
Saturday, 15 April 2017

Herbal Tea Mixture with Echinacea Found to Contain Atropine and Scopolamine

The Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority (CAFIA) has reported two cases of herbal tea mixtures that were adulterated with atropine and scopolamine. The first product, Loyd’s mint with rosehip and cranberry tea (manufactured by Mokate S.A., Ustroń, Poland), contained 206.4 μg/g atropine and 31.7 μg/g scopolamine.1 The second case involved an herbal tea mixture with echinacea.2,3 Measured concentrations of atropine and scopolamine were 72 μg/g and 23 μg/g, respectively. While the CAFIA has not released details of the case yet, an earlier investigation by a reporter detected the two alkaloids in a sample of Babička Růženka’s echinacea with seven herbs tea (also manufactured by Mokate S.A.).3 The reason for the presence of these alkaloids is unclear, but contamination during harvest or manufacturing is possible. Both products were withdrawn from the market. To our knowledge, no adverse events were reported from people drinking these herbal teas.

1.     Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF). Brussels, Belgium, European Commission. Available at: Accessed March 3, 2017.
2.     Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF). Brussels, Belgium, European Commission. Available at: Accessed March 3, 2017.
3.     Tuna J. Šok! Velký test odhalil v čajích proti nachlazení pesticidy a toxický plevel [Shock! The big test revealed pesticides and toxic weeds in tea for colds]. Zena In (online). Published November 29, 2016. Available at: Accessed March 3, 2017.