
Monday, 15 February 2016

Symposium Leiden April 14-15 2016 Learning from Nature, learning from our Ancestors; from tradition to evidence based medicines

Symposium Leiden April 14-15 2016

Learning from Nature, learning from our Ancestors; from tradition to evidence based medicines
Naturalis, Pesthuislaan 7, Leiden, The Netherlands
5 min walk from Leiden Central station, 20 min away by train from Amsterdam Schiphol airport
About the symposium
The 2015 Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine was for natural products and neglected diseases. Half of the prize was for discovering the novel antimalarial drug artemisinin in a traditional Chinese medicine. The other half for was for bioprospecting leading to the discovery of antibiotics that can be used to fight river blindness. This is an important recognition of natural products as potential medicines, and fits well with the rapidly increasing number of publications in this field in the past years.
This symposium is particularly meant to set standards for research in this multidisciplinary field by having leading scientists of the monodisciplines speaking about the latest developments in their field so we can learn how these might be used in the natural products research.
One of the most important tools we have to improve our field is the peer review system. Getting feedback from colleagues on our work by reviewing the papers we submit is the way we can improve our research. As good scientists we will be students forever. As a small token of appreciation of all the work done by reviewers and to help them also to learn more about the latest trends we dedicate this symposium to the reviewers of our journals and offer them a special low registration fee.
The venue has a limited number of participants of about 200, that means we have to use the “first come first served” principle.
The following topics will be dealt with (all talks 30 min inclusive discussion):
Day 1 the present
(Im)possibilities repositories, e.g. ethnopharmacological data, chemical fingerprints,  how to deal with supplemental metadata. Big data (to be announced)
Nagoya protocol:  B. Visser (Wageningen, NL)
Plant names : (to be announced)
Statistics to identify falsification (to be announced)
Field studies: T. van Andel (Naturalis, Leiden)
Pharmacology of chemistry which is first? (to be announced)
Primary Pharmacology: N. Moore (Bordeaux, France)
Primary Toxicology (to be announced)
Role Medicinal chemistry: G. Appendino (Torino, Italy)
Pharmacovigilance (to be announced)
How to review a paper (to be announced)
Day 2 the future: Omics, Synergy, systems biology 
Quality control connected with activity: A. Viljoen (Pretoria, South Africa)
Synergy and pro-drugs: G. Ulrich-Merzenich (Bonn, Germany) 
Systems pharmacology:  M. Danhof (LACDR, Leiden, NL)
Pharmacological, biological networks (to be announced)
Metabolomics: Y.H. Choi (IBL, Leiden, NL)
Technology developments, Metabolomics, Proteomics: R. van der Heijden (Bruker, NL)
Transcriptomics (to be announced)
DNA barcoding: (to be announced)
Zebra fish as model:  H. Spaink (IBL, Leiden)
C. elegans (to be announced)
Anticancer screening: T. Efferth (Mainz, Germany)
Antimicrobial screening: P. Vuorela (Helsinki, Finland)
Because of constraints of time and space we offer only the possibility of mini-poster-orals. That means you may prepare a poster, print this on A4 format and have it as a powerpoint slide. The mini-posters will be bundled and be part of the hand-out of the meeting. During the lunch breaks each author will have about 5 min to project the poster and questions may be asked from the audience. Because of the time limitation only one poster per participant can be presented. The organizers will select the posters that can be presented.
Editors, Editorial Board members and registered reviewers of the following journals can register for the special price.
J Ethnopharm
Braz J Pharmacogn
Phytochem Lett
Biochem Syst Ecol
S Afr J Botany
J Herb Med
J Appl Res Med Arom Plants
Integr Med Res
Adv Integr Med
Eur J Integr Med
Explore: J Sci Healing
Acupunct Meridian Stud
Acupunct Rel Ther
J Trad Chin Med
J Integr Med
Chin J Nat Medicine
Editors, Editorial Board members, Reviewers, Students 200€ (till Feb 28th)
Late registration: 300€
Other scientists till Feb 28th: 400€
Other scientists late registration: 500€
Organizing comitee:
Rob Verpoorte, Barbora Pomahacova, Young H. Choi,
Natural Products Laboratory, Institute of Biology
Accommodation suggestions on our April Plant Metabolomics Workshop website: