
Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Wall Vegetation in Old Royal Mining Towns in Central Slovakia (Article)

Volume 14, Issue 2, 1 December 2015, Pages 249-263

Pod Stadiony 2719/19, Praha 5, Czech Republic
Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, Bratislava, Slovakia
Comenius University Bratislava, Department of Botany, Révová 39, Bratislava, Slovakia


During May, 2013, the vegetation on city walls has been studied in five old royal mining towns of Central Slovakia (Banská Belá, Banská Štiavnica, Kremnica, Nová Baňa, and Pukanec). In the four last-named towns, phytocoenological material was recorded according to the Braun-Blanquet method, providing 41 relevés. Analysis of data (Twinspan , DCA) grouped the relevés into four clusters: ass. Cymbalarietum muralis, Corydalidetum luteae, Asplenietum rutae-murarie-trichomanis, and the most hemerobic community dominated by Chelidonium majus. All communities are generally rather heterogeneous, with a large range of number of species and with frequent participation of accessory plants. In the observed localities, 22 epilithic mosses and 2 liverworts were recorded: the most common species appears Encalypta streptocarpa, Homalothecium sericeum, Tortula muralis, Hypnum cupressiforme, Schistidium apocarpum agg., and Bryum caespiticium. © by Jiří Kolbek 2015.

Author keywords

anthropophytes; Asplenietea trichomanis; hemeroby; phytocoenology; Tortulo-Cymbalarietalia; vegetation classification
ISSN: 15814661Source Type: Journal Original language: English
DOI: 10.1515/hacq-2015-0007Document Type: Article
Publisher: De Gruyter Open L