
Saturday 1 April 2017

Herbal History Research Network Day Seminar Preservation Matters in the History of Herbal Medicine

10.30–4.30, Wednesday 7th June 2017 Birmingham Botanical Gardens  Westbourne Rd, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 3TR, UK

The aim of this day seminar is to bring together researchers and others interested in explorations into preservation and the practice of herbal medicine. Preservation can be understood at varying levels, from a practical concern with preservation of medicinal remedies to the continuity or otherwise of traditions of knowledge and understanding of plants as medicines. This seminar will include talks on doing research, relating past and present practice, practical aspects of preservation, and continuities of herbal knowledge.

Herbal History Research Network

The Network brings together historical researchers, medical herbalists, and others active in exploring the history of herbal medicine. Their studies range from classical to medieval, early modern and modern periods in medicine. The Network aims to promote further research and encourages applications from postgraduate students who wish to submit a poster abstract (250 words) to email Frances Watkins at by 31 March 2017. Successful applicants will gain free attendance to the event and be entered for an award for the best presentation.

Herbal medicine containers. Tacuini sanitatis Elluchasem Elimithar medici de Baldath, de sex rebus non naturalibus, Joannem Schottum, 1531, p. 111. Courtesy of the National Library of Medicine.

Advance booking essential (earlybird discount available) Seminar programme and registration form available from
Herbal History Research Network Day Seminar Programme Preservation Matters in the History of Herbal Medicine 10.30–4.30, Wednesday 7th June 2017 Birmingham Botanical Gardens, Westbourne Rd, Edgbaston, Birmingham, West Midlands B15 3TR, UK 10.15   Registration 10.30   Welcome and introduction 10.45  Morning session: Researching traditions

  Early medieval herbal formulations: Are we missing something?   Dr Frances Watkins, Herbal History Research Network

  Traditional remedies and modern science: A Russian-German project from the 1880s  Professor Vivian Nutton, I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

12.15 Lunch, included at the Botanical Gardens.  (and an opportunity to view student poster presentations)  
 13.30 Afternoon session: Preserving traditions

 The medico-botanical world of a 1598 Italian manuscript: Traditional knowledge in the past and present   Dr Raffaella Bruzzone, University of Nottingham

  Preservation matters: Exploring historical recipes in a practical sense   Christina Stapley, Weald and Downland Open Air Museum

  What books might herbalists have used in mid-Victorian Britain?   Alison Denham, Herbal History Research Network

15.45 Tea 16.00 Plenary session 16.30 Close                         You are welcome to stay and visit gardens and glasshouses. Directions: Disability, Access (Banqueting Suite entrance) and Parking guide:
Herbal History Research Network Day Seminar 2017 Registration Form

Advance registration is essential as space is limited. To book your place at this seminar please send a cheque, payable to Herbal History Research Network, together with the registration form below. Confirmation of your place will be sent by post/email.  Cost: £50 (£30 concession for students/retired persons) including access to the Botanical Gardens, refreshments and lunch.

Early Bird registration before 7 March 2017 discounted by £10 (£5) per person to £40 (£25 for students). ……………………………………………….....................................................................................

Herbal History Research Day Seminar 2017, Registration Form

I wish to book the following place(s) at the Herbal History Research Network Seminar on Wed 7th June 2017

………… place(s) @ £50 (£40 before 7 March 2017)   £ ……………………

………… student place(s) @ £30 (£25 before 7 March 2017)  £ ……………………

I enclose a cheque for £…………..... payable to the Herbal History Research Network.

Alternatively, you can pay by bank transfer to the Ecology Building Society quoting account name: Herbal History Research Network, account number: 70361591 and sort code: 08-90-72 with the following reference: 2601-00229-3. If you choose bank transfer please send or email a completed registration form including the date that payment has been sent.

Please provide the following details for each person who is attending (we will use the first three lines below for name badges/attendee list):

First name: ………………………… Last name: ………………………….................

Organisation: ……………………………………………………………………………..

Email: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Address: …………………………………………………………………………………...


………………………………………………… Postcode ………………………….…..

Contact telephone: …………………………………………………….………………..

 Please tell us if you have any special dietary needs ………………………………….

 How did you hear about this seminar? ……….…………………………………………

Return to: Herbal History Research Network, c/o Christina Stapley, 38 Wenhill Heights, Calne, Wiltshire SN11 0JZ (email: