Christopher M. Raymond Email author
Claudia Bieling
Nora Fagerholm
Berta Martin-Lopez
Tobias Plieninger
Christopher M. Raymond
Email author
Claudia Bieling
Nora Fagerholm
Berta Martin-Lopez
Tobias Plieninger
1. Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management University of Copenhagen Frederiksberg C Denmark
2. Barbara Hardy Institute University of South Australia Stirling Australia
3. Institute of Social Sciences in Agriculture, Chair of Societal Transition and Agriculture University of Hohenheim Stuttgart Germany
4. Department of Geography and Geology University of Turku Turku Finland
5. Environmental Change Institute Oxford University Centre for the Environment Oxford UK
6. Social-Ecological Systems Laboratory, Department Ecology Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Madrid Spain
Cite this article as:
Raymond, C.M., Bieling, C., Fagerholm, N. et al. Ambio (2016) 45: 173. doi:10.1007/s13280-015-0694-0
develop a landscape stewardship classification which distinguishes
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acres), and large-holders (>100 acres) in South-West Devon, UK.
Thematic analysis revealed four types of stewardship understandings: (1)
an environmental frame which emphasized the farmers’ role in conserving
or restoring wildlife; (2) a primary production frame which emphasized
the farmers’ role in taking care of primary production assets; (3) a
holistic frame focusing on farmers’ role as a conservationist, primary
producer, and manager of a range of landscape values, and; (4) an
instrumental frame focusing on the financial benefits associated with
compliance with agri-environmental schemes. We compare the landscape
values and land management actions that emerged across stewardship
types, and discuss the global implications of the landscape stewardship
classification for the engagement of farmers in landscape management.
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