3) how does the profitability of
abundant food influence consumption rates on incidental prey of
differing profitability? To answer these questions, we provided
abundant, localized food sources of differing profitability in order to
manipulate predator space use and foraging behavior. We then quantified
both predator activity and consumption rates on two incidental prey
items of differing nutritional content relative to these localized food
The white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) is an ideal predator for this investigation because of its generalist diet and small home range size (~0.1 ha; [29, 30]). Distributed widely across North America, the white-footed mouse consumes fruits and fungi [29, 31], and is an important predator of tree seeds [32–34]. White-footed mice are also noted predators of gypsy moth pupae (Lymantria dispar; [35–37]) and songbird eggs and fledglings [18, 38–40].
Abundant food sources may influence predation risk to white-footed
mouse prey by concentrating mouse space use and altering mouse
preference for prey items relative to what prey are available [34]. For example, highly preferred foods such as sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus) may decrease predation on less-preferred incidental prey items (e.g., gypsy moth pupae; [41]).
In addition, a locally abundant food source may draw mice away from
areas farther away from this food source, generating refugia.
investigation aims to quantify and compare spatial patterns of
white-footed mouse foraging behavior and activity with spatial patterns
of predation risk to and consumption of incidental prey. In particular,
we evaluate how localized and abundant, highly and less-preferred food
resources affect and potentially generate discrepancies between patterns
of mouse activity and consumption of incidental prey. We hypothesized
that mice would forage for and consume incidental prey in a manner
consistent with optimal foraging theory. It follows that we should
expect the presence of a more-preferred food to cause mismatches in the
spatial patterns of incidental prey consumption and mouse activity,
especially near the food source. Given that white-footed mice are
important predators of tree seeds, we used almonds (Prunus dulcis) and sugar maple seeds (Acer saccharum)
as incidental prey. While not naturally occurring in this system, the
nutritional profile of almonds (by weight; 24.9 kJ/g, 2.6% water, 22.1%
protein, 52.8% lipids, 19.3% carbohydrates, [42])
suggest these seeds should be preferentially consumed relative to sugar
maple seeds (by weight; 20.2 kJ/g). Sugar maple seeds have also been
demonstrated to be consumed by white-footed mice with intermediate
preference relative to other prey items [32, 34].
Abundant foods can cause consumers to become more selective, so
alterations to mouse preferences for and consumption of incidental prey
(maple seeds) may demonstrate the potential for effects on tree
recruitment rates and plant diversity at scales consistent with mouse
foraging [43].
In addition, these incidental prey items can be considered substitutes
for other sessile prey of white-footed mice (e.g., gypsy moth pupae and
songbird nests), so alterations to mouse preference for tree seeds may
be indicative of similar potential effects on gypsy moth and songbird
recruitment. We evaluate if abundant food sources influence local mouse
densities, and thus mouse activity, space use, and foraging behavior.
Finally, we discuss how heterogeneity in predation risk ultimately
impacts the existence of refugia and the ability of incidental prey
populations to exploit these areas of decreased risk. Specifically, we
tested the following a priori predictions (Fig 1):
Predictions regarding the effects of abundant food on mouse space use, activity, and incidental prey consumption.
- white-footed mouse space use and activity would be concentrated by supplemental food sources, especially around highly preferred food sources (sunflower seeds, Fig 1A).
- white-footed mouse space use and activity would be decreased at intermediate distances from the feeder (15–25 m) due to activity being concentrated around the feeder (Fig 1A).
- white-footed mouse consumption of all incidental prey would be high close to, and decrease with distance from, feeders providing less- preferred food (corn; Fig 1B and 1C).
- white-footed mouse consumption of highly preferred prey (almonds) would be high close to, but decrease with distance from, feeders providing highly preferred food (sunflower seeds; Fig 1B).
- white-footed mouse consumption of less-preferred prey (maple seeds) would be low close to, but increase with distance from, feeders providing highly preferred food (sunflower seeds; Fig 1C).
Study site and experimental plot design
research had the approval of Southern Illinois University Carbondale's
IACUC.The relevant animal care protocol # was 07–053. We conducted this
investigation in spring 2010 at Southern Illinois University’s Touch of
Nature Environmental Center, approximately 13 km south of Carbondale,
Illinois, USA. Land surveys found dominant overstory species included
white oak (Quercus alba), black oak (Quercus velutina), hickory (Carya spp.), and northern red oak (Quercus rubra; [44]). Noted prominent understory species including eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis), flowering dogwood (Cornus florida), and rusty black-haw (Viburnum rufidulum; [45]), however non-natives including wild rose (Rosa multiflora) and Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) have invaded the forest interior [46].
employed a 3-treatment (supplemental sunflower seeds, supplemental
corn, or empty feeder control) crossover design with 6 plots as
experimental units. Each plot contained concentric rings with radii of
5, 10, 15, 25 and 40 m centered on a feeder (0 m), as well as 8 radial
trapping transects oriented along cardinal and secondary compass
directions. All plots were spaced ≥ 100 m apart edge to edge, as well as
≥ 100 m from the forest edge. Each treatment was applied to a plot
during a 2-week period, separated from other treatments by a 1-week
recovery period. Small mammal population densities were estimated by
live-trapping at the beginning and end of the experiment.
feeder on each plot was constructed from a galvanized steel trash can
(117 L) and lid. Four, 4-cm holes were drilled in the bottom of each can
and 3.8-cm diameter polyvinyl chloride (PVC) tubes were inserted to
minimize food loss and allow rodents to enter while excluding larger
animals. Empty feeders served as control treatments, whereas ad libidum
sunflower seeds and cracked corn were used as supplemental food sources
(by weight: dried sunflower seed kernels: 24.4 kJ/g, 1.2% water, 19.3%
protein, 49.8% lipids, 24.0% carbohydrates; cracked yellow corn: 15.3
kJ/g, 10.4% water, 9.4% protein, 4.7% lipids, 74.3% carbohydrates, [42]).
We predicted that sunflower seeds would be highly preferred food and
cracked corn would be less-preferred based on their respective energy
densities and because P. leucopus appears to prefer foods that are energy-rich and approximately 15% protein (sunflower seeds, [47]).
Each plot received a separate 2-week trial for each of the 3 food
treatments (sunflower, corn, or empty) provided in the periods of 12–23
April, 3–14 May, and 24 May–4 June. The 6 possible food trial sequences
(e.g., corn, empty, sunflower) were randomly assigned to the 6 plots.
Food was removed at the end of each trial (i.e., feeder empty during the
recovery period between trials) and the feeder was either refilled with
another food treatment or left empty (control) at the start of the
following period.
Abundant food
sources can spatially concentrate predators, thereby increasing local
predator densities and foraging efforts. We used trapping webs [48]
to estimate pre- and post-experiment mouse densities. Paired Sherman
live-traps (Model LFA; H. B. Sherman Traps, Inc., Tallahassee, Florida)
were placed next to the feeder and along 8 trapping transects at each
ring distance (5, 10, 15, 25, and 40 m), giving a total of 82 traps per
plot. Each pair of traps was covered with a wood board to provide
shelter against environmental conditions. Traps on all plots were baited
with oats, provisioned with cotton bedding, and opened at ca. 1600 hr
Sunday through Thursday in 2 consecutive weeks pre- (29 March–9 April)
and post-experiment (7–18 June). Traps were checked and closed the
following mornings at ca. 0800 hr. Each captured animal was marked with a
Monel ear tag in each ear, examined to determine sex, reproductive
condition, and age, then immediately released. Traps were not set or
baited during the period when supplemental food or incidental prey were
Quantifying rodent activity and consumption of incidental prey
Mouse activity was quantified using track plates, consisting of graphite-coated acetate sheets affixed to aluminum flashing [49, 50].
Rings at distances of 0, 5, 10, 15, 25 and 40 m received 4, 4, 8, 12,
20, and 32 track plates uniformly spaced, respectively, for a total of
80 track plates per plot. Track plates were monitored 4–5 times in each
2-week feeding trial at intervals of 1, 2, or 4 days (depending on day
of plate deployment and accounting for weekends). All plates were
closely inspected for the presence of tracks and, if present, tracks
were identified to species. Tracked plates were marked to prevent double
counting and replaced when tracks covered > 25% of the plate.
incidental prey items (almonds and sugar maple seeds) were prepared for
field deployment by embedding them in unscented beeswax (Strahl and
Pitsch Inc., West Babylon, New York, USA) on pieces of burlap [51].
This method of preparation required predators to expend some effort in
consuming the prey items and to leave marks that could be used to
identify the predator responsible for the depredation event. Burlap was
cut into 4- x 4-cm squares and then double coated with beeswax. Short
(1.3 cm) segments of 1.9-cm diameter PVC pipe, lightly coated with
mineral oil, served as molds. A whole almond was placed inside a mold on
a pre-waxed burlap square, and the mold was filled with molten beeswax
until most of the almond was encased by wax. The wax was allowed to cool
and the PVC mold was removed, leaving the almond affixed to the burlap.
Maple seeds were affixed individually to burlap by spooning molten wax
over the seed wing. All prey items were handled with latex gloves for
the entirety of their preparation and deployment.
schedule for incidental prey deployment was the same as that for food
treatments and track plates. Rings at distances of 0, 5, 10, 15, 25, and
40 m received 4, 4, 8, 8, 12, and 12 of each incidental prey item,
respectively, for a total of 96 prey items per plot. We deployed
incidental prey items at random compass bearings within each ring,
staking each into the ground using a bamboo skewer, and monitored them
every 1, 2, or 4 days (same as for track plates) for each 2-week food
trial. The presence or absence of each prey item was noted and, if
depredated, the item was closely inspected for tooth-marks, pattern of
damage, and the presence of scat. Consumption events were typically
attributed to mice or raccoons based on tooth-marks or scat. Marks that
were not distinctly mouse or raccoon were either discarded from future
analyses or grouped together into an “unknown” predator category. If the
item was present and intact, it was left in place. Each depredated item
was replaced with a new prey item at a new random bearing within the
same ring to avoid predators learning to return to sites of previous
Data analysis
Live-trapping data from each trapping session and plot were analyzed using program DISTANCE to estimate mouse densities [48]
before and after the experiment. We used program DISTANCE to evaluate a
variety of detectability functions created using all possible
combinations of key functions (half-normal, uniform, and hazard rate)
and adjustment factors (cosine, simple polynomial, and hermite
polynomial). Akaike’s Information Criterion for small samples (AICc)
was used to select the combination of key function and adjustment term
which best balanced bias and variance, and to weight models for
model-averaged density estimates [52].
We used a paired t-test to test whether model-averaged estimates of
mouse density differed between pre- and post-experiment periods.
We conducted mixed-model logistic regression (PROC GLIMMIX; [53])
to test for main and interactive effects of treatment and distance on
mouse activity (presence vs. absence of new mouse tracks on a plate
during a check) and consumption of prey items (almonds or maple seeds;
attacked vs. not attacked during a check), after accounting for period
and varying intervals between checks. Plot was the experimental subject
with random intercept, to account for non-independence of data from each
plot, and food treatment, distance from the feeder, interval since the
last check (1, 2, or 4 days), sampling period (first, second, or third),
and the interaction of distance and food treatment were used as
categorical explanatory variables. We tested for an interaction of
distance and food treatment based on our predictions that different food
treatments would produce different patterns of track activity or prey
consumption at varying distances from the feeder. When this interaction
was significant (α = 0.05), we used mixed-model logistic regression to
test for a treatment effect separately for each distance from the
feeder, again accounting for sampling period and the interval since the
last check, and also to test for trends in track activity versus
distance (continuous) from the feeder separately for each food treatment
after accounting for interval since last check (some analyses including
period failed to converge). We also analyzed consumption rates
separately for mouse-only and mouse+unknown predator groups. All raw
data pertaining to small mammal trapping, predator activity and space
use, and consumption of incidental prey items have been deposited at
Dryad, DOI: 10.5061/dryad.f8rm5
captured 166 mice a total of 483 times over 10 332 trap nights. Our
trapping web data lent the most support to a half-normal, cosine
detectability function from both pre- and post-experiment trapping
sessions, but considerable support remained for 2 alternative functions
in each period (Table 1).
Model-averaged estimates of pre-experiment densities ranged from 1.9 to
4.0 mice/ha (mean = 3.05 mice/ha) and increased 123% to 216% (Paired t test: t5 = -3.04, P = 0.014) to post-experiment estimates of 3.8 to 10.3 mice/ha (mean = 5.65 mice/ha; Table 1).
We found significant interactive effects of treatment and distance on mouse track activity (Table 2),
as expected, but activity patterns deviated from our first two
predictions. We had predicted that track activity would increase near
the feeder when food was provided (Fig 1A), but mean track activity was greatest near the feeder in control (empty) treatments (Fig 2).
Track activity declined with distance in each treatment separately, but
more strongly in control (β ± SE = -0.012 ± 0.0034) than in corn
(-0.0076 ± 0.0037) or sunflower (-0.0085 ± 0.0037) treatments. Elevated
mouse activity near control feeders could result if mice had learned to
associate the feeder with food or if the feeder still smelled of food,
but mouse activity was actually greatest near the feeder in plots where
the control treatment occurred first—i.e., when the feeder was clean and
empty (Fig 3).
In contrast, mouse activity around control feeders in period 3 was
comparable to activity observed around corn/sunflower treatments in the
same experimental period. Thus, providing food reduced the degree to
which activity near the feeder was elevated relative to control
treatments, at least early in the experiment.
Estimated mouse track activity (tracked plates per plate-check) by distance from feeder in 3 food treatments.
Period-specific, estimated mouse track activity (tracked plates per plate-check) by distance from the feeder.
Results of mixed-model logistic regression analysis of the frequency of plates tracked vs. study parameters.
total of 2971 almonds and 1527 maple seeds were attacked by predators.
For almonds, 39% of attacks were attributable to mice, 6% to raccoons,
and 54% unknown. Only 4 almond consumption events were attributed to
predators other than mice or raccoons. These 4 events were removed from
future analyses. Few attacks on maple seeds were confidently attributed
to either mice (5%) or raccoons (1%), so the remainder of attacks (94%)
were grouped together and attributed to unknown predators. As a result
of small sample size, analysis of mouse-only consumption of maple seeds
failed to converge.
Overall mean consumption
rates of both almonds and maple seeds were greatest in control
treatments and tended to be lowest in sunflower treatments (Fig 4). Consumption rates also generally increased from period 1 to period 3 (Table 3).
We found significant distance×treatment interactions for mouse-only
almond consumption and maple seed consumption by mouse+unknown
predators, but not for almond consumption by mouse+unknown predators (Table 3). Consumption of both almonds and maple seeds was reduced near feeders filled with sunflower seeds (Fig 4).
Quantitatively, however, the reduction in consumption rates was much
greater for maple seeds: estimated consumption rates by mouse+unknown
predators (based on least-squares means to correct for period and
interval since last check) in the immediate vicinity of feeders with
sunflower seeds were 6% for maple seed versus 59% for almonds (Fig 4).
Mean (±SE) consumption of incidental prey by mouse-only (PL only) and mouse and unspecified predators (PL + unknown).
The distribution and abundance of food can influence predator space use and foraging efforts [12, 13],
indirectly influencing risk to other prey. Predators can become
spatially concentrated by abundant localized food sources, and the
consequences of such "hot spots" of predator activity for incidental
prey differ depending on preference ranking: elevated risk to highly
preferred incidental prey but a zone of safety for less-preferred prey [54–56].
Within this context, we sought to compare spatial patterns of mouse
activity and consumption of incidental prey items. We evaluated these
spatial patterns, and discrepancies between them, relative to the
presence or absence of supplemental foods. On this basis, we predicted
that providing abundant localized food would 1) concentrate mouse space
use near the feeder and 2) potentially depress mouse activity at
intermediate distances (out to the diameter of a mouse home range).
Instead, track activity was slightly elevated close to the feeder (<
15 m) in both food treatments, but was strongly (and unexpectedly)
elevated near control (empty) feeders. This elevated mouse activity
around empty, control feeders is most consistent with the initial
novelty of the feeder, as the relative response was strongest during the
first experimental period when clean feeders were provided in control
treatments and mice had no prior experience with them. Alternatively,
elevated activity around control feeders may reflect mice seeking
shelter or frustrated foraging attempts by mice that had learned in
previous experimental periods to associate the metal cans with food, but
these hypotheses are countered by the empty feeder effect being weakest
in the third experimental period.
We did observe
elevated mouse activity near the filled feeders, which represents a
combined effect of both the feeder itself and the provided food.
Relative to control treatments, the presence of food in the feeder
appeared to reduce the degree to which activity near the feeder was
elevated, which was unexpected. We see two potential explanations for
this unexpected effect of food: either corn and sunflower seeds reduced
the attractiveness of feeders (relative to empty feeders) or it altered
the behavior of mice in the vicinity of the feeder. White-footed mice
are largely granivorous, so the first explanation merits little
consideration. And, filled feeders had the same design to exclude larger
animals as empty ones, so they provided shelter as well. Instead, we
argue the net reduction in local mouse activity around filled feeders
(relative to controls) likely indicates that mice responded to abundant
food by shifting their foraging from the area around the feeder to
inside the feeder itself. Elevated food availability can reduce foraging
activity in general and can reduce the amount of space that is
intensively foraged by increasing giving up densities [5, 57–59].
The presence of reliable food in a specific location would be expected
to particularly decrease the benefits of foraging elsewhere.
our second prediction, we did not observe a general pattern of
depressed track activity at intermediate distances from either filled or
empty feeders. This lack of result is likely related to the difference
in spatial areas: for example, the annulus between radii of 10 and 25 m
has an area 21 times larger than the circular area within 5 m of the
feeder. Thus, the shift of a fixed amount of mouse activity from the
annulus to the circle would cause an increase in activity density near
the center 21 times greater than the corresponding decrease in the
annulus. Such a subtle decrease in activity is likely to require very
high sample size to reliably detect. However, even subtle modifications
in predator activity, and thus predation risk, over large areas can
disproportionately increase prey survival rates. Concentrating predation
risk in space generally increases overall survival of relatively
sessile prey because depletion of prey in high-risk areas quickly
generates a negative spatial correlation between prey abundance and risk
[60, 61]. Jensen's inequality [62]
further amplifies the influence of a modest reduction in risk over a
large area, because probability of survival over an extended period is a
convex (exponential) function of daily survival rates. For example, if
daily survival averages 0.9 but varies among individuals (0.6 for one
individual, 0.93 for 10 others), overall survival over 10 days exceeds
the value expected from the average daily rate: 0.910 = 0.35 versus [0.610 + 10*0.9310]/11
= 0.44. This subtle but potentially important reduction in risk is an
important consideration when interpreting results showing elevated risk
of generalist predation near artificial food sources [56, 63, 64].
of the cause of spatial variations in mouse activity, we expected that
consumption rates of incidental prey would reflect the local risk of
discovery, as indicated by mouse activity, mediated by predator
preference for these prey relative to the provided food treatment. Based
on these expectations, our third prediction was that consumption rates
for both incidental prey items would be elevated near feeders providing a
less-preferred food (corn). This prediction was partially supported for
almonds but not for maple seeds. On the other hand, sunflower seeds
have higher energy density and protein content than corn, so we
predicted that feeders providing sunflower seeds would elevate local
consumption of almonds but depress consumption of less-preferred maple
seeds. However, consumption of both almonds and maple seeds was
depressed near feeders providing sunflower seeds. Taken together, these
deviations from our predictions regarding consumption rates imply that
the incidental prey items we deployed were consistently devalued
relative to the food provided in feeders. Incidental prey may be
devalued by handling time cost imposed by seeds being embedded in wax.
However, predation by small mammals (mainly white-footed mice) was much
greater for freeze-dried gypsy moth pupae affixed to burlap with beeswax
than for naturally occurring gypsy moth pupae at the same microsites
and times [65],
so wax and burlap do not appear to deter these predators. A more
promising explanation is that mice found both food and safety within our
feeders, such that food items deployed in the open incurred foraging
costs due to risks of attack by the rodents' own predators [66].
We also suggest that our results regarding consumption rates on maple
seeds should be interpreted with caution. Identifying maple seed
predators was impeded because identifying marks (tooth-marks and scat)
were rare—this problem stemmed from embedding the seed wing rather than
the whole seed in wax. As a result, low sample size of the mouse-only
predation events prevented model convergence. Given that confirmed mouse
attacks made up 42% of mouse+unknown attacks on deployed almonds, we
argue that patterns in attacks by the mouse+unknown predator group
likely are driven by patterns in risk of attack by mice. Our results
appear to show that predation risk to almonds increased more in
proximity to feeders providing corn than track activity did, whereas we
had predicted that predation risk to highly preferred prey should show a
similar spatial pattern of track activity. This difference was not
great, given the imprecision of the estimates, but if this mismatch is
real it suggests our track plates may not have faithfully represented
mouse activity in food treatments. Mice provisioned with abundant food
sources may have spent more time foraging in a directed manner (i.e.,
right at the feeder) rather than searching across larger spatial scales [39, 67].
Consequently, track activity may have underestimated actual foraging
intensity near abundant food sources. This highly directed foraging
activity near the feeder, and decreased time spent foraging for other
prey, could manifest as increased dietary selectivity for the provided
food and decreased consumption rates of incidental prey.
findings of this study may be applied to other generalist consumers and
their prey (seeds and animals). Abundant food sources can decrease
rodent predator activity levels [57, 58], influence site selection [5, 59] and result in less uniform distributions across small-scale habitats [31].
However, the spatial scale of this mechanism is poorly understood. We
found that abundant food slightly elevated mouse space use and activity
at distances ≤ 10 m, and in turn, predation risk to incidental prey at
these distances. The concentrative effect of abundant food was less than
predicted, indicating that providing food may not generate refugia for
prey by displacing mouse activity and decreasing consumption rates on
incidental prey away from the feeder. In general, rodent diet selection
and space use can be influenced by the abundance and profitability of
food sources; fox squirrels (Sciurus niger) over-utilized poor-quality habitat patches [68] and decreased diet selectivity when the abundance of food sources was increased [69].
Differences in incidental prey consumption between food treatments
indicated that the palatability and profitability of an incidental prey
item relative to that of an abundant food source can influence
incidental prey consumption. In addition, the distance of the incidental
prey item from the food source may contribute to determining whether
incidental prey are consumed or disregarded, especially if these prey
items are located near the food source. Conversely, removal or depletion
of food sources may force predators to increase the rate and spatial
scale of their foraging efforts, thereby potentially decreasing
encounter and consumption rates on incidental prey. However, we found
evidence that the absence of food resulted in higher mean activity
levels and that this increased activity coincided with increased
consumption of both incidental prey items, including less-profitable
maple seeds.
The results of this
investigation may be broadly applied to predator and prey interactions.
Optimal foraging theory provides a general predictive framework for
predator foraging behavior and choice of prey. However, generalist
predators can deviate from optimal expectations by altering their space
use and consuming suboptimal prey. Large predatory mammals, like African
lions (Panthera leo), deviated from optimal foraging
expectations by choosing suboptimal prey based on prey group size, prey
distance from the hunting group, and prey group composition [70].
Avian consumers, when concentrated by bird feeders, became more
selective and increased localized predation on incidental prey [56].
Differential space use and consumption of prey by predators suggests
practical management implications for invasive, endangered, and game
species. Our results suggest that providing abundant food sources near
areas of high pest densities may encourage predators to aggregate and
increase consumption rates on these incidental prey, provided the pest
species is more profitable than the provided food.
authors would like to thank Southern Illinois University’s Touch of
Nature Environmental Center for granting permission to conduct this
investigation on its property. We are grateful to S. Bergeson, K.
Chapman, K. Hofer, K. Hoffman, and N. Starzynski for their assistance
with data collection. We also thank the reviewers of this manuscript for
their comments and suggestions.
Funding Statement
The research described in this manuscript was supported by the National Science Foundation ( under Grant No. 0743759. This grant was authored by and awarded to EMS. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Data Availability
raw data pertaining to small mammal trapping, predator activity and
space use, and consumption of incidental prey items are available from
the Dryad database (DOI:10.5061/dryad.f8rm5).
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