
Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Call for papers - making kin

We are now accepting submissions for issue #4 of /Dark Matter: Women Witnessing./The theme//is “Making Kin.” In her essay “Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Plantationocene, Chthulucene: Making Kin <>”Donna Haraway urges us to revision “kin” and “kinship” in such as way as to include non-blood relations and nonhumans. “We need to make kin sym-chthonically, sym-poetically. Who and whatever we are, we need to make-with—become-with, compose-with—the earthbound...My purpose is to make kin mean something other/more than entities tied by ancestry or genealogy.” Issue #4 of /Dark Matter /will center on writing and artwork that offer ways to embody and/or enact an expanded vision of kin/kinship. <>

Submissions deadline: May 20, 2016

For more information please see our submission guidelines