
Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Three-year, Postdoctoral Research Position in History & Philosophy of Science

Postdoc at Notre Dame.


From: [] On Behalf Of Tom Stapleford
Sent: August 10, 2015 10:03 AM
Subject: JOB: Reminder -- Postdoc in HPS at Notre Dame (Aug. 15th)

Three-year, Postdoctoral Research Position in History & Philosophy of

Review of files begins: August 15, 2015

The University of Notre Dame's new Center for Theology, Science, and
Human Flourishing will start its activities in August 2015 under the
direction of Prof. Celia Deane-Drummond. The Center invites applications
for a three-year postdoctoral research appointment in the History &
Philosophy of Science (HPS) to begin January 2016.

The successful candidate will be part of a multi-disciplinary team
(including psychologists, theologians, and other scholars from science &
technology studies) examining the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral
dispositions that are associated with the practice of laboratory
research in biology and how those dispositions might strengthen or
impede human flourishing in non-scientific domains. Operating under the
rubric “Developing Virtues in the Practice of Science,” this $3.1
million project funded by the Templeton Religion Trust conceptualizes
these dispositions as virtues/vices in order to make connections to
existing literature in psychology, theology, virtue ethics, and virtue

Responsibilities of the post include: conducting bibliographic research
and literature reviews relevant to the project in HPS, virtue ethics,
and virtue epistemology; using HPS expertise to inform the design and
analysis of field research (psychological and ethnographic); developing
and pursuing independent lines of HPS research relevant to the project;
presenting individual and team research in professional and public
forums; collaboratively designing and teaching one or more undergraduate
courses related to the project; contributing to project colloquia (Notre
Dame, IN, 2016; Durham, UK, 2017) and conference (London, 2018).

The ideal candidate will have a PhD in the history and/or philosophy of
science, strong interest in collaborating with experts from multiple
disciplines, and expertise or interests in several of the following
fields: history and philosophy of biology, science and values, science
and religion, science and ethics, virtue ethics, virtue epistemology,
studies of scientific practices. Starting salary is $48,000 plus
benefits, and up to $5,000 per year in research funding.

Applicants should submit a single pdf containing a cover letter
explaining your research interests and potential connections to the
project, a c.v., and a writing sample to Three letters of
recommendation should be sent separately (or via a dossier service) to
the same address. Review of applications will begin Aug 15th and
continue until the position is filled. The University of Notre Dame is
an affirmative action employer with a strong commitment to fostering a
culturally diverse atmosphere for faculty, staff, and students.

Thomas A. Stapleford
Associate Professor, Program of Liberal Studies
215 O'Shaughnessy Hall
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556