Front Microbiol. 2014; 5: 282.
Published online 2014 Jun 17. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00282
PMCID: PMC4060556
Moussa S. Diarra1 and François Malouin2,*
1Pacific Agri-Food Research Center, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Agassiz, BC, Canada
de Biologie, Faculté des Sciences, Centre d'Étude et de Valorisation de
la Diversité Microbienne, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC,
Edited by: Robert Paul Hunter, Lilly, USA
Reviewed by: Zong-Hui Yuan, Huazhong Agricultural University, China; Patrick Rik Butaye, Ghent University, Belgium
François Malouin, Département de Biologie, Faculté des Sciences, Centre
d'Étude et de Valorisation de la Diversité Microbienne, Université de
Sherbrooke, 2500 boul. Université, Sherbrooke, J1K 2R1 QC, Canada
e-mail: ac.ekoorbrehsu@niuolam.siocnarf
This article was submitted to Antimicrobials, Resistance and Chemotherapy, a section of the journal Frontiers in Microbiology.
use of antibiotics in food-producing animals has significantly
increased animal health by lowering mortality and the incidence of
diseases. Antibiotics also have largely contributed to increase
productivity of farms. However, antibiotic usage in general and
relevance of non-therapeutic antibiotics (growth promoters) in feed need
to be reevaluated especially because bacterial pathogens of humans and
animals have developed and shared a variety of antibiotic resistance
mechanisms that can easily be spread within microbial communities. In
Canada, poultry production involves more than 2600 regulated chicken
producers who have access to several antibiotics approved as feed
additives for poultry. Feed recipes and mixtures vary greatly
geographically and from one farm to another, making links between use of
a specific antibiotic feed additive and production yields or selection
of specific antibiotic-resistant bacteria difficult to establish. Many
on-farm studies have revealed the widespread presence of
antibiotic-resistant bacteria in broiler chickens. While some reports
linked the presence of antibiotic-resistant organisms to the use of feed
supplemented with antibiotics, no recent studies could clearly
demonstrate the benefit of antimicrobial growth promoters on performance
and production yields. With modern biosecurity and hygienic practices,
there is a genuine concern that intensive utilization of antibiotics or
use of antimicrobial growth promoters in feed might no longer be useful.
Public pressure and concerns about food and environmental safety
(antibiotic residues, antibiotic-resistant pathogens) have driven
researchers to actively look for alternatives to antibiotics. Some of
the alternatives include pre- and probiotics, organic acids and
essential oils. We will describe here the properties of some bioactive
molecules, like those found in cranberry, which have shown interesting
polyvalent antibacterial and immuno-stimulatory activities.
Keywords: growth promoters, non-therapeutic antibiotics, alternatives to antibiotics, cranberry, c-di-GMP, poultry production, broilers
the discovery of penicillin by Fleming in 1928, several antibiotics
which can be classified based on their molecular targets in bacteria
(cell wall, protein synthesis, nucleic acids, folic acid metabolism)
have been marketed for the treatment of infectious diseases both in
animals and humans. The agents used in the treatment of animals and
humans often belong to the same classes of antibiotics having similar
modes of action and bacterial cell targets. This interface brings a
variety of problems and worries. Bacteria developing resistance to these
drugs in animals may be transmitted to humans or spread their
mechanisms of resistance, which may eventually be found in human
pathogens. Such a situation may lead to the loss of therapeutic efficacy
in both veterinary and human medicine.
It is evident
that antibiotics substantially improved public health. For example,
since their discovery about 70 years ago, antibiotics have greatly
reduced mortality and morbidity associated with infectious diseases and
have increased life expectancy around the world. In addition to their
therapeutic use, antibiotics also are deployed in animals for
prophylaxis and growth promotion (improvement of animal zootechnical
parameters). For example, antibiotics such as ceftiofur (a third
generation cephalosporin), bacitracin (polypeptide) and virginiamycin
(streptogramin) are used in poultry production to respectively prevent
and control infections (respiratory diseases and necrotic enteritis) and
to improve food conversion and body-weight gain. The use of antibiotics
as growth promoters was adopted in the 1940s when animals fed dried
mycelia of Streptomyces aureofaciens containing chlortetracycline residues showed improved performances (Castanon, 2007).
It has been estimated that antibiotic growth promoters in animals,
through unspecific and not well defined mechanisms, improve bodyweight
by 5–6% and feed efficiency by 3–4%, with the most pronounced effects
observed in young animals (Butaye et al., 2003).
However, the deployment of antimicrobial agents can change the
bacterial environment by eliminating susceptible strains, and only
allowing antibiotic resistant bacteria (i.e., those with higher fitness)
to survive (O'Brien, 2002).
Antimicrobial agents may thus modify the intestinal microflora and
create a favorable environment for establishment of resistant and
pathogenic bacteria. Accordingly, positive associations were found
between the presence of certain virulence genes and antibiotic
resistance determinants (Aslam et al., 2012; Johnson et al., 2012).
The impact of antimicrobial growth promoters on the development of
antimicrobial resistant bacteria has been the subject of several reports
and led to their ban in the European Union in 2006.
poultry industry has grown and improved in recent years due to the
continuous integration of various disciplines for production such as
poultry health, nutrition, breeding, husbandry, and knowledge of poultry
products (Anonymous, 2007).
For example, in 1928, the average broiler required 112 days and 22 kg
of feed to reach 1.7 kg. Since 1990, broilers required about 35–42 days
and 4 kg of feed to reach 2 kg (National Research Council, 1999).
Even though this improvement could be attributable in part to
antibiotics, relevance of their use as growth promoters in feed needs to
be re-evaluated. With modern broiler production practices, a broiler
body weight of 1.8 kg can be reached by using 3.2 kg of feed in 35 days
without addition of any antibiotic in feed (Diarra et al., 2007).
In this chapter, we will review the use of antimicrobial agents in the
Canadian poultry industry and discuss public health issues and concerns
related to antibiotic resistant bacteria. We also will explore possible
alternatives that could be developed in respect to food and
environmental safety as well as to public and animal health and welfare.
Antibiotic selective pressure
use of antibiotics as growth promoters is negatively perceived because
pathogenic bacteria of humans and animals have developed and shared a
variety of antibiotic resistance mechanisms that can be easily spread
within microbial communities. Nowadays, worldwide spread of antibiotic
resistance mechanisms resulting from selective pressures (use of
antibiotics) has undeniably reduced treatment options and therapeutic
efficacy in human medicine. However, the relative responsibility of
selective pressures occasioned by human medicine, veterinary or
agricultural practices is still unclear. Furthermore, metagenomic
studies have established some links between resistance mechanisms found
in microorganisms from the environment and the clinic (Perry and Wright,
making even more difficult the identification of the primary cause of
selective pressure and support arguments for multiple sources of
antibiotic resistance genes (Lupo et al., 2012).
and conjugation are mechanisms accommodating gene transfer among
bacteria and are believed to play important roles in the rapid spread of
antibiotic resistance (Chen et al., 2005).
In addition, the horizontal transfer of mobile genetic elements also
contributes to the evolution of emerging pathogens through dissemination
of virulence genes. A variety of genetic materials, such as plasmids,
can participate to this evolution (Carattoli, 2013).
Moreover, integrative and conjugative elements (ICEs) can be
disseminated through transferable elements like conjugative plasmids but
can also integrate into the genome of new bacterial hosts (Burrus and
Waldor, 2004).
Transposons are also other mobile genetic elements that can contain
antibiotic resistance gene cassettes such as resistance integrons (Hall,
class 1 integrons, which can be disseminated through a wide variety of
taxonomically divergent bacteria, are often found in bacteria associated
with livestock and poultry (Mathew et al., 2007).
Another mean for gene transfer across bacterial species of different
taxa includes transduction (gene transfer mediated by bacteriophages) as
evidenced by using a metagenomic approach for antibiotic resistance
genes (Muniesa et al., 2013).
Noteworthy, antibiotic resistance gene transfer can be insidious as
phenotypic detection of inducible antibiotic resistance may be difficult
and may account for the “silent” spread of such genes in bacterial
communities (Chancey et al., 2012).
some bacterial isolates of animal origin might not be pathogenic to
humans but they may carry and disseminate important antibiotic
resistance genes. For example, the same vanA gene cluster
involved in vancomycin resistance could be detected in enterococci of
both human and animal origins, indicating horizontal transfer of gene
clusters between enterococci of different origins (Conly, 2002; Hammerum, 2012). Similarly, multidrug-resistant commensal E. coli
of animal origin represent an important reservoir of antibiotic
resistance genes that can be transferred to other strains and bacterial
species through contact with other animals or humans and through
contaminated food (Szmolka and Nagy, 2013).
Many food animals are now broadly recognized as carriers of
livestock-associated pathogens that can in many occurrences cause
diseases in the human host. For example, Livestock-Associated
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA-MRSA) have been transmitted from cows or pigs to humans and could cause diseases (Witte et al., 2007; Garcia-Alvarez et al., 2011; Laurent et al., 2012).
Also recently, it was suggested that multiple cases of
community-acquired urinary tract infections (UTI) caused by
antibiotic-resistant bacteria could be considered outbreaks of foodborne
origins (Nordstrom et al., 2013). In Canada, studies suggested that poultry meats could play a role in human infections (Manges et al., 2007) and that chicken represented the most probable reservoir of extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli causing UTI (Bergeron et al., 2012).
Certainly, in view of the complexity of the antibiotic resistance
spread allowed by various means (genes, resistant commensals, or
resistant pathogens) from various reservoirs (food and environment),
global coordinated actions are required (Marshall and Levy, 2011; Laxminarayan et al., 2013).
Toward a global action in the Canadian poultry industry, at least two
reasonable questions should arise. Are antibiotics acting as growth
promoters still needed nowadays? What are possible alternatives to
antibiotics that could be used in preserving poultry health while
maintaining farm profitability, food safety and environmental health?
Poultry industry in canada
to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations,
the world chicken production was estimated at 71,851,372 tons in 2005,
up 3% from the previous year (Lacobucci et al., 2006).
It is interesting to note that chicken production has been grown
steadily worldwide since the early 1990s. From 1985 to 2005, 158% growth
was recorded. The leading chicken-producing countries include the
United States, China, the European Union and Brazil. In 2005, those four
countries or group of countries accounted for about 61% of world
chicken production. Canada was the thirteenth-largest chicken-producing
country in 2005 with 981.2 million kilograms representing 1.4% of the
world's production (Lacobucci et al., 2006).
production is an important industry in Canada. In 2012, the value of
Canadian chicken products was estimated at $2.4 billion, involving 2645
regulated chicken producers and a large number of businesses associated
with chicken farming
In the same year, Canada produced 1.02 billion kilograms of chicken
(eviscerated weight), 60% of which was produced in the provinces of
Quebec and Ontario. Canadian domestic consumption was 30 kilograms per
person and retail purchases accounted for approximately 634 million
kilograms representing 62% of Canada's total consumption. Canada
exported over 5.9 million chicks to 13 countries; a commercial value
estimated at over $14.5 million in 2012. The United States was the
largest market (91%). Other countries included Mexico, Japan, the
Philippines, and China (
Canada, several medical ingredients are approved as feed additives for
poultry farmers. Among them, several classes of antimicrobial agents,
such as glycolipids (bambermycin), polypeptides (bacitracin), ionophores
(salinomycin), β-lactams (penicillin), streptogramins (virginiamycin),
and tetracyclines (chlortetracycline) are used in broiler production for
growth promotion and prevention of infectious diseases (Table (Table1).1).
For broilers, salinomycin and bacitracin are widely used in starter,
grower or finisher feeds while virginiamycin is used in the finisher.
Many of the above antimicrobials are effective against Gram-positive
bacteria such as Clostridium perfringens, the etiological cause
of necrotic enteritis which is one of the main disease concerns for
poultry producers worldwide (Stutz et al., 1983; Heredia and Labbé, 2001; Shojadoost et al., 2013). Since C. perfringens
also is one of the foodborne pathogens associated with poultry, it is
believed that antimicrobial agents targeting this pathogen also help to
prevent any potential food safety problems.
preventive use of antibiotics in poultry production may impact
therapeutic efficacy in human medicine. Ceftiofur is a third-generation
cephalosporin, marketed for use in turkey, cattle, swine, lambs, dogs,
and horses. This antibiotic is often subcutaneously injected in day old
chicks (0.17 mg/chick) or into eggs (0.08–0.20 mg) as a prophylactic
measure in Canada to prevent the yolk-sac infection (omphalitis), a
costly disease caused by Escherichia coli (Canadian Medical Association, 2009). This use is under Canadian provincial regulations which differ from province to province (Government of Canada, 2002).
Overall data on antibiotic use in Canadian hatcheries are not
available; however, it seems that about 30% of the chicks hatched in the
province of Ontario would be treated mostly with ceftiofur followed by
gentamicin (Rosengren et al., 2009).
Ceftiofur is not used in humans, however, its analog ceftriaxone,
another third-generation cephalosporin, is an important medical
antibiotic used in humans. Resistance to these related antibiotics can
be mediated by similar mechanisms involving genes such as blaCMY−2, an AmpC-type β-lactamase that hydrolyzes third-generation cephalosporins.
Canada as well as in several countries, various combinations of
antimicrobial agents are used in feed depending on birds' ages,
formulation and mixtures and such recipes greatly vary geographically
and from one farm to another. Hence, despite the intuitive link between
antibiotic usage in poultry and the emergence of antibiotic resistant
bacteria, variations in antimicrobial usage make links between the use
of specific feed additives and the selection of specific antibiotic
resistant bacteria difficult to establish (Diarrassouba et al., 2007).
Furthermore, the origins of antibiotic resistant bacteria remain
uncertain and the sources are certainly numerous (Marshall and Levy, 2011). Consequently, antibiotic resistance in commensal enterococci can be found as early as in 1-day old chicks (Table (Table22).
susceptibility phenotypes of some enterococci isolates from day-old
chicks before placement and of some enterococci isolates found in
freshly manufactured feed (starter, grower, and finisher).
Growth promoters and performance
studies have been performed to demonstrate the economic benefits of
antimicrobial growth promoters in the Canadian poultry production system
(Table (Table3).3).
In controlled studies, the effects of diet supplementation with
bambermycin, penicillin, salinomycin, bacitracin,
salinomycin-bacitracin, virginiamycin, chlortetracycline, monensin, and
narasin on body weight, feed intake, feed efficiency, and mortality were
evaluated (Diarra et al., 2007; Bonnet et al., 2009).
No significant difference was noted between the treatment groups for
the overall performance although virginiamycin and penicillin improved
feed efficiency. The experiment conducted by Dumonceaux et al. (2006)
found that dietary inclusion of virginiamycin increased body weight and
improved feed efficiency from days 0 to 15 but that no difference was
noted for bird's performance parameters for the remainder of the study.
The used of chlortetracycline as a feed supplement at a rate permitted
in Canada has been reported to induce no significant improvement in 21-
and 42-day old live body weights or feed conversion efficiencies
(Proudfoot et al., 1988).
Avoparcin an analog of vancomycin, has not been approved in Canada,
however, the growth promotion effect of this agent was reported in
experimental turkeys by a Canadian study (Leeson and Summers, 1981).
The economic effect of removing antibiotics used for growth promotion
in commercial broiler chickens was evaluated in a non-randomized study
in the USA (Graham et al., 2007).
Positive production changes were associated with the use of antibiotic
agents, but these benefits were insufficient to offset their cost
(Graham et al., 2007).
Well-designed on-farm studies should be encouraged in the Canadian
poultry production system to support or not the use of growth promoting
antimicrobial agents. With the improved hygienic and biosecurity
practices currently observed in modern poultry production, there is a
genuine concern that utilization of antibiotics as growth promoters in
feed might no longer be useful.
Growth promoters and gut microflora
lives of human beings, livestock and poultry are closely associated
with microorganisms and the microbiota of their gut plays an important
role in their overall health, productivity and well-being (Callaway et
al., 2008; Ley et al., 2008).
The growth of normal intestinal bacteria varies with the gut
environment, and there is an increasing interest in the commensal
components of the gut microflora associated with food-producing animals
(Yost et al., 2011).
Due to public and possible food safety and environmental health
concerns, the monitoring of the changes in the microbiome (microbial
genomes) as a function of chicken production practices is imperative.
Knowledge of the impacts of antimicrobial agents on the gut microbiome
might lead to production practices that improve broiler intestinal
health and growth performances.
use of virginiamycin as a growth promoter was associated with an
increased abundance of bacteria in the duodenal loop to proximal ileum,
with fewer bacteria affected in the distal regions (ileocecal junction
and cecum) indicating that virginiamycin modifies the composition of the
chicken intestinal microbiota (Dumonceaux et al., 2006).
Using the 16S rRNA gene-based polymerase chain reaction followed by
denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis profiling, dietary treatment
with bacitracin (50 mg/kg) has been shown to alter the composition of
the microbiota but did not change its richness (Gong et al., 2008).
The authors demonstrated that the impact of bacitracin was particularly
obvious in 3-day-old chicks. Lactobacilli were abundant in the cecal
microbiota of 3-day-old chicks regardless of the dietary treatment with
bacitracin (Gong et al., 2008).
Recently, metagenomic sequencing approaches demonstrated that
salinomycin-feeding (60 ppm) has a profound impact on the dynamics of
the chicken ceca microbiome (Fung et al., 2013).
These authors showed that the salinomycin fed group had an increased
abundance of the Elusimicrobia, and a decreased abundance of
Chloroflexi, Cyanobacteria, and Synergistetes. For example, the
abundance of Bifidiobacterium spp. and Lactobacillus
spp. increased significantly in the salinomycin-fed birds compared to
the untreated control group. A functional analysis of environmental gene
tags (EGTs) revealed that in the salinomycin-treated birds there was an
increased abundance of the cell wall and capsule, iron acquisition,
motility and β-lactamase gene categories while a decrease of multidrug
efflux pump EGTs was detected (Fung et al., 2013).
In addition to such Canadian studies, other authors demonstrated the
impact of antimicrobial growth promoters on the chicken gut microflora
(Knarreborg et al., 2002; Torok et al., 2011; Singh et al., 2013).
For example, pyrosequencing followed by phylogenetic analyses indicated
that diet supplementation with penicillin resulted in an elevated
proportion of bacteria of the phylum Firmicutes from 58.1 to 91.5% and a
decreased proportion of members of the phylum Bacteroidetes from 31.1
to 2.9% in the gut microflora of broilers compared to that observed in
broilers fed with the control non-supplemented diet (Singh et al., 2013).
Besides, the decrease of broiler ileal sucrase and maltase activities
and increase of ileal mucosal immunoglobulin A (IgA) as well as the
increase of Lactobacillus counts were suggested to be among the
effects of bacitracin (55 ppm) and oxytetracycline (2.5 ppm) that could
explain the improvement of feed efficiency in broilers from days 0 to
21 (Lee et al., 2011).
Growth promoters and resistance
use of antibiotics in poultry production and the attendant selection of
resistant bacteria has been the subject of numerous studies (Aarestrup,
2000; Angulo et al., 2000; O'Brien, 2002; Butaye et al., 2003; Asai et al., 2005; Anonymous, 2007; Castanon, 2007; Diarra et al., 2007; Diarrassouba et al., 2007).
However, besides the simple principle that exposure to an antimicrobial
agent can select for a resistant bacterium, the selection and
dissemination of antimicrobial resistance is a complex phenomenon, which
should be examined with ecological and population perspectives. Several
studies have shown the presence of antibiotic resistant bacteria (E. coli, Salmonella serovars; Enterococcus spp., C. perfringens) in Canadian poultry (Diarrassouba et al., 2007; Diarra et al., 2010; Slavic et al., 2011; Agunos et al., 2012; St. Amand et al., 2013).
Many antibiotic resistance genes in these bacteria have been identified
on mobile genetic elements such as plasmids, transposons and integrons,
allowing their dissemination among bacteria in the chicken gut or in
extra-intestinal environments. However little is known about the
selection, distribution and dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes
in Canadian broiler chicken productions in relation to the use of
specific therapeutic agents or antimicrobial growth promoters.
the Canadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance
Surveillance (CIPARS) reported a possible association between
ceftiofur-resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Heidelberg isolated from retail chicken meats and the incidence of ceftiofur-resistant Salmonella Heidelberg infections in humans across Canada (Dutil et al., 2010).
In the province of Quebec, the prophylactic use of ceftiofur in broiler
chickens coincided with the rise of the prevalence of ceftiofur
resistance in Salmonella that significantly decreased following voluntary withdrawal of this antibiotic (Rosengren et al., 2009). In relation to this, it is noteworthy to mention that the presence of β-lactam resistant Salmonella enterica
serovars Kentucky, Typhimurium, Enteritidis, and Heidelberg that
harbored a variety of important β-lactamase genes (CMY, TEM, SHV) either
alone or in combination with other resistance genes were reported in
chickens (Diarra et al., 2014).
This observation is of concern because the use of cephalosporins at
therapeutic levels can decrease the susceptibility to other antibiotics
such as tetracycline and amikacin which resistance genes can be
co-located on CMY-2 plasmids (Hamilton et al., 2012).
Using antimicrobial agents in feed, it was demonstrated that multi-antibiotic-resistant E. coli can colonize and persist in the broiler gut. Of 256 E. coli
isolates analyzed using DNA-microarray, 88% possessed at least one
antimicrobial resistance gene with 42% showing multiple resistance genes
(Diarra et al., 2007). The bacterial phenotypes and distribution of resistance determinants in E. coli
were found to be modulated by feed supplementation with some of the
antimicrobial agents used in broiler chicken production (Diarra et al., 2007; Thibodaux et al., 2008; Bonnet et al., 2009). In E. coli, class 1 intregron and the aminoglycosides resistance aadA gene were predominantly found in the isolates from bacitracin and salinomycin treatments (Diarra et al., 2007), while the streptogramin resistance vatD
gene was more prevalent in enterococci isolated from
virginiamycin-treated birds compared to that found in the control birds
(Thibodaux et al., 2008).
Detailed antibiotic resistance genotypes of a variety of enterococci
isolated from the feces and ceca of Canadian commercial broiler chickens
were reported (Diarra et al., 2010). Genes conferring resistance to aminoglycosides (aac, aacA-aphD, aadB, aphA, sat4), macrolides (ermA, ermB, ermAM, msrC), tetracycline (tetL, tetM, tetO), streptogramins (satG_vatE8), bacitracin (bcrR), and lincosamide (linB) were detected in corresponding resistant E. faecium and E. faecalis strains (Diarra et al., 2010). Although food-producing animals are not considered as a source of Enterococcus
infection in humans, antibiotic-resistant enterococci from these
animals may transfer their resistance genes to bacterial strains
infecting humans. Thus, the prevalence of antibiotic-resistant
enterococci, in poultry can constitute a serious public health problem.
estimates of the volume of antimicrobials specifically used as growth
promoters in Canadian animal productions including poultry is lacking.
According to the Canadian Institute of Animal Health estimates reported
par CIPARS (Government of Canada, 2013b),
a total of 1,766,126, 1,617,747, 1,615,571, and 1,632,364 kg of
antimicrobials were distributed in Canada for use in animals in 2006,
2007, 2008, and 2009, respectively. During these years, tetracyclines
which are broad spectrum agents, ranked first with 48.0, 46.6, 42.1, and
42.1% of all antimicrobials being used in 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009,
respectively. The total amount of tetracyclines used specifically in
poultry production is unknown. However, a high prevalence of
tetracycline resistance in both Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria
has been reported in Canadian poultry farms and poultry meats which
could be related to the extensive used of this antibiotic.
In Gram negative bacteria such as E. coli, tetracycline resistance is frequently mediated by several efflux genes. The tetB, one of such genes, seems to be the most prevalent in E. coli isolated from Canadian broilers (Diarrassouba et al., 2007; Bonnet et al., 2009).
The tetracycline resistance genes can be associated with large
plasmids, which often carry other antibiotic resistance genes, heavy
metal resistance genes, and/or other pathogenic factors such as toxins
(Forgetta et al., 2012). Hence, selection for any of these factors selects for these plasmids. Associations between the β-lactamase (tem), tetracycline (tet), sulfonamide (sulI or sulII), aminoglycoside [ant(3″)-Ia (aadA)] and phenicol resistance (floR) genes and class 1 integrons were reported in E. coli isolated from broilers (Diarra et al., 2007). These associations increase the risk of selection and dissemination of resistance.
In Gram positive bacteria, the tetL gene encodes a large protein which confers resistance to tetracycline by active efflux while tetM encodes a cytoplasmic ribosome protecting protein also leading to resistance. The tetL and tetM genes were the most frequently found in association with the ermB
gene (encoding resistance to macrolide, lincosamide and streptogramin B
quinupristin-dalfopristin) and the bacitracin resistance gene bcrA in enterococci isolated from broiler chickens (Diarra et al., 2010).
As mentioned above, bacitracin is one of the antimicrobial agents used
as a growth promoter and to prevent necrotic enteritis (Table (Table1).1).
The use of this antibiotic can co-select for resistance to other
unrelated antibiotics as well, which demonstrates that the spread of
antimicrobial resistance is a complex phenomenon.
origin of the antimicrobial resistant bacteria colonizing the broiler
gut needs to be established. In our laboratory, examination of the gut
contents of day-old chicks revealed the presence of about 1.6 Log CFU of
enterococci spp. per gram (Diarra, unpublished data). Some of these
isolates were multi-resistant to bacitracin, ciprofloxacin,
erythromycin, tylosin, flavomycin, streptomycin, kanamycin, lincomycin,
quinupristin-dalfopristin, and tetracycline (Table (Table2).2).
In Canada and other countries where poultry production is intensive,
high numbers of broilers are raised in confined and non-sterile
environments. Broilers can be exposed to such environmental bacteria
among which some could be resistant. For example, chicken feed has been
shown to contain E. coli, Klebsiella and Pseudomonas spp. isolates resistant to four to nine antibiotics (Saleha et al., 2009).
In another study, examination of 23 commercial broiler feed samples and
of 66 samples of raw feeding materials revealed that feedstuffs and
poultry feed are extensively contaminated with resistant enterococci in
agreement with our observations (Table (Table2)2) and, to a lesser extent, by E. coli (da Costa et al., 2007).
Note that other factors also contribute to bacterial gut colonization
such as the age of the animals and the microflora may thus vary over
time. This should be taken into account when assessing antimicrobial
resistance prevalence.
Environmental perspectives
litter, a mixture of materials including bedding, feces and feathers,
is a valuable soil amendment that is rich in nutrients and can improve
soil physical, chemical, and biological properties for agricultural
crops (Brye et al., 2004).
Most of the antimicrobial agents administrated through feed or water
are not fully absorbed in the chicken gut and up to 90% of the
administered dose of some of the antimicrobials can be excreted in the
feces. Residues of chicken feed additives such as bacitracin,
chlortetracycline, monensin, narasin, nicarbazin, penicillin,
salinomycin, and virginiamycin can be detected in the litter at
concentrations ranging from 0.07 to 66 mg/L depending on the compounds
(Furtula et al., 2010).
Such a litter, if not treated to remove these compounds, may be an
important source of antimicrobial residues when used as fertilizer.
These residues also could contribute in the selection of antibiotic
resistant bacteria as demonstrated for ceftiofur residues by Call et al.
Litter can be a source of antimicrobial resistant bacteria as well. Various antibiotic resistant E. coli strains harboring genes conferring resistance to β-lactams (blaCMY−2, blaTEM), tetracycline (tetAB) and streptomycin (strAB) have been reported to survive for several months in soil following late summer litter application (Merchant et al., 2012).
Estimating survival of antibiotic resistant and potential pathogenic
bacteria in soil amended with raw untreated litter from broiler fed
antimicrobial supplemented diets is essential for developing
intervention strategies against resistant pathogens and toward pathogen
control in agricultural soils.
Drinking water should be
very low in bacterial counts and no pathogenic microorganism should be
detected in it. From 2005 to 2006, a bacteriologic study on 353,388
drinking water samples from private wells in Alberta and Ontario found
that 4.6% of these samples were contaminated with E. coli. Antibiotic susceptibility tests done on 7063 of these E. coli isolates showed that 10.5% were resistant mainly to tetracycline, sulfonamides, β-lactams or aminoglycosides (Coleman et al., 2013). These authors reported that such antibiotic resistant E. coli were more commonly isolated from farms housing chickens or turkeys than from properties without poultry.
biological aerosols (airborne biological particles derived from, or
which are composed of living microorganisms) are of special concern in
poultry barns and slaughterhouses, where the high number of chickens
handled in these facilities leads to the presence of substantial
concentrations of bacteria and other microorganisms in air (Donham et
al., 2000). Antibiotic-resistant bacteria have been reported in broiler chicken air (Brooks et al., 2010; Vela et al., 2012). Biofilm forming staphylococci harboring genes conferring resistance to tetracycline (tetK), lincomycin (linA), erythromycin (ermB), and β-lactams (blaZ) were isolated from air inside and outside broiler production facilities (Vela et al., 2012).
The airborne dispersion of antimicrobial resistant bacteria should not
be underestimated since the presence of pathogenic bacteria in air
represents a potential risk to poultry farm workers and to people
working or living near these facilities.
Concerns about food safety and spread of antibiotic resistance
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria constitute a major food safety issue. Antibiotic-resistant bacterial pathogens such as Salmonella or E. coli
can infect humans through contact or consumption of contaminated food
while non-pathogenic resistant isolates can transfer their resistant
genes to human pathogens. Although multifactorial, practices
contributing to the selection of antibiotic resistant bacteria include
antibiotic use in livestock feed, and concerns about food safety and
reduced efficacy of antibiotic treatment in human medicine have
stimulated expert groups to action (Mathew et al., 2007; Laxminarayan et al., 2013).
resistance has become a worldwide threat to public health. For example
in the United States of America (USA), according to a recent report from
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), at least 2
million people become infected with “antibiotic resistant bacteria”
among which at least 23,000 people die each year as a direct result of
these infections (CDC, 2013).
The USA National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System (NARMS)
assisted by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Department of
Agriculture (USDA), monitor antimicrobial susceptibility of enteric
bacteria from humans, retail meats and food-producing animals, in order
to make decisions related to the approval of safe and effective
antimicrobial drugs for animals (NARMS, 2012).
In Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada and the CIPARS track
antimicrobial resistance to generate data helping to limit the spread of
antibiotic resistant bacteria. More so, initiatives that collect data
on commensal and environmental strains as reservoirs of antibiotic
resistance genes are invaluable (Marshall and Levy, 2011).
It is thought that the frequency of resistance genes in commensals may
act as a marker of the emergence of resistance in pathogens (
for safe food and effective medical antibiotics have pressured
authorities for elimination of antibiotics as growth promoters as well
as those of medical importance in animal production. Despite incomplete
data, there were sufficient genuine and reasonable arguments for
implementing such regulations in the European Union and similar policies
and recommendations in North America were made based on the
precautionary principle. For example, the CDC supports the strategy of
the FDA to promote the judicious use of antibiotics that are important
in treating humans. In Canada, there is a variety of efforts that follow
this trend (Agunos et al., 2012).
The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association is developing prudent and
judicious antimicrobial use guidelines for veterinarians working with
swine, beef or dairy herds and poultry flocks. The Veterinary Drugs
Directorate (VDD) of Health Canada, which is responsible for the
approval and registration of all antimicrobials for use in agriculture,
is developing a risk management strategy to reduce the human health
impact of antimicrobial resistance due to use of antimicrobials in
Still, efficient control of foodborne pathogens remains a concern (Smadi and Sargeant, 2013)
and removal of non-therapeutic antimicrobials from animal production
may possibly increase the prevalence of pathogens in the animal gut and
the frequency of foodborne illnesses. Alternatives to antibiotics are
therefore required.
Alternatives to antibiotics
pressure and concerns about food and environmental safety (antibiotic
residues, spread of antibiotic genes and antibiotic-resistant pathogens)
have driven researchers to actively look for alternative approaches
that could eliminate or decrease the use of antibiotics while
maintaining production yields and low mortality in poultry production.
As discussed in previous sections, the biological basis for antibiotic
effects on animal growth efficiency is most likely derived from effects
on the intestinal microbiota, which in turn may reduce opportunistic
subclinical infections, reduce the host response to the gut microflora,
decrease competition for nutrients, and improve nutrient digestibility
consequent to a reduction in some microbial fermentation by-products
(Dibner and Richards, 2005).
With such pleiotropic effects, it will be difficult to find
alternatives to antimicrobials administered for prevention or provided
as growth promoters in feed.
Several alternative strategies to antibiotics in poultry and livestock production are under investigation (Dahiya et al., 2006; Zakeri and Kashefi, 2011; Seal et al., 2013).
Individual strategies examined included direct-fed microbial
(probiotics) and live microbial feed supplements which beneficially
affect the host animal by improving its intestinal balance (Rajput et
al., 2013; Salim et al., 2013);
prebiotics, indigestible feed ingredients that beneficially affect the
host by selectively stimulating the activity of beneficial bacteria
resident in the animal tract (Patterson and Burkholder, 2003; Baurhoo et al., 2009; Samanta et al., 2013); vaccination (Desin et al., 2013) and immune-stimulation through cationic peptides and cytokines (Asif et al., 2004; Kogut et al., 2013); bacteriocins and antimicrobial peptides (Joerger, 2003; Svetoch and Stern, 2010); bacteriophages (Huff et al., 2005, 2013; Zhang et al., 2013); organic acids with antimicrobial activities; herbs, spices and other plant extracts (González-Lamothe et al., 2009);
and controlled organic productions with emphasis on diet formulation
and ingredient selection, cereal type and dietary protein source and
level (Drew et al., 2004; O'Bryan et al., 2008).
To date, none of these strategies have been systematically implemented.
Consequently, exploration for new approaches to prevent poultry
diseases and colonization of poultry by foodborne pathogens is
continuing worldwide.
Berries as a generic source of bioactive molecules
products as tools for disease prevention and health maintenance have
reached public acceptance leading to an accelerated research in this
area. There are now abundant reports of plant products with
bioactivities against a wide variety of pathogenic bacteria. Multiple
classes of antibacterial products, including phenolic acids and
polyphenols, phenanthrenes, flavonoids, and terpenoids have been
described and reviewed (González-Lamothe et al., 2009).
products may have antibacterial activities of their own by
significantly altering growth or bacterial cell structures. Others which
may be defined as “antibiotic potentiators or adjuvants” could allow
reduction of antibiotic usage. Some may have anti-virulence effects or
alter quorum-sensing necessary for efficient pathogenesis. Besides,
others, defined as “immuno-stimulants” could assist the host immune
system to adequately respond to the pathogen invasion, while others may
positively affect the intestinal microbiota. Knowing that subclinical
diseases caused by pathogens can impact productivity, this review
presents some results on the potential of cranberry extracts to control
pathogenic bacteria.
Cranberries, Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton (Ericales: Ericaceae), are indigenous to wetlands of central and eastern North America (Eck, 1990).
Canadian cranberry productions increased from 95,655 tons in 2009 to
134,575 tons in 2013. Most of the productions come from British
Columbia, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island
(Statistics Canada, 2013).
Polyphenolic compounds are widely distributed in higher plants and are
integral parts of the human diet. An important and often overlooked
group of polyphenols is the proanthocyanidins (condensed tannins).
Particular interest is being shown in the proanthocyanidins from cranberry (Foo et al., 2000). Flavonoids in cranberry may reduce or prevent atherosclerosis by preventing oxidation of low density lipids (Reed, 2002). Cranberry proanthocyanidins at a concentration of 75 μ g/mL were found to inhibit the adherence of E. coli to urinary epithelial cells, preventing or mitigating thus UTI (Foo et al., 2000; Howell and Foxman, 2002). Cranberry extracts were also reported to inhibit the sialyllactose-specific adhesion of Helicobacter pylori to immobilized human mucus, erythrocytes, and cultured gastric epithelial cells (Burger et al., 2002).
Because the inhibitors of adhesion are not necessarily bactericidal,
the selection of resistant strains is unlikely to occur and
anti-adhesion agents represent an interesting therapeutic strategy
(Sharon and Ofek, 2002).
The potential of plant tannins, including proanthocyanidins, as
alternatives to growth promoters in poultry has recently been reviewed
by Redondo et al. (2014).
It is expected that the value of cranberry-based food and nutraceutical
products will remain high as health benefits of cranberry become more
firmly established. Recent studies suggest that the potential health
effects of cranberry are associated with its phytochemical constituents
(Blumberg et al., 2013).
Furthermore, studies have revealed that extracts from these sources can
affect various bacterial functions including disruption of their cell
envelope, which parallels that of some antibiotics widely used as growth
promoters in the poultry industry.
It has however been
difficult to isolate specific active components from plant extracts
which often consist of a mixture of a large number of structurally
related compounds (Puupponen-Pimiä et al., 2005).
These compounds have varying degrees of bioactivity or even opposing
effects (growth inhibitors vs. growth stimulants) and even some with
cytotoxicity (Jaki et al., 2008).
Also, the spectrum of activity or the mode of action of purified
components is often very narrow or non-specific and the use of berry
extracts or pomace containing mixtures of bioactive compounds has become
an attractive alternative to create an added value to berry
The antimicrobial activities of cranberry extracts were evaluated against important pathogenic Gram negative bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, which is often associated with poultry (Wu et al., 2008; Harmidy et al., 2011). It has been reported that treatment with cranberry proanthocyanidins (CPACs) inhibited Salmonella invasion and enteropathogenic E. coli
pedestal formation, likely by perturbing the host cell cytoskeleton by
CPACs rather than by an effect on bacterial virulence itself (Harmidy et
al., 2011). Dehydrated, crushed cranberries or purified CPACs were also shown to inhibit the expression of the flagellin gene (fliC) in uropathogenic E. coli (Hidalgo et al., 2011).
In order to study the pleiotropic effects of cranberry extracts on E. coli, we (Gattuso et al., 2008) and others (Lin et al., 2011)
have used a DNA array-based approach in an attempt to correlate
specific transcriptional signatures with modes of action. The effects
observed on the transcriptome of E. coli exposed to cranberry
extracts correlated with known characteristics of cranberry constituents
such as condensed tannins (flavonoids) and phenolic acids that could
possibly act as iron chelators. In view of these results, cranberry
extracts could be used to perturb bacterial iron homeostasis and improve
nutritional immunity in the gut (Hood and Skaar, 2012).
on our own experience, commercially available cranberry products like
Nutricran®90 (NC90) and some of our own cranberry extracts yielded
stronger growth inhibition effects against Gram positive pathogens such
as Staphylococcus aureus (Diarra et al., 2013), Listeria monocytogenes (Block et al., 2012), and Clostridium perfringens (Delaquis et al., 2010),
although the minimal inhibitory concentrations of the cranberry
products were several times higher than that of conventional antibiotics
such as penicillin. Similarly to work done with E. coli, transcriptional analyses by microarrays allowed determining the modes of action of the cranberry product NC90 against S. aureus (Diarra et al., 2013). The effect of cranberry on the S. aureus
transcriptome yielded the identification of several bacterial genes
known to be up-regulated by the presence of cell-wall acting
antibiotics, such as oxacillin, vancomycin, and daptomycin (Singh et
al., 2001; Utaida et al., 2003; Muthaiyan et al., 2008), as represented in Figure Figure1.1.
More specifically, a group of genes known as the cell wall stress
regulon was strongly up-regulated and clearly demonstrated an effect of
cranberry on S. aureus cell wall biosynthesis. Ethanol
extraction of pomaces (pressed cakes) from fresh fruits also produced a
cranberry fraction (FC111) modulating the same marker genes as
demonstrated by qPCR. S. aureus cell surface disruption by cranberry is also supported by work from Wu et al. (2008) and by cell wall biosynthesis assays (Diarra et al., 2013). Besides, it was noted that NC90 and FC111 also modulated the expression of some S. aureus genes (like lytM, Figure Figure1)1) that respond to membrane depolarization, as provoked by carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) and daptomycin (Muthaiyan et al., 2008).
Interestingly, cranberry extracts also strongly down-regulated capsular
biosynthesis genes, an effect that was corroborated by electron
microscopy (Figure (Figure11).

Venn diagrams showing some of the S. aureus genes up- and down-regulated following exposure to cranberry (left).
The transcriptional signature resembles to that of the cell wall stress
stimulon provoked by peptidoglycan biosynthesis inhibitors such as ...
spp. are important foodborne pathogens that can be associated with
various foods including fresh and frozen meat and poultry. Cranberry
fraction FC111 also showed bactericidal effects as well as antibiofilm
formation activities against Listeria monocytogenes (Block et al., 2012). Apostolidis et al. (2008) reported a proline dependent inhibition of L. monocytogenes
by combinations of phenolic extracts of oregano and cranberry in both
broth and cooked meat studies. These data indicate that further
examination of the antimicrobial potential of cranberry extract is
warranted (Wu et al., 2008).
The multiple biological effects of cranberry observed against E. coli, Salmonella, S. aureus, C. perfringens, and Listeria,
certainly reflect the complexity of its composition and physical
properties. The cranberry tannins include polyphenols and more
specifically anthocyanins, flavonols and flavan-3-ols (Puupponen-Pimiä
et al., 2005).
Flavonoids, including anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins, are believed
to be the major antimicrobial components (Puupponen-Pimiä et al., 2001).
At this time, our mass spectrometry analysis of cranberry fraction
FC111 could not determine if the observed antibacterial activity
originates from iridoids, phenolics, or flavonoid components. Besides,
we showed that the cranberry fraction FC111 obtained from pomace is an
excellent natural polyphenolic product with potent antioxidant and
vasorelaxant properties (Harrison et al., 2013),
which combined with its antibacterial activities might represent an
interesting alternative in poultry production. In this regard, a poultry
feeding trial using a commercial whole cranberry fruit extract showed
that a concentration of 40 mg of cranberry extracts per kg of feed
induced low early mortality rates (improvement by 40% compared to the
control) in birds. The mechanism of action leading to this improvement
remains to be determined. However, diet supplementation with such
extracts caused a shift of the intestinal tract bacterial population
while not altering any broiler meat properties (Leusink et al., 2010).
Cyclic diguanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP)
is a bacterial intracellular second messenger controlling diverse
bacterial processes. This molecule is important for a wide range of
pathogenic agents as it is involved in the modulation of the infection
process through modulation of motility, cell adhesion and biofilm
formation (Tamayo et al., 2007; Bordeleau et al., 2011).
However, c-di-GMP is also a potent immuno-stimulatory agent that can
modulate the host immune response and several reports demonstrated its
adjuvant and therapeutic properties (Brouillette et al., 2005; Karaolis et al., 2007; Ogunniyi et al., 2008; Hu et al., 2009). Moreover, the ability of c-di-GMP as a mucosal adjuvant was also documented (Ebensen et al., 2007; Zhao et al., 2011). c-di-GMP might thus represent an interesting alternative to non-therapeutic antibiotics used in poultry production.
infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV, Gumboro disease) is one of the
major immuno-suppressive viruses affecting broilers. This virus is
highly contagious and represents a major economic threat in poultry
production worldwide (Bumstead et al., 1993).
Since the effects of c-di-GMP on chicken immune responses had not yet
been investigated, we evaluated the humoral immune response following
oral administration or intramuscular injection of c-di-GMP in
conjunction with the IBDV vaccine S-706 in broiler chickens (Fatima et
al., 2011).
Results indicated that c-di-GMP stimulated IgA production in serum and
confirmed the potential of this molecule as a mucosal adjuvant.
As mentioned above, an enteric pathogen of particular concern in poultry is C. perfringens Type A, the causative agent of necrotic enteritis (Timbermont et al., 2011). Hence, in an effort to explore strategies to control C. perfringens, we investigated the potential of c-di-GMP in a broiler challenge model (Fatima et al., 2013). We found that c-di-GMP can modulate C. perfringens
colonization in the host ceca with no noticeable effect on the
microbiota and the commensal bacterial community of the intestine. It
will be interesting to investigate in more details the value of c-di-GMP
as an in-feed additive in poultry production.
are important tools for the treatment of old and emerging infectious
diseases. Their efficacy for this purpose should be preserved as it is
now well documented that their abusive and inappropriate use in humans,
livestock and poultry selects for antibiotic resistant bacteria,
compromising thus their therapeutic efficacy. One of questionable
practices in animal agriculture is the use of non-therapeutic
antimicrobials for growth promotion. Even if this practice was
determinant in the past, its advantage in current modern agriculture
including poultry production needs to be re-evaluated because of the
actual prevalence of antibiotic resistant bacteria in livestock and
poultry and their products worldwide. The presence of multi-drug
resistant commensal bacteria (Escherichia spp., Enterococcus spp.) and foodborne pathogens such as non-typhoid Salmonella
associated with poultry are some of the examples among others. It is
imperative to determine the exact sources and ecology of these resistant
bacteria in order to develop strategies to stop their spread. It is
also urgent to develop alternatives to antimicrobial growth promoters
that will not compromise livestock and poultry health as well as the
actual industry productivity. Canadian studies in this area identified
some promising sources of alternatives to antibiotics which have been
discussed here.
Conflict of interest statement
authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any
commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a
potential conflict of interest.
research undertaken in our laboratories has been funded by Agriculture
and Agri-Food Canada, the Cranberry Institute, the British Columbia
Cranberry Grower Coalition, and the Canadian Poultry Research Council to
M. S. Diarra and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
of Canada (NSERC), including, Discovery grant 89758-2010 from NSERC to
F. Malouin. We also acknowledge support from FRQNT Regroupements
stratégiques 111946 (CRIPA). We thank Lynne Boyd (AAFC librarian,
Summerland, BC) for her bibliographic assistance.
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