Call for Proposals / Call for Abstracts
The 7th Annual
Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology Conference
The Center for Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology
The University of Texas at Dallas
Richardson, Texas, USA
May 18-21, 2017
Including sessions presented jointly with the
Comics and Popular Arts Conference
## Keynote Speakers
* Alice Dreger, PhD, historian and author of Galileo’s Middle Finger
* Ari Larissa Heinrich, PhD, UC San Diego - Department of Literature
## Conference Description
This interdisciplinary conference seeks to explore the interplay between human, ethical, cultural, and political values, on the one hand, and science, technology, engineering, and medical research and practice, on the other hand. We invite presentations that seek not only to understand how values and science can and do influence one another, but also how they should interact (as well as interactions and influences that should be avoided). Finally, we are ultimately interested in promoting ethically responsible and socially beneficial scientific research and technological innovation, the social conditions for the pursuit and appreciation of science and technology, and critical reflection about the influence of science, technology, and medicine on our values, culture, practices, and worldview.
Target themes include:
* Science, Technology, and Social Justice
* Socially-Driven and Public-Interest Science
* Values in Climate Science and Policy
* Authority of Science in Democratic Societies
* Science and Moral Imagination
* Values in Interdisciplinary Research
* Interdisciplinarity in the Study of Values in Science
* Connecting Philosophy of Science & Philosophy of Technology
* Connecting Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine / Philosophy of Biology
* "Values in Science" in History & Sociology of Science
* Representations of Science in Pop Culture
* Imagining the Future of Science and Society through Science Fiction
* Politics and Ethics of Media Representations of Science
More information about the conference and how to submit at the website: <>
**Submission Deadline:** January 15, 2017
## Program Committee:
* Matthew J. Brown, Organizer, UT Dallas
* Magdalena Grohman, Co-Organizer, UT Dallas
* Olivia Banner, UT Dallas
* Stephen Crowley, Boise State University
* Heather Douglas, University of Waterloo
* Johnathan Flowers, SIU-Carbondale, CPAC
* Chad Gonnerman, University of Southern Indiana
* Frederick Grinnell, UT Southwestern
* Kristen Intemann, Montana State University
* Ashley Kennedy, Florida Atlantic University
* Ian James Kidd, University of Nottingham
* Nicolae Morar, University of Oregon
* Stephanie Noell, Mountain View College, CPAC
* Manuela Fernández Pinto, Universidad de los Andes
* Sabrina Starnaman, UT Dallas
* Elizabeth Suhay, American University
* Ian Werkheiser, UT Rio Grande Valley
* Sarah Wieten, Durham University, CHESS
* Damien Patrick Williams, Kennesaw State Univ, CPAC
Matthew J. Brown, PhD
Director, Center for Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology
Associate Professor of Philosophy and History of Ideas
The University of Texas at Dallas
Currently a Visiting Fellow at the Center for Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh
Office Address:
University of Pittsburgh
Center for Philosophy of Science
817D Cathedral of Learning
Pittsburgh, PA 15260