Editorial: Focused Collection: Gender in Physics
Eric Brewe and Vashti Sawtelle
Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 12, 020001 – Published 1 August 2016
Article Text
are pleased to present the Focused Collection on Gender in Physics. For
several decades statistics have demonstrated a lack of women
participating in the field of physics, with the percentage of women
receiving bachelor’s degrees in physics in the United States holding
constant at 21% for the past several years [1].
This disparity has opened the door to researchers interested in
studying the differences among women and men in the field, as well as
exploring gender research in science education more broadly. The goals
for this collection included the following: extending gender research in
physics beyond documenting performance gaps between female and male
students, examining assumptions regarding the study of gender in the
context of physics, and pulling researchers on gender from the broader
science education community into physics education research. The
articles contained in this collection reflect these goals.
The call for papers for the collection was published in March 2014 [2].
We were particularly outward in soliciting proposals for this focused
collection. Internationally, the issues surrounding women in physics are
different than in the United States (e.g., in 2010 female participation
in physics in Turkey rose to 53% at the university level), thus we
reached out to various professional societies in the U.S. as well as
internationally. In addition, we identified specific research groups and
individuals who focus on gender and encouraged submissions and sharing
of the call for proposals. In total, we received 42 proposals including
21 from outside of the United States. Based on these proposals, 33
authors were invited to submit full manuscripts. Twenty-one full
manuscripts were submitted. Each manuscript was reviewed by at least two
reviewers through the standard PR-PER peer-review process. Ultimately,
the focused collection includes 17 articles, including six from authors
from outside of the United States.
Papers in this
focused collection fall into four primary categories: review papers
describing how the literature has examined gender in a variety of
arenas; evidence-based papers that use tools from outside traditional
gender work in physics; research that looks at gender gaps in outcomes
and works to understand why those gendered outcomes exist; and work that
situates studying gender in physics in a broader context of STEM
education. In what follows, we give a brief overview of the collection
and describe how the various research threads fit together.
number of literature reviews we received was a surprising result of the
proposal submission process. On reflection, because gender research has
an extensive history outside of physics it is reasonable to consider
the multiple, complementary perspectives on gender. Three separate
groups submitted literature reviews. During the proposal review process
we coordinated among groups to ensure that the domain of each review was
complimentary and not overlapping. These three papers serve as a strong
primer on the current state of research on gender in physics and how
the broader literature can be applied to physics. Further, these three
represent the complex ways in which gender impacts and influences people
engaged in physics. Traxler et al. [3]
provide a guide to conducting research on gender in physics and a
synthesis of the history of physics education research in this area. In
particular, this manuscript pushes for researchers in the PER community
to use alternative lenses when studying gender. Two additional reviews,
Kelly [4] and Lewis et al. [5]
deal with complimentary, social aspects of gender in physics. Kelly
focuses her review on the sociocognitive elements of gender among
undergraduates. Lewis et al. address sociopsychological aspects of the choices and challenges women face in becoming part of a community of physics.
The next set of papers, in many ways, answers the call from Traxler et al. [3],
using a variety of modern tools to study gender in the context of
physics. These papers are excellent examples of how to conduct empirical
work on gender that moves beyond dichotomizing gender as “male” and
“female.” From a theoretical perspective Gonsalves et al. [6] and Rosa and Mensah [7] provide a series of case studies that broaden gender beyond these typical dualistic perspectives. Research from Gonsalves et al.
examines gender in physics through a collection of masculinity case
studies. Rosa and Mensah use critical race theory to examine the
intersection of race and gender for case studies of successful black
women physicists. Also in this thread of moving beyond dichotomizing
gender, Koul et al. [8]
do not simply ask students to identify as female or male, instead they
investigated the correlations between students’ gender identity,
endorsement of gender stereotypes, and identification with the domains
of math and physics. Work from Barthelemy et al. [9]
continues this thread by using a Feminist Standpoint Theory lens and a
focus on microagressions to understand how sexism for female graduate
students in physics is often subtle, but still impactful.
other papers in this category use methodological tools new to PER for
investigating gender in physics. The research from Rodriguez et al. [10]
introduces survival analysis as a tool for examining the differential
impact of reformed introductory experiences on female and male students’
survival through upper division courses and the physics major. Nissen
and Shemwell [11]
use an in-the-moment technique to examine university students’
self-efficacy. Through this Experience Sampling Method, the authors
illuminate a trend where physics instruction is detrimentally impacting
women’s self-efficacy in physics.
An additional two
manuscripts in this thread treat gender as a binary category, but focus
on the effect of gender outside of traditional performance measures.
Ivie et al. [12]
examine the gender gap in attrition of students out of astronomy. Using
statistical modeling tools they find that a respondent’s reported
gender had an indirect effect on attrition by impacting other variables
such as imposter syndrome. Potvin et al. [13]
study the gender bias in student evaluations of physics teachers.
Beyond documenting the bias, the researchers unpack how a student’s
physics identity score predicts the gender bias in favor of male physics
collection includes some manuscripts that examine gender through a more
traditional lens of documenting differences between female and male
students. These manuscripts extend this work beyond simply identifying
and reporting gaps. First, all of these papers were intentional about
studying gender, rather than making gender an added-on analysis to
another research question. Further, these papers investigate the
intricacies of how gendered differential outcomes arise and how these
outcomes might be mitigated.
Three papers in the
collection connect to more traditional gender in PER work through their
focus on documenting gender differences on conceptual surveys and course
outcomes. Each of these manuscripts adds a deeper layer of data
analysis to understand why the outcomes on these measures are different for women and men. Wilson et al. [14]
examined the gender gap on the Australian Science Olympiad Exam.
However, they went beyond documenting this gap by examining how the
differential performance could be explained by examining the ways the
questions were asked. Andersson et al. [15]
examined the gender gap on course grades in an electromagnetism course.
In this work the authors found that the gender gap in course grades was
largely accounted for by the differences in student perceptions of
practice as connected to their larger program of study. Day et al. [16]
documented a gender gap on the Concise Data Processing Assessment, as
well as documenting differences in laboratory practices for male and
female students. This study suggests that the documented gender gap is
not strongly connected to the differential participation of female and
male students in the laboratory.
the last thread of this collection are papers that situate physics as
part of a larger issue in Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics. These articles started from the assertion that there are
things to learn from examining the connection between physics and other
STEM disciplines. These three articles took a broader view of gender in
physics and situated the discussion in the larger STEM body of
literature. Eddy and Brownell [17]
asked this question directly, looking to understand what is it that
physics can learn from other disciplines about gender. This paper
examined how participation of women in STEM can be understood through
examining underlying mechanisms such as engagement, self-efficacy,
identity, and sense of belonging. Sax et al. [18]
built on this theme by examining how women’s interest and intention to
major in physics has changed over time. They situated this work by
comparing it to interest and intention to major in other STEM
disciplines. Finally, Dare and Roehrig [19]
turned to the early stages of students building interest in physics
careers. This paper considered the early roots of how gendered
perceptions of physics influence middle school students’ interest in
physics careers.
issues of gender in physics has been a topic of interest in the PER
community over the past several decades. With this collection we hope to
have acknowledged the rich body of work that has existed while
outlining potential directions moving forward. It is our intention that
this collection has emphasized the importance for research on gender and
highlighted gender as an area for future research.
this collection we have highlighted work that takes some steps in
moving the research community beyond documenting gender gaps on
performance measures. It is our intention that these works provide
examples to the community on ways to push beyond simply documenting gaps
on a variety of outcomes. Some of the works in this collection provide
sociocultural perspectives for understanding traditional gender
gaps—including work on social cognitive career theory, sense of
belonging, and identity. We hope by highlighting these pieces, it opens
pathways for empirical studies to be conducted using these sociocultural
From the inception of this Focused
Collection, part of our goal has been to raise awareness in the PER
community of the modern perspectives that guide gender work in other
areas of science education. The review article from Traxler et al. [3]
presents a clear argument for why these different perspectives are
sorely needed in the PER community. In this collection we pair this
argument with several articles that provide examples of how researchers
can take these more nuanced perspectives in doing empirical work. It is
our hope that this collection provides a starting point for researchers
to extend beyond traditional ways of studying gender in physics and to
explore ways of incorporating these nuanced perspectives into empirical
work. It is our perspective that these tools provide insights for
understanding both the representation issues and the climate issues for
physics that have been missing from the documenting gaps work.
also acknowledge that this collection largely misses two key pieces of
doing gender work—the intersection of gender with race and understanding
transgender issues. Rosa and Mensah [7]
provide a careful analysis using critical race theory to examine the
intersection of race and gender, but we call attention to the lack of
other work in the collection that addresses questions of race and
ethnicity. It is our hope that pointing to these holes in the literature
provides impetus for researchers to consider these perspectives when
conducting gender work.
It is our hope that as the PER
community continues to move in directions of studying issues of
inclusion and diversity, that this Focused Collection will play an
important role in guiding new research designs and pointing to ways that
researchers might interpret their data.
would like to thank Debbie Brodbar for her support in leading the
editorial process. Additionally, Charles Henderson, Paula Heron, and
Cedric Linder have helped to solicit, review, and advise on many
elements of the focused collection. Finally, we greatly appreciate the
efforts of the authors and reviewers.
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