LoS One. 2015; 10(3): e0120384.
Published online 2015 Mar 23. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0120384
PMCID: PMC4370856
Randall P. Niedz, Academic Editor
1Institute of Forest
Management, TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan, Department of
Ecology and Ecosystem Management, Technische Universität München (TUM),
Freising, Germany
of Silviculture, TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan, Department
of Ecology and Ecosystem Management, Technische Universität München
(TUM), Freising, Germany
3Departamento de Economía, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Loja, Ecuador
United States Department of Agriculture, UNITED STATES
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Analyzed the data: LMC BC TK. Wrote the paper: LMC TK.
farming is a more environmentally friendly form of land use than
conventional agriculture. However, recent studies point out production
tradeoffs that often prevent the adoption of such practices by farmers.
Our study shows with the example of organic banana production in Ecuador
that economic tradeoffs depend much on the approach of the analysis. We
test, if organic banana should be included in economic land-use
portfolios, which indicate how much of the land is provided for which
type of land-use. We use time series data for productivity and prices
over 30 years to compute the economic return (as annualized net present
value) and its volatility (with standard deviation as risk measure) for
eight crops to derive land-use portfolios for different levels of risk,
which maximize economic return. We find that organic banana is included
in land-use portfolios for almost every level of accepted risk with
proportions from 1% to maximally 32%, even if the same high uncertainty
as for conventional banana is simulated for organic banana. A more
realistic, lower simulated price risk increased the proportion of
organic banana substantially to up to 57% and increased annual economic
returns by up to US$ 187 per ha. Under an assumed integration of both
markets, for organic and conventional banana, simulated by an increased
coefficient of correlation of economic return from organic and
conventional banana (ρ up to +0.7), organic banana holds significant
portions in the land-use portfolios tested only, if a low price risk of
organic banana is considered. We conclude that uncertainty is a key
issue for the adoption of organic banana. As historic data support a low
price risk for organic banana compared to conventional banana,
Ecuadorian farmers should consider organic banana as an advantageous
land-use option in their land-use portfolios.
intensification of agricultural systems has resulted in a substantial
increase in the amount of food produced in the last decades through the
application of technologies such as high-yielding crop varieties,
chemical fertilizers and pesticides, irrigation and mechanization [1]. Reaching current levels of food production would hardly have been possible without the use of these technologies [2].
Nonetheless, poorly managed intensification can ultimately lead to a
drop in soil fertility, pollution of ground water, increased release of
greenhouse gases and overall losses in biodiversity [1, 3–6].
Such detrimental impacts on the environment and on ecosystem services
highlight the need for more sustainable methods of producing food [7].
practice, however, the adoption of sound practices, such as organic
farming, is still limited, due to the economic attractiveness of
conventional agriculture and government policies that continue to
encourage the use of synthetic inputs [1]. In general, little is known about the economic performance of sustainable land-use practices [8],
for example, organic farming. Consequently, a full accounting of both
the costs and the benefits of sustainable agriculture should form the
basis for policy, ethics and action [7, 9].
Indeed, assessing the ecological and economic tradeoffs between organic
and conventional farming, and identifying the economic perspectives
from which the adoption of organic farming could be advantageous forms a
major challenge.
Evidence confirms that organic farming delivers lower yields than conventional farming [2, 10–13];
nonetheless, a positive aspect of producing organically is the
meaningful reduction of external inputs such as fertilizers, energy and
pesticides due to enhanced soil fertility and higher biodiversity [10].
The fact that organic systems may require 35% more labor than
conventional does not make organic agriculture necessarily more
expensive than conventional as reduced costs of fertilizers and
pesticides represent an important component on overall costs [14].
In addition, the extra costs generated by adopting organic standards
are supposed to be more than offset by the price premium that consumers
pay when purchasing bananas with a sustainable agriculture label [15].
reduction in yield for instance, does not imply that organic farming
might not be attractive at all for farmers, because organic and
conventional products are sold on different markets [16].
The prices for organic and conventional products may thus show merely
small correlation, and price volatility may be lower for organic
products [17]. In many countries, price premiums for organic products appear to be non-declining over time (e.g. for pineapples) [18].
Additionally, net returns in conventional systems have been reported to
be more variable and thus more risky than in organic corn-soybean
systems [14].
Moreover, the volatility of crop yields may differ between organic and
conventional production. Microbial biomass and activity as well as soil
organic carbon are almost always significantly higher in soils of the
organic farming systems than in those of the conventional system and
microbial communities are more active under the organic system. In the
organic soils, microbial activity is positively correlated with soil
fertility [19].
If organic farming would also achieve reduced volatility of market
prices, this would suggest that organic farming systems would be a well
suited option to diversify conventional land-use systems. However, to
the best of our knowledge there are hardly any studies which have tested
whether organic farming systems are suited as valuable components to
diversify conventional land-use portfolios.
Our study will focus on banana production in Ecuador and we intend to test the following hypothesis:
“The inclusion of organic banana into efficient economic land-use
portfolios in Ecuador is driven by the uncertainty of their economic
A land-use portfolio is named
“efficient,” if there is no other land-use portfolio with a higher
economic return for the given level of economic risk. We test the impact
of the volatility of economic returns for organic banana and the
influence of the correlation between economic returns from organic and
conventional banana on the inclusion or exclusion of organic banana into
or from the optimal land-use portfolios.
The approach followed: Land allocation based on economic return and risk
decisions about how best to use their land are driven by the goal of
improving their own well-being. Well-being is defined across many
dimensions, including income, security of livelihood, and health [16].
Decisions about land use are influenced by the relative potential
economic return or benefit of each activity, which, in turn, depends on
the available technology and prevailing market and environmental
conditions [20].
general, it is reasonable to expect that farmers will choose productive
activities that maximize their well-being, given the resources and
opportunities available to them. However, as farmers are typically
regarded as risk-averse, strategies to reduce the uncertainties inherent
to agricultural production may provide beneficial effects [21, 22].
Farmers will, consequently, not only seek high average, but also low
standard deviation (SD) of discounted future net revenues. Risk-averse
farmers may achieve high levels of risk reduction by mixing two or more
land-use options whose financial yields fluctuate independently from one
another (with low correlations) [23].
In other words, in periods when returns from one asset drop, another
one may generate unexpectedly high returns, thus, moderating the effects
of economic booms and busts [22, 24].
level of land-use diversification may range in intensity from
intermingled cropping (e.g. agroforestry) to landscape-level approaches [1, 25].
Diversification at the landscape level consists of producing crops in
separated parcels that are relatively small in size but still large
enough to permit agricultural intensification (e.g. mechanization) [25]. A well-recognized method for finding the optimal diversification strategy is the Portfolio Theory [26]. This theory has been used, for instance, to further develop Thünen’s [27] economic land-use theory using a portfolio-theoretic reformulation [28].
Our paper builds on the portfolio-theoretic enhanced Thünen approach by
modeling farmers’ options for balancing economic return and risk. It
may be used, on the one hand, to find an appropriate land allocation to
various land-use practices on new banana farmland. FAO Statistics tell
us that in Ecuador, from 1980 to 2012 the area of banana farms increased
by 4400 ha per year. On the other hand, also in existing farms the
exhausted banana plants have to be replaced all five to ten years making
it necessary to renew the investment. This gives an opportunity to
alter the existing land distribution to land-use practices. For example,
assume a farm with 200 ha pure banana, where banana plants have to be
replaced all ten years. In order to balance the annual work a portion of
20 ha could be renewed every year so that all banana plants are
replaced once during a 10-year time span. A completely new land-use
portfolio may, in this way, be created within ten years without stopping
the banana investment before plant productivity reduces.
approach attempts, by means of the allocation of land to various
land-use practices, to maximize the expected economic return (in the
form of the average annualized net present value), for a given level of
accepted risk, which is represented by the SD of economic return,
through careful selection of the proportions of total available land
area occupied (so called portfolios) by various land-use options. Those
portfolios that provide the largest economic return for a given SD are
termed efficient portfolios. All others are considered inefficient.
Markowitz [29]
proposed his famous portfolio theory in a normative sense, as a
recommendation for portfolio selection, and in a positive sense, too, as
a hypothesis about investor behavior. Here, we apply Markowitz’ theory
in combination with the Thünen approach in a normative sense. Thus, our
model shows how land should be allocated to the available
land-use practices to achieve the highest economic return for an
accepted level of risk. This does not necessarily mean that the model
output is a proper prediction of future land allocation, nor will it
necessarily describe the past land allocation practices. It may just
help risk averse land owners to achieve their economic objectives in a
consistent way. Normative models like ours may hardly be tested
empirically (see Roll’s [30]
critique to the Capital Asset Pricing Model), but still can help
forming comprehensible land-use scenarios and delivering valuable hints
for risk-return efficient land-use strategies [28].
These kinds of models have been applied in the past in order to model
decisions on land allocation to various land-use practices from an
economic perspective [27] and to derive cost-effective conservation strategies [28].
model has a static nature, although the time structure of net revenues,
such as lacking of significant positive net revenues in the first three
years of organic banana, are considered for the single land-use
options. However, it is investigated how land should be allocated to
land-use practices, but not when this should take place, because the
timing of crop conversion is much influenced by the nature of the
investment. For example, when banana or cocoa plants are exhausted, they
must be replaced, whereas it would not be wise to stop the investment
before. The optimal allocation of land to land-use practices delivered
by our model is, thus, valid in general for the future, regardless when
it will be achieved. Our consideration assumes that the same land-use
practices with the same economic characteristics are available in each
time period. Of course, new price, cost or uncertainty levels may
establish themselves in future periods, which would alter economic
returns, their uncertainties and correlations. However, to predict these
changes at this time would be speculative. We, thus, prefer the static
approach, which still allows for computing revised allocation of land to
land-use practices, when new information is available. However, we have
to keep in mind the static, single period nature of our analysis, which
is embedded in a many-period reality [29],
where the economic coefficients may actually change from period to
period. To consider this we actually recommend to revise the analysis of
land-use portfolios from time to time in practical applications.
We use the classical SD as a measure for risk and uncertainty, while we do not distinguish between risk and uncertainty [31].
Of course, uncertainty would cover also the right tail of the
probability distribution of possible economic returns, with actual
returns being higher than expected, which is not to be considered a
“risk”. It is well known that available options to react in response to
the actual development of prices, costs or productivities may produce
economic returns that are located on the right tail of return
distributions. The options to defer, abandon, contract, expand or switch
the investment [32] may increase the economic return in comparison to results delivered by the classical net present value approach [33]. This flexibility can be considered on the formal basis of the options approach to capital investments [34].
However, the consideration of multiple real options in a portfolio
approach is very complex. For example, the option values for the single
land-use practices are not additive [32];
we, thus, should be aware that using one option could compromise the
use of other options. If we exercise the option to expand or switch to
organic banana, the options to expand or switch to other practices will
be limited. Also, if we wait too long with exercising, competition may
have eroded the option value already [35].
In making solutions to the real options problem manageable, most of the
applications of the real options approach in land management, as a
result, reduce their problem perspective to consider only one investment
project or the replacement of only one project by another one. For
example, Yemshanov et al. recently investigated when, if at all, to
convert agriculture into a bio-fuel poplar plantation and vice-versa [36]. In another study Capozza and Sick priced agricultural land with a real option to convert into urban land [37].
In contrast to these studies we are interested in the optimal structure
of land-use portfolios, potentially consisting of many land-use
options. We are aware that the options inherent in the single land-use
practices considered can have an impact on their economic returns and
risks, as studies have shown for mixed forests in comparison with pure
forests [38, 39].
The structure of land-use portfolios might, thus, be altered by the
options approach in theory, if option values differ greatly between the
land-use practices considered. Here, the land-use practices with the
greatest volatility of economic returns would have the greatest
potential to bear significant option values. However, these practices
may also be the riskiest and (improper) option pricing may include the
possibility of greatly overestimating the value of the most uncertain
projects. We will discuss possible effects of applying the options
approach on the composition of land-use portfolios at the end of our
paper. Indeed, it would be very challenging to adequately determine an
inclusive set of relevant options (e.g., timing of inclusion,
exclusions, conversion and possible re-conversion) for all the land-use
practices considered simultaneously. And this without inflating the
economic risk—due to the incorporation of many uncertain, partly
speculative elements—beyond the level which the landowners would be
willing to accept. Although theoretically attractive, real options are
often considered by managers to overestimate the value of uncertain
projects, encouraging decision makers to overinvest in them and to
gamble in the extreme case [35].
are also technical problems, which rather detract from the real options
approach. For example, Plantinga pointed out that decisions on the
optimal timber harvest under uncertain prices depend strongly on the
underlying process to simulate prices [40].
Also Insley showed that applying either the Geometric Brownian Motion
or mean-reverting prices had a great impact on the outcome of option
values and when to best harvest (replace) existing trees [41].
Due to problems with the acquisition of appropriate data and the choice
of the appropriate price/cost processes plus the very complicated
modelling of interacting options in a portfolio, the actual computation
of option values is still considered problematic, although the
conceptual value of the approach is acknowledged [42]. Some studies, thus, consider the practical application of the real options approach critical [43, 44].
In summary, we justify our static approach as being helpful to analyze
the attractiveness of organic banana, because it is more informative
then studies considering organic and conventional farming as mutually
exclusive land-use options [13, 45, 46] and less speculative compared to the option value approach.
According to the theory of portfolio selection the expected economic return of a portfolio with two or more assets, Rp, is obtained by adding the expected economic returns, ri, weighted by their proportions, fi, of the single land-use options.
with ri as the annualized sum of all appropriately discounted (discount factor q = 1+d and d as the discount rate) net revenues, ni, of land-use option, i, over a time period, t, of 30 years:
We applied a discount rate, d, of 0.05, and thus q = 1.05, as this discount rate has been used in the past to assess forestry and farm strategies in the tropics [47–49]. Using a higher discount rate would of course, substantially reduce the economic returns. Equation 2
converts the net present value directly into an annuity. This is
practical for the modelling, because the annuity may be compared well
between the land-use practices considered and has the same unit as the
net revenue per year of annual crops (for which annuity and yearly net
revenue is identical).
The SD of economic returns for the portfolio, σp, is quantified as follows,
∑ifi=1 fi,j≥0 vari:=covi,i covi,j=ρi,j⋅si⋅sj
where i and j are the indices for the specific land-use options; fi is the proportion of land occupied by a specific agricultural land-use practice in the portfolio; si is the SD of returns for land-use practice i; ρi,j is the coefficient of correlation between the economic returns for options i and j; vari is the variance and covi,j is the covariance between the economic returns for options i and j.
Using this method, the effects of diversification can be identified for
different combinations of land-use options, provided that the
variability of their economic return is not perfectly positive
correlated (ρ≠1).
Land-use options considered and economic modeling
Crops selected for the land-use portfolios
area selected for our modelling—the Babahoyo sub-basin—is located in
the littoral region of Ecuador. This region is a flat floodplain
cross-cut by many rivers. Alluvial soils of volcanic origin prevail,
which are typically well-drained sandy clay soils with variable
textures. Intensive agriculture covers 65% of the land [50]. Permanent crops common to the region consist of banana (Musa acuminata), sugar cane (Sacharum officinarum), African palm (Elaeis guineensis), cocoa (Theobroma cacao) and coffee (Coffea arabica). The main annual crops in the region are maize (Zea mays), rice (Oryza sativa) and soybeans (Glycine max) [51].
modeled a typical medium-sized farm (100 hectares) across a time
horizon of 30 years using the crops with the highest relevance for the
region, based on information from the III Census of Agriculture and
Livestock (Fig. 1).
The selected land-use options were banana (conventional and organic),
cocoa, rice, maize and soybean as well as two tree species.
Farms in the Babahoyo sub-basin producing the land-use options modeled, arranged by size and area of production.
is the main export-oriented agricultural commodity in Ecuador, thus it
is generally produced under very intensive management [52]. The methods and inputs used to produce banana are more intensive and expensive than every other crop used in this study (Table 1 and S1 Dataset).
Due to the importance of banana to the local economy, the extent of the
area currently under production and the impacts caused by the use of
synthetic inputs, we considered it imperative to assess whether partial
conversion to organic production might be economically attractive for
local farmers. This step was shown to be feasible and may also be
meaningful in terms of risk reduction, because prices for conventional
and organic products are subject to different market conditions [11],
thus, we may also expect positive effects of diversification. Two
aspects support this assumption: organic production delivers better
ecosystem services than conventional production, and the demand for
organic products has risen significantly during recent years [18].
Although organic banana still represents only a small fraction of
Ecuadorian banana exports (3%), the area allocated to organic banana
rose nearly threefold between 2004 and 2007, from 4700 to 13800 hectares
As mentioned before, conversion from conventional to organic farming can be carried only on part of the available land [53],
for example, when the existing banana plants have to be renewed
anyways. This is the case according to our modelling every 10 years (see
S1 Dataset).
Partial conversion means that potential problems with the new
production system can be better managed and buffered. For example,
evidence shows that in combination with organic farming, conventional
farming helps to keep levels of pests low in the organic parcels.
However, the share of organic farming should not exceed certain
thresholds [12].
forestry is not a traditional land use in the coastal area of Ecuador,
in recent years landowners have shown interest for investments in
fast-growing species such as balsa (Ochroma Pyramidale) and laurel (Cordia alliodora)as a complement to agriculture. Both species are able to thrive in lands formerly dedicated to agriculture [54],
which make them ideal for reforestation in abandoned or degraded land.
Thus, we included these two species in our diversification modeling as a
mechanism to increase the supply of timber from non-native forest
species and to foster restoration of abandoned agricultural land [25, 55].
Modeling economic performance of land uses
and yield statistics for each land-use option were collected from
official sources at both the national and international levels (Table 1). Later, we calculated the costs and revenues for each land-use option (S1 Dataset).
The costs considered included land preparation, planting, pest control,
fertilization, maintenance, harvesting and infrastructure (irrigation,
roads, etc.). Due to modeling constraints, we did not consider
intra-annual crop rotations.
The costs considered for
reforestation included those for stand establishment, protection,
thinning and final harvest. Management plans detailing the intensity of
interventions and the parameters of the plantations of both species are
presented in Table 2. We included an estimated mortality rate of 20% of the planted tree seedlings [48, 56], and, a fluctuation in growth of 10% [48]. Returns were calculated by multiplying the number of logs harvested by the price received for raw logs.
We used the prices and productivities for the period 1970–2009 published in FAOSTAT (Table 3)
to model uncertainty and characteristic correlation structures between
product prices and productivities. These series contain country-level
data; nevertheless, we considered them to be applicable to our study
area, because the region is one of the most productive areas in the
country, thus the data is not overoptimistic. Prices for the period
prior to the year 2000 were first converted from Sucre (Ecuador′s former
currency) into US$, using annual exchange factors [57].
To adjust the historical data to the current price level, annual prices
were divided by the average price of the time series, and this quotient
was then multiplied by the current price for each crop. Similarly we
also adjusted the data series of yields for every land-use option using
the same procedure we applied to the prices.
Bootstrapping—sampling with replacement—was utilized to generate frequency distributions for the annuities (Equation 2)
of each land-use option. Prices and productivities were drawn from the
same year to produce a sample of 1000 repetitions. By applying this
procedure, we did not consider correlation between the prices and
productivities from one year to the next year for the same option, but
rather the correlation between prices and productivities between all
land-use options. Given that time series for prices and productivity of
organic banana were not available in FAOSTAT, we used, in a first
attempt, the coefficient of variation of prices (65%) and productivity
(22%) for conventional banana as proxies to model uncertainty for
organic banana. The very important coefficient of correlation between
organic and conventional banana (ρconv,org) was derived from price changes of documented wholesaler prices [58, 59].
These support a coefficient of correlation of about zero between the
economic returns of both variants of banana, when prices for
conventional banana are on the decrease and a positive correlation, when
prices for conventional banana are on the increase. Finally, we
provided a coefficient of correlation of zero between economic returns
for organic banana and those for other crops, similar as the
correlations found between conventional banana economic return and that
other crops. Given these data and assumptions, we simulated the
frequency distributions of the annual economic returns for organic
banana by means of Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS).
A low
coefficient of correlation between economic returns of both conventional
and organic banana is also supported by the finding of another author
that organic price changes are actually largely independent from
conventional price changes, unless changes in conventional prices are
quite large [18].
However, we nevertheless tested the effect of increasing correlation
between economic returns of conventional and organic banana, possibly
due to—so far not observed—growing integration of both markets, by
assuming ρconv,org of up to +0.7. Moreover, as our modelling
led to a very high SD for organic banana with a coefficient of variation
of their economic return of 81%, we also tested the impact of a lower
uncertainty of organic banana on the optimal land allocation in our
portfolios. Assuming lower uncertainty is well justified and may be even
more realistic compared to our initial high-uncertainty scenario,
because the available price data suggest that prices for organic banana
are very stable, showing only 50% of the volatility compared to prices
of conventional banana. A lower price uncertainty is a very important
aspect, because the price uncertainty of conventional banana, which we
adopt in the initial scenario to model the fluctuation of gross revenues
for organic banana, dominates the large uncertainty of the economic
returns. By setting the uncertainty of the crop productivity equal to
zero we still observed, through the price uncertainty alone, a standard
deviation of 95% compared to the combined standard deviation from crop
and price volatility. Given this background information, a scenario with
reduced uncertainty of economic return for organic banana appears quite
realistic. In summary, we assumed in one variation of our consideration
a reduction of the SD for prices from actually US$ ±55 per Mg
(conventional banana) to US$ ±30 per Mg for organic banana resulting in a
coefficient of variation of organic banana’s economic return of ±50%.
faced the same challenges regarding data availability as described for
organic banana with the historical data for the prices of timber. In
this case, we assumed volatility in the price of timber of 10% [48].
Random prices for balsa and laurel were simulated assuming a normal
distribution. The probability distributions of returns for balsa and
laurel were then estimated using MCS, also with 1000 repetitions.
To calculate the expected economic returns for each of the land-use portfolios, Equation 2 was applied, while Equation 3 delivered the SD as our risk indicator for each portfolio.
Economic return and risk for single land-use options
will first present the simulated annual economic returns of each of the
agricultural products when produced as single options (Fig. 2). Conventional banana was the option with the highest mean annual economic return (US$ 1786 ha-1
±945) and also the option with the highest SD (risk). The great
volatility of prices and yields which has been documented for
conventional banana is the cause for these large fluctuations (Table 3, Fig. 3).
For this reason, even negative economic returns are possible. Maximum
calculated annual returns per ha were as high as US$ 4804, while
potential annual losses were found to be as much as US$ -1557 per ha (Table 4).
of gross revenues from time series data used for bootstrapping and
expected distribution under the normality assumption.
banana yielded mean annual returns of US$ 1040 ±843, under this
high-uncertainty scenario even with a higher coefficient of variation
than conventional banana (81% versus 53% for conventional banana). Its
return was substantially lower than that of conventional banana due in
part to higher costs of establishment and management, but also due to a
by 35% reduced productivity (see Table 1). Here, the worst case losses amounted to as much as US$ -1897.
In general, the annual economic returns for all of the non-banana options were below US$500 ha-1.
Annual returns of rice amounted to US$ 486 ±101. An economic advantage
of rice found by our modeling was that, even in the worst case, it still
yielded a positive annual return—a minimum of US$ +170 ha-1—and
thus rice may be considered the single option with the smallest
economic risks. Among the annual crops, maize was the crop with the
largest SD (US$ 247 ±108 ha-1), while soybean had the lowest SD (US$ 174 ±52 ha-1).
crops—forestry and cocoa—had dissimilar financial performances. For
cocoa and laurel, the mean annual returns were similar—US$160 ±70 ha-1. Balsa however, achieved a mean economic return of US$281 ±84 ha-1 year-1.
This value was higher than those for annual crops such as soybean and
maize, and even in terms of risk, balsa performed better than the
latter. Descriptive statistics and correlation coefficients between the
land-use options are summarized in Tables Tables44 and and55.
distribution of the gross revenues derived from time series data was
largely not significantly different from an expected normal distribution
(Fig. 3) with p(χ2) from 0.12 to 0.55. Only for maize the statistic, p(χ2),
was with 0.08 below the required threshold of 0.10. We may thus regard
the requirement for the analysis of economic portfolios for economic
returns to be normally distributed as more or less fulfilled.
Correlation between prices for conventional and organic banana
information on the correlation between economic returns is a
precondition for any portfolio-theoretic analysis. The necessary data
could be derived from FAO statistics for most of the crops considered (Table 5),
but it is hard to be obtained in the case of organic banana. However,
some time series have been documented on wholesaler prices of organic
banana [58, 59].
It is due to the fact that we found that the volatility of the economic
return for banana is mainly driven by price uncertainty, that the
correlation between prices for organic and conventional banana may be
regarded as a good indicator for the correlation between economic
returns. The analysis of price changes showed that price shifts for
organic banana are independent or even slightly negatively correlated
with price shifts of conventional banana, when prices for conventional
banana decline (ρconv,org = -0.1, see Fig. 4). However, when prices for conventional banana increase, also the prices for organic banana show a tendency to increase (ρconv,org
= +0.6). This makes organic banana an ideal complement for the
conventional banana, obtaining stable or even slightly increasing
prices, when conventional banana price declines and when it increases,
Forming land-use portfolios
In our reference scenario organic banana was not a considered option (Fig. 5).
While the single option with the lowest risk (soybean) shows a SD of
±52, a diversified portfolio with 14% cocoa, 10% maize, 37% soybean, 15%
balsa, and 23% laurel obtained a smaller risk of ±34, which is the
minimum risk achievable for the considered land-use. However, the
economic return of this portfolio is relatively small (US$ 191 ha-1 yr-1).
By accepting the same level of risk as that inherent in soybean (±52)
the farmer would be greatly rewarded when forming a land-use portfolio
of 2% conventional banana, 15% maize, 38% rice, 27% balsa, and 18%
laurel with an annual expected economic return of US$ 352 ha-1 yr-1.
This is ≈US$ 160 more than achievable at the risk minimum and the risk
to be tolerated is still not higher than the risk of single soybean.
Structural composition of various land-use portfolios without organic banana for increasing levels of accepted economic risk.
more risk results in higher expected economic return in our example,
which is normal—at least when starting from the portfolio with the
minimum of risk. Our land-use portfolios are highly diversified for
farmers with low risk tolerance and contain forestry options as well,
while the proportion of high-return conventional banana increases with
increasing risk tolerance (Fig. 5).
However, rice is also included over a large range of possible risk
tolerances to diversify risks, while only those farmers who would
totally disregard risks should work with conventional banana as a
stand-alone option.
Interestingly, when considering
organic banana as an option available for tropical banana farmers in
Ecuador, this option would be included in the risk-return-efficient
portfolios for a very large range of tolerated risks, and this despite
its, in this initial high-uncertainty scenario, quite large own risk as a
single option. This means that organic banana increases the expected
economic return compared to portfolios excluding this crop. The
magnitude of this effect will be demonstrated later. Organic banana
obtains proportions between 1%, for a low tolerated risk of ±50, and
32%, for a tolerated risk of ±650 (68% of the SD of pure conventional
banana). The proportion of organic banana sinks again to 5% for a very
high tolerated risk level of ±900 (Fig. 6a).
composition of various land-use portfolios for increasing levels of
accepted economic risk when organic banana is included and has high (a)
or low economic risks (b).
organic banana holds a quite high simulated risk as a single option in
the initial scenario, rice plays a major role in the portfolios
containing organic banana to hedge against the uncertainties involved
with the organic crop. Embedded in a portfolio with rice and
conventional banana, the same economic return as with pure organic
banana (US$ 1040 ha-1 yr-1) may be achieved by a
diversified land-use portfolio, but at a risk of only ±369 instead ±843
for pure organic banana. Here, the portfolio structure would be 35%
conventional banana, 19% organic banana, and 46% rice. This diversified
land-use portfolio would thus hedge the great simulated risks of pure
organic banana quite effectively.
However, the
modelling results depend strongly on the assumptions made:
a) If the simulated very high risk of organic banana was not ±843
(coefficient of variation ≈80%), but ±506 (coefficient of variation
≈50%), the portfolio’s structure changed significantly. Reduced price
volatility for organic banana is not unrealistic according to their much
lower observed historical price changes compared to conventional
banana. If we leave one outlier aside we find price changes between-0.23
and +0.26 US$ per kg for conventional and changes between-0.15 and
+0.12 US$ per kg for organic banana (Fig. 4).
Acknowledging a lower price risk, the proportion of organic banana was
greatly increased, up to 57%, while the proportion of rice was reduced (Fig. 6b).
b) If we assume an increased coefficient of correlation between the economic returns of organic and conventional banana (ρconv,org
of +0.5 or +0.7), then the sensitivity of the results largely depends
on the assumed price risk of producing organic bananas. For the case
that the risk of organic banana is as high as modelled in our initial
scenario, the increased correlation would reduce the proportion of
organic banana to a maximum of only 1% (ρconv,org of +0.5).
Organic banana is then replaced by rice. However, if a reduced price
risk is considered, which appears to be a quite realistic assumption,
the proportions of organic banana remain relatively stable, even if the
correlation, ρconv,org, of the economic returns is quite high (ρconv,org +0.5 or +0.7). For example, given ρconv,org = +0.7, organic bananas still hold a proportion of 8% for a very high tolerated SD of ±900.
through including organic banana into their land-use portfolios,
farmers may increase their economic returns for a large range of
tolerated economic risks (Fig. 7). Farmers may obtain 7% higher economic return (+US$ 96 ha-1 yr-1)
from a land-use portfolio including an assumed high risk organic
banana, when tolerating an economic risk of ±700. If a reduced price
risk of organic banana is acknowledged, farmers could even obtain US$
187 ha-1 yr-1 more, when accepting an economic
risk of ±500 and including 57% organic banana. In summary, although
organic banana appears less attractive as a single option, this option
may, when embedded in land-use portfolios together with other crops,
improve the economic return of Ecuadorian banana farms. We have, thus,
found supporting evidence through our modelling approach for our
H: “The inclusion of organic banana into efficient economic land-use
portfolios in Ecuador is driven by the uncertainty of their economic
Discussion and Conclusions
Comparing conventional and organic agriculture
sustainability of agriculture will hardly be attainable if current,
conventional intensive practices continue to be applied. Agricultural
intensification must therefore be coupled with sustainable land-use
practices in order to be efficient [25, 60].
Nevertheless, the economic assessment of such a change towards more
sustainable ways of producing food must receive more attention, if we
are to better understand the decision-making process of resource
allocation at the farm level as well as at the landscape and national
levels [22, 23].
have assessed the effects on the overall economic returns of a farm by
considering organic banana and forestry options as potential land-use
practices for future land-use portfolios and found this perspective more
informative than the existing approaches where conventional and organic
productions systems are seen as being mutually exclusive [13, 45, 46]. In the region under study, intensive and very high yielding agriculture (banana) is the business as usual alternative. Due to high capital requirements of the business as usual banana option, we do not assume in our modelling that the banana farmers have limited access to capital.
economic returns for both conventional and organic banana were
impressive and very high in comparison with the other crops. Wunder has
already shown that banana achieved by far the highest gross incomes in
Ecuador, even when compared with other high profit crops such as sugar
cane, potatoes, or African palm [61]. Another study [62]
has reported high annual economic return for banana between ~US$ 1200
to 2000 per ha for India, but lower annual economic return has been
documented for banana in Bangladesh (~US$ 870 per ha). However, the
estimates for economic return of bananas reported in the literature are
extremely variable, with annual economic returns up to ~US$ 3800 per ha,
a value being reported for Bangladesh [63],
while the maximum included in our Monte Carlo simulations was US$ 4808
per ha for conventional banana. These studies show that the high
computed annual economic returns for banana (i.e. averages of US$ 1786
per ha for conventional and US$ 1040 per ha for organic banana) in our
study range in a realistic order of magnitude.
the forestry options diversified the land-use portfolios effectively
rather for very cautious, risk-avoiding farmers, organic (and also
conventional) banana enter the land-use portfolios only, if higher risks
are tolerated. Regarding organic banana, we found that despite the
possibly too high simulated risk it is well be balanced in land-use
portfolios containing rice and conventional banana, if the correlation
between economic returns of organic and conventional banana is not too
Nevertheless, the degree of diversification was
limited when the combination of land-use practices included
high-yielding crops as conventional banana. In our case, including
high-yield banana as a portfolio option certainly lowered the resulting
degree of land-use diversification, limiting the portfolio often to only
a few land-use options. But still, in every portfolio we generated
(except the maximum risk portfolio), we had at least two crops, with no
single-crop turning out to be optimal.
One potential
criticism to our model could be that only a modest ecological benefit
can be expected because a high degree of diversification was not
achieved—unless we assumed great risk aversion. Nevertheless, the fact
that a land-use portfolio consists of only few options does not
necessarily mean that a similar landscape structure to those observed in
monocultures will be reproduced. Growing crops in relatively small
compartments is one way to break up the landscape and also to achieve
reduced erosion caused by wind and water, while still allowing for some
level of mechanization [25].
Additionally, structural elements such as hedgerows should be
implemented on around 5% of the land in order to enhance the structural
diversity of the landscape. However, including these areas might
represent a reduction in the amount of land available for farming and
thus result in an accordant reduction in revenue. The considerable
future challenges in economic comparisons of organic and conventional
agriculture include the quantification of more synergies or antagonisms.
While we found rather synergistic risk interactions of conventional and
organic banana farming, also the interaction between pest management in
conventional parcels and the susceptibility for pests in organic
parcels should be further investigated.
in economic returns by means of pests might also be the main constraint
to the implementation of sustainable agricultural practices. We assumed
a reduction in productivity of 35% for organic compared with
conventional banana. This reduction is similar to the yield losses which
organic plantations may face compared with conventional plantations,
due to infestation with the Black Sigatoka fungus (Mycosphaerella fijiensis) [45].
Still, more and better information can perhaps encourage farmers to
adopt practices leading to environmental improvements. This is
particularly true when changes in farming and land-management practices
intended to enhance ecosystem services also benefit farmers themselves.
In situations when such changes imply a reduction in farmers’ income,
implementation can only be achieved through enforced regulations or when
some form of compensation is provided [16].
Attractiveness of diversification and possible impacts of option values
is an acknowledged strategy for coping with risks; however, if farmers
have access to other means of hedging risks, the effects might be
undermined [24]. Based on the principle of risk-return reciprocity, the planting of high-yield crops corresponds to higher risk [64],
as confirmed by our study. Wealthy farmers, consequently, not only hold
portfolios which require higher levels of investment, they are also
disposed to receive higher average profits per unit of wealth despite
their greater exposure to risk [65].
As farmers become wealthier they may tend to be less averse to risk and
also tend to be less interested in any form of risk-reducing
intervention [23].
Although our results have shown that some diversification is highly
meaningful, even for less risk-averse farmers, more intensive
diversification is probably more important for poorer farmers [65]. Poorer farmers are both more exposed to and more averse to risk, and they usually lack strategies to hedge against risks [16]. Ultimately, wealthier farmers can afford better technologies and infrastructure and have better access to information [23].
can also speculate about how options inherent in a flexible conversion
strategy could alter the structural composition of the land-use
portfolios obtained. For example, farmers could speculate for the
optimal timing for conversion to organic banana, when particularly high
prices are to be expected for this crop. A similar question has been
investigated for the field of forest science, where Knoke and Wurm have
adopted the Monte Carlo simulation technique to test the consequences of
a flexible timing of timber harvest against a more conservative
strategy with pre-defined harvest times [39].
The flexible harvest strategy allowed timber harvesting only, when a
before defined reservation price was exceeded by simulated timber price
scenarios. This strategy led to higher average timber prices, but also
to variable additional costs for holding timber capital on the forest
land by postponing the harvest times. While the average net present
value could be enhanced by the flexibility strategy, its SD showed the
tendency to increase, too. Although the variation of the timber prices
achieved was reduced through the flexibility strategy, the then variable
harvesting times increased the variability of the simulated net present
values. In a mixed forest the flexible harvest strategy, thus, led to
an increase of the proportions of the less risky (but also less
profitable) timber species. This underlines the importance of the
economic uncertainty of the single land-use options for the composition
of land-use portfolios. If we, for example, could increase the economic
return for organic banana by utilizing flexible management options and
would increase the economic uncertainty at the same time, a reduced
proportion of organic banana in the land-use portfolios could be the
Are organic farming and forestry appealing to relatively wealthy farmers?
alternative we explored was the introduction of organic farming on part
of the farms, as a strategy to enhance ecosystem services provision
while also reducing health hazards caused by the application of
agrochemicals and reduce the dependency of farmers to rising prices of
fossil fuels [15]. Producing organic crops provides an opportunity for farmers in developing countries to participate in new markets [16].
Nevertheless, a shift towards organic production is tricky, and also
quite risky, due to the changes and uncertainties which occur during the
transition. Yield decline may be an important obstacle for farmers who
are used to producing high-yielding crops like banana. However, for such
a situation our study proved great advantages of embedding the organic
banana parcels in a more diversified portfolio together with other
land-use practices. The effect of transition on farmer’s revenues can be
better managed, provided that the trend of the price premium for
organic products remains stable and the market is still growing without
strong integration between the markets for organic and conventional
products [18].
However, the certification process should be adapted to the conversion
towards organic products only on parts of the farms, which is not
accepted by all certification bodies [15].
Thus, increased flexibility during the certification process and
permanent support is essential to enable farmers to move from
conventional to organic farming [53].
now to the forestry options, we were surprised that in the portfolio
calculated for very risk-averse farmers, the options including trees
accounted for about 40%. Even though forestry is a non-traditional land
use in the area where this research took place, it has great potential
as a complement to agriculture, especially when implemented using
short-rotation species. Afforestation is particularly valuable when used
to restore abandoned farmlands [66].
Reducing the life span of forestry options may have a tremendous impact
on farmers′ investment decisions, because one of the primary obstacles
to investing in forestry is the long-term nature of most forestry
projects, which makes farmers reluctant to invest in plantations [42].
Species such as balsa, which is able to deliver returns after only five
years, might completely change the perception of investors. This factor
is especially important in the tropics, where the lack of financial
incentives for investing in forestry activities sets the scene. We
believe that the potential of forestry could be increased even more if
accompanied by appropriate measures.
Policies to encourage adoption of sound practices
a final point, we insist that implementation of sustainable practices
in agriculture will only be possible if accompanied by appropriate
scientific advice, policies and supported by fair markets [5].
Farmers will not automatically shift to this type of agriculture, as
the economic returns from conventional agriculture are still higher. Up
to now, incentives to foster sustainable land-use practices are
insufficient to induce socially desired levels of adoption [1].
role of governments and development agencies in the coming years is
that of supporting farmers in implementing sustainable, possibly organic
practices by means of technology transfer and capacity-building. We
must keep in mind that applying sound practices requires time and
expertise, and farmers need training [15].
In addition, governments should contemplate policies that will
facilitate this transition by means of financial incentives, tax
reductions and access to certification bodies that help regulate organic
agriculture and sustainable forestry [15]. Finally, given that the development and application of technologies for sustainable farming is expensive [4],
a strong public role will continue to be necessary to support research
and diffusion of knowledge among farmers, especially poorer ones [67–69].
Supporting Information
S1 Dataset
Economic coefficients and results of Monte-Carlo simulations.
Click here for additional data file.(294K, xlsx)
want to express our gratitude to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
(KN 586/5-2; KN 586/9-1) and to the members of the research group FOR
816 (http://www.tropicalmountainforest.org/)
for the support during the research. Also, we thank Laura Carlson for
the language editing and Sebastian Hauk for the valuable comments to
improve the manuscript.
Funding Statement
This work was supported by Deutsche Forschugsgemeinschaft KN 586/5-2; KN 586/9-1. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Data Availability
All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files.
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