PLoS One. 2015; 10(10): e0138445.
Published online 2015 Oct 8. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0138445
PMCID: PMC4598136
S. Kaan Kurtural, Editor
1Department of General and Organic Viticulture, Hochschule Geisenheim University, Geisenheim, Germany
2Institute of Agronomy and Plant Breeding II, Justus Liebig University, Gießen, Germany
Competing Interests: The
authors received funding from a commercial source Software AG Stiftung.
This does not alter the authors' adherence to all PLOS ONE policies on
sharing data and materials and that no further competing interests
Conceived and
designed the experiments: RK MS. Performed the experiments: JD. Analyzed
the data: JD. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: JD RK MS
ST MF. Wrote the paper: JD MF ST MS RK. Helped choosing methods used for
data collection: ST. Helped with Equipment for data collection: ST.
main objective of this study was to determine growth, yield and fruit
quality of grapevines under organic and biodynamic management in
relation to integrated viticultural practices. Furthermore, the
mechanisms for the observed changes in growth, yield and fruit quality
were investigated by determining nutrient status, physiological
performance of the plants and disease incidence on bunches in three
consecutive growing seasons. A field trial (Vitis vinifera L.
cv. Riesling) was set up at Hochschule Geisenheim University, Germany.
The integrated treatment was managed according to the code of good practice.
Organic and biodynamic plots were managed according to Regulation (EC)
No 834/2007 and Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 and according to ECOVIN- and
Demeter-Standards, respectively. The growth and yield of the grapevines
differed strongly among the different management systems, whereas fruit
quality was not affected by the management system. The organic and the
biodynamic treatments showed significantly lower growth and yield in
comparison to the integrated treatment. The physiological performance
was significantly lower in the organic and the biodynamic systems, which
may account for differences in growth and cluster weight and might
therefore induce lower yields of the respective treatments. Soil
management and fertilization strategy could be responsible factors for
these changes. Yields of the organic and the biodynamic treatments
partially decreased due to higher disease incidence of downy mildew. The
organic and the biodynamic plant protection strategies that exclude the
use of synthetic fungicides are likely to induce higher disease
incidence and might partially account for differences in the nutrient
status of vines under organic and biodynamic management. Use of the
biodynamic preparations had little influence on vine growth and yield.
Due to the investigation of important parameters that induce changes
especially in growth and yield of grapevines under organic and
biodynamic management the study can potentially provide guidance for
defining more effective farming systems.
The negative impact of agriculture on the environment has increased since agricultural production intensified [1,2].
Organic farming systems with their holistic approach can be seen as a
possibility to face these problems and to minimize the negative impact
of agriculture on the environment [3].
“Organic agriculture is a holistic production management system which
promotes and enhances agro-ecosystem health, including biodiversity,
biological cycles, and soil biological activity. It emphasizes the use
of management practices in preference to the use of off-farm inputs […].
This is accomplished by using, where possible, agronomic, biological,
and mechanical methods, as opposed to using synthetic materials, to
fulfill any specific function within the system” [4]. Organic agricultural practice has to be adapted to local farming, climatic, geographical as well as social factors [3].
Research on organic farming can help adapt the system to these local
factors and can furthermore investigate the effects of the production
system on the ecosystem, soil, plants, food quality and economic
performance under different conditions and therefore help to improve the
production systems.
Demand and production of organic crops have been growing exponentially in the last few decades around the world [5,6].
Perennial crops account for about 3.2 million hectares of agricultural
land worldwide. With almost nine percent, perennial cropland has a
higher share in organic agriculture compared to total agriculture.
Together with coffee and olives, grapes are among the most important
perennial crops [7].
In most winegrowing countries organic viticulture is gaining more and
more importance, but in most non-European countries organic viticulture
is still in the initial stages [8].
The organically managed viticultural area in Europe increased
substantially from 43000 ha in 1998 to 230000 ha in 2011, corresponding
to around 5.3% of all vineyards [7,9].
Worldwide, 2.3% of all vineyards are managed according to organic
standards. Furthermore, some of the world`s most prestigious wine
producers have converted to organic and biodynamic viticulture [10]. This might be one reason for the increased interest in these management systems from both consumers and producers.
Research on organic versus conventional farming
of organic and conventional farming have long been a common topic and a
great deal of knowledge on organic agriculture has been accumulated.
Many studies concentrated on soil quality, yield, economic performance
and environmental impact, among them several long-term field trials.
Organically farmed soil had significantly higher soil organic matter
content [11–13], less soil erosion, larger topsoil depth [11], showed increased biological activity [13–15], lower bulk density [14–16], and higher soil quality [17,18] for various crops. The organic system showed higher soil nitrogen content [13] and reduced carbon and nitrogen losses [12], but showed lower phosphorus levels compared to conventional treatments under Australian conditions [19].
Yield under organic management decreased from 14 up to 67% compared to
conventional agriculture for many crops such as potatoes, winter wheat,
grass-clover [20], grain, sunflower, common wheat, sugar beet [21], cotton [22], soybean [23] and maize during conversion [13]. Other studies did not detect significant differences in soybean yields [22], maize yields [12,13] and pigeon bean yields [21]
between organic and conventional production. Organically grown pears,
peaches and apples did not differ in yield from conventionally produced
fruit [16,17,24].
Concerning the environmental impact, the organic systems showed
efficient resource utilization as well as enhanced floral and faunal
diversity [20] and maintained soil productivity [11,12].
Organic cropping systems are therefore considered more sustainable than
conventional cropping systems from an environmental standpoint.
a lot of research has been done on food quality of vegetables and
fruit, among them several perennial crops. Organically grown tomatoes
had smaller fruit size and mass, but were of better quality, had higher
soluble solids, higher vitamin C content [25] and a significantly higher amount of flavonoids compared to conventionally produced tomatoes [26]. This might be due to increased oxidative stress during fruit development [25]. Organically produced strawberries were of higher quality [18].
Organically produced pears did not vary significantly in storage life,
fruit weight, pH and soluble solids from conventional pears [24], but organically produced apples were sweeter and less tart than conventional apples [17].
Research on the biodynamic farming system
on biodynamic farming systems are scarce in contrast to organic farming
systems, which attracted considerable interest in the scientific
community. The biodynamic agricultural movement started in the 1920s and
it has been further developed in the following decades and has been
institutionalized by the international certification label DEMETER.
Biodynamic farming can be regarded as a form of organic agriculture. In
addition to methods in organic cropping, biodynamic farming emphasizes
biodiversity, influence of celestial bodies and the concept of the farm
as an organism. Furthermore, a series of fermented manure, plant, and
mineral preparations (divided into field spray and compost preparations)
are applied on soil, crops, and compost [27].
These preparations are claimed to stimulate soil nutrient cycling and
compost development and to promote photosynthesis. While the biodynamic
farming system is recognized as an organic cropping system and its
advantages as such are undoubted, the effects of the biodynamic
preparations are still unconfirmed.
on biodynamic farming revealed a behavior similar to the organic
farming system concerning soil characteristics, yield and growth of
agricultural crops and economic performance, resource utilization and
biodiversity [19,20,22,28–32]. Some authors report an increase of storage life of crops under biodynamic production [29,32] or minor differences in product quality [19,20,32],
but results are not consistent. That is why it is still controversial
whether biodynamic preparations as such have any effects or benefits [28–30,32–48].
Research on organic and biodynamic viticulture
viticulture, few studies exist concerning the influence of organic
management on growth, yield and grape or wine quality. The number of
scientific studies investigating biodynamic viticulture is even more
restricted. The major effects of organic compared to integrated or
conventional viticulture are increased soil microbiological activity [49,50], increased soil organic carbon [49,51], decreased growth expressed as reduced pruning weight and reduced shoot length [52–55] as well as decreased yields [52–57]. In some cases reduced berry weight [55,57,58] and reduced number of berries per cluster [53], increased disease frequency of Botrytis cinerea (Botrytis) [56] and increased production costs [56,58–60]
were observed in organic viticulture. Grape composition, wine quality
and wine sensory characteristics are less influenced by the management
regime [52,54,56,58,61–64]. Biodynamic viticulture showed reduced yields [56], a reduced ratio of yield:pruning weight [10] and reduced disease frequency of Botrytis [56]
compared to organic viticulture. In a recent study, red wines from
biodynamic production showed decreased alcohol content, decreased
phenolic compounds, decreased wine color, decreased total polymeric
pigments and decreased tannin concentration [65]. Soil quality [10], macronutrient supply in leaves [55,58], grape composition [10,56,63,64] and wine sensory characteristics [56,65] do not seem to be affected by biodynamic practices in comparison to organic viticulture.
However, there is a lack of research on the underlying mechanisms that induce changes in organically grown perennial crops [66]. Effects of consecutive years may overlap as[55]
a consequence of the perennial growth habit of perennial crops. This
makes the cause-effect relationship more complex. It might also explain
the scarcity of studies dealing with the key factors responsible for the
changes observed under the different management practices. The
characterization of physiological processes of plants under different
management systems can be helpful to understand the mechanisms that
cause the changes. This is necessary to improve agricultural practices
and to determine effective farming systems. Moreover, the effect of
organic agriculture on food quality is still controversial and it is
still unconfirmed whether organic agriculture has any beneficial effects
on the product quality [3].
aim of this study was to compare different management systems for
vineyards including integrated, organic and biodynamic production
according to the latest standards of the respective production systems
in viticulture. Growth, yield and winegrape quality were determined for
the different vineyard management systems over three consecutive seasons
from 2010–2012. Beyond that, general principles responsible for the
various effects of the different management systems were investigated.
This included the detection of nutrient status, physiological
performance and disease incidence. The study can potentially contribute
to a better understanding of long-term effects of organic farming on
growth, yield and fruit quality of grapevines. This knowledge is crucial
to improve the respective management systems and to further develop
sustainable cropping systems.
Materials and Methods
Experimental site
field experiment was conducted in Geisenheim (49° 59′; 7° 56′). The
experimental site was 0.8 hectare in size and planted in 1991 (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Riesling, clone Gm 198–30, grafted on Vitis berlandieri Planch. x Vitis riparia Michx. cv. SO4 and Vitis riparia Michx. x Vitis cinerea Engelm. cv. Börner rootstock, respectively). The experimental site is owned by Hochschule Geisenheim University.
vines were planted at a spacing of 1.2 m within rows and 2 m between
rows using a vertical shoot positioning system (VSP). Until the end of
2005 the vineyard was managed according to the code of good practice [67]. Conversion to organic and biodynamic viticulture started in 2006.
experiment was set up as a complete block design, where the three
factor levels of the main effect management system were replicated in
four blocks. Each main plot for the factor management system was
subdivided into two subplots, which were used for the two levels of the
main effect rootstock. Each plot consisted of four rows with 32 vines
each. Only the inner two rows of each plot were used for data
collection. The outer rows were considered as buffer rows.
plots were checked for uniformity prior to data collection using a
balanced fixed factorial analysis of variance (with factors treatment,
block) with respect to particle size distribution, soil moisture, pH,
humus content, C/N ratio, and phosphor, magnesium and potassium content.
Treatments did not differ significantly in any of these parameters (S1 Table).
clusters of the respective treatments were analyzed for residues of
systemic plant protection agents in 2009 to determine the impact of
close neighborhood of integrated and organic plots on residue levels [68].
Active agents were investigated on clusters by GS-MS in Landesbetrieb
Hessisches Landeslabor using an official protocol for residue detection [69].
No residues of systemic plant protection agents used in the integrated
pest management could be found in the organic plots adjacent to the
integrated plots (S2 Table).
Therefore the plot size was considered suitable for detecting effects
of the respective management system. The level of active agents found on
clusters from integrated plots were below the maximum residue level (S2 Table) [70].
weather station located approximately 500 m from the trial site was
used for climate data collection. Data of weather conditions during the
three seasons 2010 to 2012 are provided in S1 Fig. Long term annual rainfall for the site is 540 mm [71].
Total rainfall in the three seasons 2010–2012 was 659 mm, 469 mm and
531 mm, respectively. Growing season rainfall was 426 mm, 306 mm and 330
mm for the seasons 2010–2012, respectively.
The integrated treatment was managed according to the code of good practice [67]. Organic and biodynamic plots were managed according to Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 [72] and Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 [73] and according to ECOVIN- and Demeter-Standards, respectively.
three treatments received compost during the period of conversion.
After analysis of the composts the same amount of nitrogen equivalents
were applied to every treatment. Green waste compost was used for the
integrated plots and farmyard manure for the organic and biodynamic
plots. In addition, biodynamic compost preparations 502–507 were applied
to the compost for the biodynamic plots.
Both, organic
and biodynamic treatments received identical soil and vine management
practices except that biodynamic preparations were only applied to the
biodynamic plots. The Wolff-Mixture® was used as cover crop (S3 Table)
in both, the organic and biodynamic plots. Nitrogen supply of the
organic and the biodynamic treatment was ensured by breaking up and
tilling under the cover crop mixture (rich in legumes) of every second
row shortly before full-bloom. In the integrated plots a grass mixture
was established as cover-crop in between the rows. Every second row was
ploughed shortly before bloom together with the cover crop of the
organic and the biodynamic treatments. The integrated plots are amended
with mineral fertilizers exclusively (50 kg N*ha-1*a-1 on 06/26/10, one day after full-bloom and 25 kg N*ha-1*a-1
on 07/05/12, six days after full-bloom) to compensate for the nitrogen
introduction in the organic and the biodynamic treatment that occurred
due to the ploughing of the cover crop rich in legumes.
the organic and the biodynamic treatments mechanical under-vine
management was implemented. In the integrated plots weeds in between the
vines were controlled by herbicides.
Erysiphe necator and Plasmopara viticola (powdery and downy mildew) were controlled by applying systemic fungicides in integrated viticulture. Bitter salts MgSO4
were applied in the integrated treatment on 08//13/10, 07/11/11 and
07/26/11 and magnesium nitrate fertilizer was applied on 08/02/12 and
08/14/12. Botryticides were applied twice a year (S4 Table).
For disease control in the organic and the biodynamic treatments
copper, sulfur, and plant strengtheners (Mycosin VIN®, sodium
bicarbonate, sodium silicate) were used to control powdery and downy
mildew (S5 Table). In all treatments RAK® 1+2 M (500 dispensers*ha-1;
178 mg of (E,Z)-7,9-Dodecadienylacetate per dispenser and 205 mg of
(Z)-9-Dodecenylacetate per dispenser) was applied against the vine moth
and the European grapevine moth (Eupoecilia ambiguella and Lobesia botrana) following the mating disruption method.
biodynamic field spray preparations horn manure and horn silica were
each applied three times a year. Horn manure was applied once after
harvest and twice in spring and horn silica was applied at grapevine
phenological stages shortly before full-bloom, at veraison and shortly
before harvest. In case no compost was applied to the biodynamic plots,
the cow pat pit preparation was applied once a year in the growing
season in parallel with tillage.
An overview of the management of the different treatments is given in Table 1.
Phenological stages were determined according to Coombe [74].
For this purpose 15 organs, i.e. buds, shoots or bunches per row were
taken into account. Lateral leaf area was measured non-destructively at
veraison. In 2010 the model of Lopes and Pinto [75] was applied, in 2011 and in 2012 the model of Mabrouk and Carbonneau [76] was applied. Both models have been shown to be applicable for estimating lateral leaf area of Vitis vinifera cv. Riesling under different management systems [77]. The calibration equations adapted to Vitis vinifera
cv. Riesling were used for the respective models. Lateral leaf area of 6
shoots (2010) and 9 shoots (2011 and 2012) per row was determined on 2
and 3 vines, respectively, measuring lateral leaf area of one primary
shoot at the beginning of the cane, one in the middle and one at the end
of the cane. Whole-plant lateral leaf area was obtained by multiplying
the secondary leaf area per shoot with the average number of shoots per
vine. Leaf area index (LAI) was estimated in 2012 using the Plant Canopy
Analyzer (PCA, LAI-2200, LI-COR, Lincoln, NE, USA) as described by
Döring et al. [78].
Four measurements per treatment were carried out on 09/05/12, one in
each block comprising eight vines on each side of two adjacent rows.
Pruning weight of every vine of the central rows was determined
gravimetrically in all three growing seasons. Relative levels of total
chlorophyll in leaves were estimated at full-bloom, veraison and before
harvest in the three growing seasons 2010 to 2012 using a portable
chlorophyll meter (SPAD-502, KONICA MINOLTA INC., Tokyo, Japan). SPAD
values are highly correlated to Chlorophyll content [79,80]. Nine mature, non-senescent leaves per row with comparable plastochron indices [81] were measured and three measurements per leaf were done (base, middle, leaf tip).
Nutrient Status
soil nitrogen content (Nmin) was measured at the phenological stages of
full-bloom, pea-sized berries and shortly before harvest. Four samples
per row in two depths (0–30 cm and 30–60 cm, respectively) were taken
with a soil core sampler. Two rows per management system in each plot
were sampled and analyzed separately. Samples were homogenized with a
soil homogenizer (Schäfer, Euskirchen, Germany). Samples were analyzed
according to Schaller [82] by flow injection analysis at 540 nm using a FOSS Tecator FIAstar Analyzer (FOSS, Hillerød, Denmark).
phosphorus, magnesium and potassium content in grapevine tissue were
measured at full-bloom and veraison during the three seasons, as
recommended by Robinson [Robinson 2006]. For this purpose ten healthy
leaves per row opposite to the first inflorescence or the first cluster
of a shoot were picked. The leaf blade was washed with distilled water,
dried at 60°C, ground to a fine powder by Foss Cyclotec™ 1093 (FOSS,
Hillerød, Denmark). 0.25 g of the ground leaf tissue was used for the
wet decomposition procedure. The samples were digested for 1 ½ hours at
100°C with 10 mL of a mixture of 420 mL H2SO4 conc., 330 mL 30% H2O2, 0.48 g selenium and 14 g Li2SO4 according to Schaller [82].
Samples were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma with optical
emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES, Spectro Arcos, Spectro Analytical
Instruments GmbH, Kleve, Germany). Standard curves were obtained using a
multi-element standard solution Multielement-Standardlösung
“Stammlösung Blatt” 8 Elemente in Salpetersäure 1 mol*L-1
(Bernd Kraft GmbH, Duisburg, Germany). Individual readings are the
average of two measurements and varied by less than 5%. Nitrogen in the
leaf tissue was analyzed by flow injection analysis using a FOSS Tecator
FIAstar 5000 Analyzer (FOSS, Hillerød, Denmark).
Physiological Performance
Leaf gas exchange measurements [net assimilation (A) and transpiration rate (E)] and stomatal conductance measurements [gs] were carried out on mature, non-senescent leaves with comparable leaf plastochron indices [81] on sunny days between 9 to 12 am. The leaves selected were well-exposed to direct sunlight (PAR >1000 μmol m−2s-1).
Gas exchange was measured using an open gas exchange system (GFS 3000,
Walz, Effeltrich, Germany). Pre-dawn water potential [Ψpd] was determined in 2011 and 2012 on mature, undamaged and non-senescent leaves using a pressure chamber [83] (Soilmoisture Corp., Santa Barbara, CA, USA) according to Turner [84]. Prior to the measurements leaves were wrapped in polyethylene bags and detached from the shoot with a single cut.
yield was determined gravimetrically at harvest on 10/13/10, 09/20/11
and 10/10/12, respectively, on all vines in the plot except the buffer
rows. Leaf area to fruit weight ratio [85]
was determined in 2012 using LAI-measurements for leaf area estimation
of the whole canopy and crop yield, as described above. Cluster weight
[g], cluster length [cm] and cluster compactness index [g cm-2]
were determined before veraison in 2012. Three healthy clusters per row
(first clusters) were randomly selected and analyzed for cluster weight
and cluster length. Cluster compactness was calculated as the ratio of
cluster weight [g] to cluster length squared [cm2] according to Tello and Ibáñez [86].
percentage of yield difference in the organic and the biodynamic
treatments compared to the integrated management was calculated. The
influence of berry weight, cluster weight and disease incidence and
severity of downy mildew on yield reduction was estimated. Data of
average single berry weight shortly before harvest, disease frequency of
downy mildew before veraison and cluster weight at veraison in 2012
were used to estimate the influence of these parameters on yield
reduction in the organic and the biodynamic treatments.
Disease Incidence and Severity
the infestation with downy mildew potentially decreases grapevine
yield, disease incidence and severity on clusters was monitored on
07/15/10, 07/01/11 and 07/13/12, respectively, according to organization
Eampp guidelines [87].
For this purpose 100 clusters per row were used for estimation of
disease severity, 50 on each side of the canopy. Disease incidence and
severity were rated on a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 corresponds to no
disease and 7 corresponds to 75–100% disease.
with Botrytis on clusters was determined shortly before harvest on
10/08/10, 09/19/11 and 10/09/12, respectively, following the Eampp
guidelines [87]
mentioned above. For this purpose 100 clusters per row were used for
estimation of disease severity, 50 on each side of the canopy. In
parallel with the determination of infestation with Botrytis disease
frequency of sour rot on clusters was detected shortly before harvest.
Winegrape Quality
maturity samples (100 berries per row on each date) were collected to
determine fruit quality parameters. Mean single berry weight of the
samples was determined gravimetrically. The juice of the samples was
obtained by pressing the berries with a sampling press at 1 bar
(Longarone 85, QS System GmbH, Norderstedt, Germany) for two minutes the
day after sampling. Maturity sampling took place every two weeks after
veraison in 2010 and 2011 and every week after veraison in 2012. The
concentration of α-amino-acids (N-OPA) in the juice was determined
according to Dukes and Butzke [88].
α-amino acid groups were derivated with o-phthaldialdehyde/N-
acetyl-L-cysteine (OPA/NAC) reagent. Absorbance at 335 nm was measured
with a UV/VIS spectrometer (SPECORD 500, Analytik Jena AG, Jena,
Germany) against a juice blank. Results were calculated as mg isoleucine
equivalent from a standard curve. The must was analysed for soluble
solids (°Brix) by refractometry and for total acidity and pH by
Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) (FT2 Winescan, FOSS,
Hillerød, Denmark).
Statistical Analysis
A balanced fixed factorial analysis of variance was carried out using the model
y = mu + si + rj + bk + ql + (sr)ij + (sq)il + eijkl
mu is the mean,
si (i = 1..3) are the effects of the management system, rj (j = 1,2) are the effects of the rootstock, bk (k = 1..4) are the block effects, ql (l = 1..3) are the year effects, and eijkl is a random error term. The effects (sr)ij and (sq)il are interactions between the corresponding main effects.
a main effect or an interaction was significant (p<0.05), a Tukey
test was carried out to compare the factor levels. Calculations were
carried out with the AOV and Tukey`s HSD commands of the statistical
software R [89].
For all the parameters measured averages per combination of
treatment:rootstock:block (n = 1) were calculated and used for
statistical analyses. For certain parameters that vary over time such as
mineralized nitrogen content Nmin in the soil, assimilation rate A, transpiration rate E, stomatal conductance gs, pre-dawn water potential Ψpd
and berry quality parameters during ripening the date was also included
as a fixed factor into the model. For the parameter mineralized
nitrogen content in the soil the factors soil management (cover crop or
cultivated soil) and sampling depth (0–30 cm and 30–60 cm) were included
into the model as a fixed factor. For parameters measured in just one
season such as leaf area index (LAI) and cluster compactness parameters,
the factor year and the interactions with the factor year were removed
from the model. In case of LAI, the rootstock was not taken into account
because data collection equally included the rootstocks Boerner and SO4
by measuring within a transect of two adjacent rows.
Lateral leaf area differed significantly among treatments (Table 2). The integrated treatment showed the highest lateral leaf area with 4.26 m2
per plant and differed significantly from the other two treatments. The
organic and the biodynamic management systems showed an average lateral
leaf area of 3.45 m2 and 2.95 m2 per vine,
respectively, and did not differ significantly from each other. Lateral
leaf area differed significantly among years. 2012 showed a
significantly lower leaf area compared to 2010 and 2011.
of the balanced fixed factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) and
results of the Tukey`s test for the fixed factor management system.
assesses whole plant leaf area which is influenced by both main shoot
and lateral leaf area. It differed significantly among treatments on
09/05/12 shortly before harvest. The integrated treatment again showed
the highest LAI value of 2.44 and differed significantly from the other
two treatments.
Another important parameter for vigor
is the pruning weight. The integrated treatment showed a significantly
higher pruning weight compared to the organic and the biodynamic
treatments (Fig 1). Average pruning weight for the integrated management system was 44.9 dt ha-1, while the organic and the biodynamic treatments showed 38.5 dt ha-1 and 37.4 dt ha-1, respectively. The rootstock, block, and year had a significant effect on pruning weight (Table 2).
Interactions between treatment and rootstock occurred. Boerner showed
lower pruning weight compared to SO4 except for the biodynamic treatment
in 2012. Interactions between treatment and year occurred, because the
biodynamic treatment showed the lowest pruning weight except for 2012
where the organic management system showed the lowest value (Fig 1).
levels of total chlorophyll index did not differ significantly among
treatments at full-bloom, but later in the season it differed
significantly among treatments. The two biological systems showed
significantly lower chlorophyll index compared to the integrated
treatment at veraison and harvest, respectively (Table 2).
Interactions between treatment and year occurred concerning relative
levels of total chlorophyll index at veraison. The integrated treatment
showed the highest values except for 2012 where the organic plots showed
the highest relative levels of total chlorophyll. The biodynamic plots
showed the lowest relative levels of total chlorophyll except for 2010
where the organic treatments showed lower levels.
Nutrient Status
organic and the biodynamic treatments showed a significantly higher
mineralized nitrogen content in the soil compared to the integrated
management system. The integrated treatment was fertilized with mineral
fertilizers exclusively from 2010 to 2012 to compensate for the nitrate
introduction by the cover crop used in the organic and the biodynamic
plots. The organic and the biodynamic treatments both showed average
nitrogen levels of 20 kg ha-1, whereas the integrated treatment showed just an average nitrogen level in the soil of 14 kg ha-1.
The organic and biodynamic treatments did not differ significantly in
the content of mineralized nitrogen during the growing seasons 2010 to
2012 (Table 2).
The year, the date, the sampling depth and the tillage system
significantly influenced the nitrate content in the soil. 2012 showed a
significantly higher content of mineralized nitrogen in the soil
compared to 2010 and 2011, respectively. The tilled rows showed higher
nitrogen content compared to the rows where cover crop was established
during the growing season. In the upper soil layer (0–30 cm) there was
significantly more mineralized nitrogen present than in the lower layer
(30–60 cm). Interactions between treatment and year were observed. The
organic treatment showed the highest levels of mineralized nitrogen in
the soil except for the season 2012 where the biodynamic management
system showed the highest levels.
Nitrogen and magnesium content in leaves did not differ significantly among treatments at full-bloom.
In contrast, nitrogen and magnesium content differed significantly among treatments at veraison in all three growing seasons (Table 2).
The integrated treatment showed significantly lower nitrogen content in
leaves at veraison, but an interaction between treatment and growing
season was observed. The organic treatment showed the highest nitrogen
content in the leaf tissue in 2010, whereas the biodynamic treatment
showed the highest values of nitrogen in the leaf tissue in 2012. In the
dry season 2011 nitrogen contents in the leaf tissue of all treatments
were similar. When compared to the biodynamic system, the integrated
treatment showed significantly higher magnesium content in leaves at
Physiological Performance
Assimilation rate A, transpiration rate E and stomatal conductance gs
differed significantly among treatments in the three growing seasons
2010 to 2012. Organic and biodynamic treatments showed significantly
lower assimilation rate, transpiration rate and stomatal conductance
compared to the integrated treatment. The mentioned parameters also
differed significantly among years, blocks, and dates. The transpiration
rate differed significantly between rootstocks. Boerner showed a
significantly higher transpiration rate in comparison to SO4 for all
treatments. An interaction between treatment and year occurred in the
case of assimilation rate. The biodynamic treatment showed higher
assimilation rates than the organic treatment in 2011, but showed lower
assimilation rate A than the organic treatment in 2011 and in 2012 (Table 2). The development of the transpiration rate E during the growing season 2011 is shown in Fig 2. The differences in transpiration rate E among the treatments were the highest after full-bloom.
Pre-dawn water potential (Ψpd) was measured in 2011 and 2012. It significantly differed among treatments (Table 2).
The biodynamic treatment showed a significantly higher level of water
stress (lower pre-dawn water potential) compared to the integrated and
the organic treatments. The rootstock, the season, the date, and the
block also had a significant influence on the pre-dawn water potential.
Boerner showed a significantly higher level of water stress compared to
SO4. When individual seasons were compared, 2012 showed a significantly
higher level of water stress compared to 2011. An interaction between
treatment and year was detected for the pre-dawn water potential. The
integrated treatment showed the lowest level of water stress in 2011 and
the organic treatment showed the lowest level of water stress in 2012.
differed significantly among treatments and among years. The integrated
treatment showed a significantly higher yield compared to the organic
and the biodynamic treatments across the three growing seasons 2010 to
2012 (Table 2). Average yield of the integrated management system was 6984 kg ha-1, whereas yields of the organic and the biodynamic management systems were 4276 kg ha-1 and 4347 kg ha-1,
respectively. 2010 showed the lowest average yield. Interactions
between the factors treatment and year were recorded. The organic
treatment showed the lowest yield in 2010 and 2012 and the biodynamic
treatment showed the lowest yield in 2011 (Fig 3).
area to fruit weight ratio is a major indicator for vine balance of
vegetative and reproductive performance. In 2012, it did not differ
significantly among treatments (Table 3). The integrated treatment showed a leaf area to fruit weight ratio of 25.11 cm2 g-1
on average. Both, the organic and the biodynamic treatment showed a
slightly increased average leaf area to fruit weight ratio of 32.41 cm2 g-1 and 32.94 cm2 g-1, respectively.
Average values of estimated yield reduction of the organic and the biodynamic treatment compared to the integrated treatment.
single berry weight during ripening differed significantly among
treatments. The integrated treatment showed a significantly higher berry
weight. Average single berry weight was also influenced by the sampling
date during ripening and the rootstock. Boerner showed a significantly
lower berry weight compared to SO4 (Fig 4A–4C).
Mean single berry weight [g] in (A) 2010, (B) 2011, (C) 2012 and α-amino acid content (N-OPA) [mg L-1 N] in (D) 2010, (E) 2011 and (F) 2012.
cluster weight at veraison differed significantly among treatments in
2012. The integrated treatment showed significantly higher cluster
weight (122.29 g) compared to the organic and the biodynamic management.
Under organic and biodynamic management, average cluster weights were
101.94 g and 91.92 g, respectively. Interactions between treatment and
rootstock occurred. The integrated treatment showed the highest average
cluster weight for Boerner and the organic treatment showed the highest
average cluster weight for SO4. Cluster length of representative
clusters did not differ significantly among treatments in 2012. Cluster
compactness was assessed as the quotient of cluster weight and cluster
length. The integrated treatment showed significantly higher cluster
compactness compared to organic and biodynamic management (Table 2).
Disease Incidence and Severity
monitoring results for the infestations of downy mildew, a
heterothallic oomycete, on grapes after flowering in 2010 and 2012
showed a significantly higher rate of infection in the organic and the
biodynamic treatments, whereas hardly any infection of downy mildew on
grapes of the integrated treatment was recorded (Table 2).
The organic and the biodynamic treatments showed an average rate of
infection of 2.02 and 1.89, respectively. In the integrated treatment
the average rate of infection observed was of 1.02. The year had a
significant influence on infection of downy mildew. In the dry season of
2011, no symptoms in any of the treatments were observed. Therefore, an
interaction between treatment and year occurred. The organic treatment
had the highest disease incidence of downy mildew in 2010 and 2012,
Disease incidence of Botrytis in this study differed significantly between the integrated and the biodynamic treatments (Table 2).
The biodynamic treatment showed a significantly higher infection rate
with an average value of 4.82, whereas the integrated treatment showed
an average infection rate of 4.49. The block and the year had a
significant effect on the infestation with Botrytis. In 2010 and 2011
disease frequency of Botrytis was high compared to 2012. Interactions
between treatment and year were observed. The integrated treatment
showed the lowest infection rate in 2010 and 2011 and the organic
treatment showed the lowest infection rate in 2012.
integrated treatment showed a significantly higher disease frequency of
sour rot compared to the other treatments. The year had a significant
influence on the infection of sour rot. There was an interaction between
treatment and year, as no sour rot was detected in any treatment in
2012 (Table 2).
Winegrape Quality
content (N-OPA) differed significantly among treatments during
ripening. The biodynamic treatment showed significantly higher values
compared to the integrated treatment. N-OPA also differed significantly
among years, blocks, rootstocks and dates of the maturity sampling
during ripening. There was a clear interaction between treatment and
year (Fig 4D–4F).
In 2011 and 2012 the biodynamic treatment showed the highest amount of
α-amino-acids in berries during ripening and at harvest, whereas the
integrated treatment showed the highest α-amino-acid content in 2010
where values were generally higher.
and vigor expressed as lateral leaf area, LAI during ripening, pruning
weight, and relative chlorophyll content in leaves was evidently reduced
under organic and biodynamic management. Leaf area of the organic and
the biodynamic treatments was sufficient to provide an adequate
assimilation surface, because for a vertical shoot positioning system as
it was applied here LAI values of 1.5 up to 3 are within the desired
range [90]. Pruning weight of all treatments ensured a sufficient growth [91]. Hofmann, Corvers, Kauer and Meißner [52–55]
report a reduction in pruning weight of the organic plots in different
trials comparing conventional and organic viticulture under the same
climatic conditions. Granstedt and Kjellenberg [32]
observe a reduced number of side stems of potato plants applying
biodynamic compared to conventional agricultural practices. This is in
accordance with the reduced lateral leaf area of the organic and
biodynamic treatments in this study.
Nitrogen levels of all treatments at full-bloom and veraison were within the desired range [92,93].
The organic and the biodynamic treatments showed both higher nitrogen
content in the soil [Nmin] and higher nitrogen content in the leaf
tissue [%] at veraison. Therefore nitrogen content in the soil and in
the leaf tissue cannot account for the reduction in growth and vigor of
the organic and the biodynamic treatments. This is unexpected and might
be due to the effect of legumes in the cover crop (Wolff-mixture) of the
organic and the biodynamic treatments. Because the soil was generally
tilled shortly before flowering, it might also explain why no
differences in nitrogen content at full-bloom were observed among
treatments. Even though the integrated treatment received the addition
of mineral fertilizer, it showed significantly lower nitrogen content in
the soil and lower nitrogen content in the leaf tissue at veraison in
comparison to the other two treatments. Interactions between treatment
and year reveal that the organic treatment showed higher nitrogen
content in soil and leaf tissue at veraison in 2010 and 2011, where it
also showed a higher pruning weight in comparison to the biodynamic
treatment, whereas in 2012 the biodynamic plots showed higher nitrogen
content in soil and leaf tissue at veraison as well as higher pruning
weight in comparison to the organic treatment. In the case of the
integrated treatment the nitrogen content in the soil and in the leaf
tissue seems to be encoupled from vigor and pruning weight.
Observed magnesium levels are in the required range of 0.21 to 0.34% in the leaf tissue during the growing season [92].
Magnesium content in the integrated treatment is slightly higher
compared to the organic and biodynamic systems at veraison. Bitter salts
were applied in the integrated treatment at 08/13/10, 07/11/11 and
07/26/11 and magnesium nitrate fertilizer (Magnisal™) was applied at
08/02/12 and 08/14/12 (S4 Table).
This might be an important parameter since magnesium is needed for
chlorophyll composition. Since addition of magnesium in the integrated
treatment occurred around veraison, this might be one reason why
chlorophyll content did not differ among treatments at full-bloom. The
integrated treatment showed both significantly higher magnesium content
at veraison and significantly higher chlorophyll content at veraison and
Phosphorous and potassium contents in
grapevine leaves under different management systems did not show any
relevant differences in this study (data not shown).
rate, transpiration rate and stomatal conductance are significantly
higher in the integrated treatment in the three growing seasons
2010–2012. The changes in physiological performance of the organic and
biodynamic plots especially under dry conditions after full-bloom in
2010 and 2011 (Fig 2)
might account for the observed changes in growth and vigor. It can be
deduced that the integrated treatment had higher whole-plant
assimilation and transpiration, because it showed higher lateral leaf
area and higher LAI as well as higher assimilation rate, transpiration
rate and stomatal conductance. Interactions between treatment and year
for the assimilation rate are similar to the interactions that occurred
for the indirect chlorophyll content at veraison. The organic plot
showed the lowest assimilation rates and the lowest indirect chlorophyll
content at veraison in 2010, whereas the biodynamic treatment showed
the lowest assimilation rates and the lowest indirect chlorophyll
content at veraison in 2011 and 2012, respectively. These two parameters
seem to be clearly linked.
One hypothesis is that the
different types of cover crops used in this study influence water
availability in the soil and thus physiological performance, growth and
vigor and cause interactions with the root systems of the vines.
Pre-dawn water potential, a good indicator for water stress under humid
climatic conditions [94],
was lower under organic and biodynamic management, although just the
biodynamic treatment differed significantly and interactions between
treatment and year occurred. Monteiro and Lopes [95]
report a decrease of pruning weight due to cover cropping in the third
year of a trial comparing cultivated soil to the application of cover
crops. Lopes et al. [96]
discovered the transpiration rates per unit leaf area of some cover
crop species to be about three times as high as those measured on
grapevine leaves. The vigor and growth of the grapevines may not only be
influenced by the water uptake of the Wolff-mixture in comparison to
the grass mixture, but nutrient competition between cover crop and vines
may also influence its chlorophyll content and growth. Due to the
different cover crops there might also be a different distribution of
soil moisture and therefore root development of the vines might be
influenced [95,97].
Other interactions between plants of the cover crop and vines may be
held responsible for changes in growth and physiological performance.
Another important factor that might influence growth and vigor of the
different treatments in this study are plant growth regulators such as
gibberellic acid, cytokinin and especially auxin that is involved in the
lateral inhibition process. Maybe differences in the root system or the
water availability in the soil might account for different levels of
these plant growth regulators in plant tissues under differing
management systems. Investigation of available soil water in the
different treatments on one hand and xylem sap flow on the other hand
might provide a better insight of the relation between water potential
and physiological performance of the treatments. Differences in xylem or
leaf anatomy under the different treatments as a reaction to different
water availability or different root distribution in the soil might as
well account for differences in growth and physiological activity.
copper used as active ingredient in spraying agents against downy
mildew might possibly influence physiological performance of organically
and biodynamically grown vines and thus growth [98,99].
In this study excessive copper exposure in soils cannot account for the
changes observed among the different management systems, since copper
content in the soil did not differ significantly when determined in 2012
[data not shown]. Amounts were of 73.8 to 75.5 mg kg-1 of
soil and thus well below the copper contents in soils considered harmful
for grapevines. Some studies confirm metabolic and physiological
changes of Vitis vinifera leaves exposed to Bordeaux mixture containing copper sulphate [100,101]. However, amounts of copper applied against downy mildew in this study were low (maximum 500 g per spraying event; S5 Table). The possible impact of spraying agents containing copper used in this study (Funguran, Funguran Progress and Cuprozin; S5 Table)
on physiological performance of leaves should be further investigated
to determine to which extend it impacts vine growth in comparison to
systemic fungicides.
was significantly reduced under organic and biodynamic management in
this trial. When yield was compared to the average yield of the growing
area [102],
the yield of the experimental trial followed similar patterns.
According to previous studies yield under organic management seems to
decrease except for legumes and perennial fruits such as apple, pear and
peach. For most of the studies conducted in viticulture a yield
decrease under organic management was observed [52–57].
The system in this study is also a legume-based system in which
nitrogen supply of the organic and biodynamic treatments is ensured by a
cover crop rich in legumes. The nitrogen supply of the vines cannot
account for the observed yield differences because the biological
systems showed higher nitrogen contents in the soil during the three
growing seasons 2010–2012 and higher nitrogen content in leaves at
veraison. No yield differences between the organic and the biodynamic
system in our study were observed. Danner [56] reports a decrease of yield under biodynamic compared to organic management. This could not be confirmed here.
2012, cluster weight and cluster compactness were significantly reduced
under organic and biodynamic management. Differences in nutrient
supply, physiological performance, vigor as well as water availability
may have caused these differences. Reproductive development of Vitis vinifera is highly sensitive to vine water status [103].
Water deficits early in the season were shown to result in decreases in
yield and cluster weight. If early season water deficit occurred over
two or more years, the number of grape clusters per vine and the cluster
weight were reduced and both factors contributed to yield decreases [103].
In this study, two of the three consecutive seasons showed a decreased
transpiration rate in the organic and the biodynamic treatments,
especially between bloom and veraison (Fig 2).
This decreased transpiration rate might have contributed to the
reduction of cluster weights in the respective treatments. The period
from initiation to maturation of the grape encompasses two growing
seasons [104,105].
This is why water deficits may simultaneously affect more than one
reproductive process and influence not only cluster weight, berry weight
and yield of one year, but also primordia that highly determine yield
of the subsequent growing season. It might be one reason for lower
cluster weight and lower cluster compactness in the organic and the
biodynamic treatments and might simultaneously have influenced yield of
the respective subsequent year. Cluster number might be another very
important parameter to better understand the reasons and mechanisms of
the yield differences in the different management systems.
weight differed significantly among treatments. The integrated
treatment showed significantly higher average single berry weight during
ripening and at harvest compared to the organic and the biodynamic
treatments. This is in accordance with Linder [58] (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Chasselas), Pool and Robinson [57] (Vitis labrusca cv. Elvira), and Meißner [55] (Vitis vinifera
L. cv. Riesling), who also detected a reduction in berry weight under
organic viticulture. Concerning other crops, organically grown tomatoes
also showed smaller mass [25].
Differences in berry weight among treatments were most evident in the
dry year 2011. This might be due to lower leaf gas exchange of the
organic and the biodynamic treatments after full-bloom [106]. Since there is evidence that water deficit during the period after flowering severely reduces berry weight in grapevines [107,108], it might account for the reduced berry weights observed in the organic and the biodynamic treatments, respectively.
2010 and 2012, it was observed that the plots under organic and
biodynamic management displayed a higher disease incidence of downy
mildew with an increased severity. This could primarily be due to the
use of copper and plant strengtheners in the organic and the biodynamic
plots (S5 Table) as opposed to the systemic fungicides that were applied in the integrated treatment (S4 Table). Danner [56]
did not observe differences in disease frequency of downy mildew among
integrated, organic and biodynamic viticulture in Austria (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Grüner Veltliner) from 1979–1983. In that study wettable sulfur, extracts of horsetail (Equisetum arvense), valerian (Valeriana officinalis) and stinging nettle (Urtica dioica),
alkali silicates (water glass) and calcium oxide (extracted from algae)
were used as plant protection agents and plant strengtheners in the
organic and the biodynamic treatments, whereas in this study wettable
sulfur, water glass, Vitisan, copper and Mycosin VIN were applied (S5 Table).
between treatment and year for the parameters yield and disease
incidence of downy mildew show similar patterns. In the two growing
seasons 2010 and 2012, where downy mildew occurred, the organic
management system showed higher disease incidence and lower yields than
the biodynamic treatment. In 2011, where downy mildew was not detected
in any of the systems, the biodynamic treatment showed the lowest
Compared to the integrated treatment average yield reduction is 35.9% in the organic and 34% in the biodynamic treatment (Table 3).
These yield reductions can be partially explained by the reduced
cluster weight, the reduced berry weight and the increased disease
frequency of downy mildew. Disease frequency of downy mildew and reduced
cluster weight can account for 28% out of 44.5% of yield loss in the
biodynamic treatment and can account for 22.6% out of 46.2% of the yield
loss in the organic treatment in 2012.
frequency of downy mildew, single berry weight and cluster weight
cannot account for the entire yield reduction in the organic and the
biodynamic treatments which occurred from 2010–2012 (Table 3).
One weakness of this assessment may be that disease frequency of downy
mildew was estimated at bunch closure and not shortly before harvest.
The former assessment time was chosen because the shriveling of infested
bunches make detection of the disease more difficult later in the
season. In comparing the season 2010 to 2012, it was observed that in
2012 a higher yield loss in the biological systems occurred. In 2010 the
infestation of downy mildew took place much earlier in the growing
season. We can therefore deduce that more compensation occurred and that
we detected a similar rate of infection as in 2012, but observed less
yield reduction. The reduced cluster weight of the organic and the
biodynamic treatments measured at veraison in 2012 can be partially held
responsible for the yield reduction of the respective systems. We do
not know if the number of bunches per shoot were similar among the
management systems and we cannot quantify the yield loss due to Botrytis
shortly before harvest. These two factors may highly determine yield of
the management systems. Number of clusters per shoot as well as average
cluster weight, average number of berries per cluster, average berry
weight and average number of shoots per vine should be determined in the
future to provide a more precise idea of the reproductive growth cycle
in the different treatments.
Winegrape Quality
quality encompasses not only berry chemical traits, but also health
status of the grapes and nutrient contents for ensuring successful yeast
nutrition [109].
No differences in berry quality parameters such as total soluble
solids, total acidity and pH during ripening and at harvest occurred
among treatments. Many other studies confirm that organic and biodynamic
viticulture, respectively, have little influence on grape composition [10,52,54,56,58,61]. Organically grown tomatoes [25,26] or other organically grown fruits such as strawberries [18] or apples [17],
in contrast, showed higher quality. This might be highly dependent on
the culture, management and physiological response of the plant.
Leaf-area-to-fruit-weight-ratio in 2012 did not differ significantly
among treatments in this study. Leaf-area-to-fruit-weight-ratios
calculated in this study are high in comparison to values from other
cultivars under semi-arid conditions [85,110], but varieties such as Gewürztraminer under cool climate conditions showed a high leaf-area-to-fruit-weight-ratio, too [111].
The fact that no differences in leaf-area-to-fruit-weight-ratios among
treatments were observed might be one reason why treatments did not
differ significantly in major berry quality traits. Another reason for
this might be that physiological performance after veraison which
influences the maturity of the fruit [107] did not differ highly among treatments (Fig 2).
Nonetheless other berry quality parameters such as phenol content or
aroma components might differ among the viticultural management systems
because of differences in vigor. It should be further investigated as to
whether grapes of different management systems differ in berry quality
parameters highly linked to light interception by the canopy and
translucency of the bunch zone [112].
frequency of Botrytis was significantly increased in the biodynamic
treatment compared to the integrated treatment where botryticides were
applied. The differences in the management between the integrated and
the biodynamic treatment include soil management, cover crop, plant
protection strategy and the application of the biodynamic preparations.
This means that the application of the preparations cannot entirely
account for the observed differences, since the organic and the
biodynamic treatments did not differ significantly in disease frequency
of Botrytis in this trial. Moreover, the differences in plant protection
strategy, e.g. the application of botryticides in the integrated
management system, cannot entirely account for the observed differences
since the integrated and the organic plot do not differ significantly
either. Danner [56],
in contrast, reports a higher disease frequency of Botrytis for organic
management compared to conventional and biodynamic management from
1979–1983 in Austria (Vitis vinifera L cv. Grüner Veltliner).
Botrytis attacks the berries there is the risk of further fungi or
bacteria entering the cracked barrier of the berry skin. One of the most
frequent pathogens that severely endanger fruit and wine quality are
acetic acid bacteria which cause sour rot [112,113].
Disease frequency of sour rot was significantly increased in the
integrated treatment in 2010 and 2011, where sour rot on bunches
occurred. One reason for this might be that copper, which was applied as
a plant protection agent in the organic and the biodynamic plots until
veraison (S5 Table),
has a negative impact on growth of acetic acid bacteria which cause
sour rot. In 2011 the monitoring results were confirmed by the
gravimetrical determination of the amount of berries per vine affected
by sour rot. The integrated treatment showed a significantly higher
amount of infected yield (data not shown). Still further research is
needed to verify whether copper may account for the observed differences
concerning sour rot.
The biodynamic
treatment showed a significantly higher content of primary amino acids
in healthy berries during maturation compared to the integrated
treatment. At harvest in 2010 all treatments showed sufficiently high
concentrations of primary amino acids over 140 mg N L-1 to support completion of fermentation [88].
In 2011 contents of primary amino acids were generally low for all
treatments. The organic and the biodynamic treatments showed a higher
content of primary amino acids in 2012 compared to the integrated
treatment. This may be partially due to the high yield loss in the
organic and the biodynamic treatments in 2012, which was highest in the
seasons of interest (Table 3).
One reason for the lowest concentration of N-OPA in healthy berries of
the integrated treatment might be the application of systemic
fungicides. Oliva et al. [114]
showed that the application of certain systemic fungicides
significantly reduces total amino acid content as well as up to 11 out
of 16 analyzed amino acids in grapes (Vitis vinifera L. cv.
Monastrell). Especially fungicides that contained famoxadone or
fenhexamid decreased the amino acid concentration in grapes. Teldor
which contains fenhexamid as an active agent against Botrytis was
applied once in 2010 and 2012, respectively, and twice in 2011 in the
integrated treatment. The concentrations that were applied were slightly
dependent on the phenological stages of the vines (S4 Table), but corresponded to the ones of the study by Oliva et al. [114].
A decrease in amino acid concentration in the juice might not only have
implications on the success of alcoholic fermentation, but may also
affect wine aroma and other beneficial effects such as protein synthesis
However, the fungicide application alone cannot account for the
observed differences in N-OPA, because the organic treatment did not
differ significantly in N-OPA from the integrated treatment. The amount
of healthy berries might as well have influenced N-OPA since the
integrated and the biodynamic treatment also differed in disease
frequency of Botrytis. On one hand the application of botryticides in
the integrated treatment lowered the infestation with Botrytis, but
might on the other hand be partially responsible for the decline in
amino acid content in berries during maturation. An interaction between
the effect of the fungicide and the amount of healthy berries might have
caused the observed differences in N-OPA. Another factor that is likely
to have influenced the amount of Botrytis and the amount of available
α-amino acids in the berries of the different treatments is the nitrogen
content in the soil that was reflected in the nitrogen content in the
leaf tissue. It should be further investigated if enzymes that share in
conversion of nitrogen in the plant such as nitrate reductase show
different activities in vines of the different treatments.
and yield of grapevines under organic and biodynamic management
decreased in comparison to the integrated treatment in this study,
whereas fruit quality was not affected by the management system. Use of
biodynamic preparations had little effects on vine growth and yield.
physiological performance was significantly higher under integrated
management, it can be deduced that it influenced both growth, cluster
weight, and berry weight and therefore yield levels. Soil management and
fertilization strategy are likely to regulate physiological performance
of the vines. Whether the changes in physiological performance occur
due to hydraulic or chemical signals, such as phytohormones, should be
further investigated. The discovery of reduced physiological performance
of organically and biodynamically grown grapevines under
field-conditions might potentially provide hints for further research on
physiological performance of other organically grown perennial crops to
better understand and further develop organic management strategies.
Since a reduction of physiological performance in the organic and the
biodynamic treatments occurred most evidently after full-bloom, organic
and biodynamic growers should minimize water consumption of the cover
crop in this period through mulching or rolling, because in this period
berry size is determined and limited water availability might cause a
reduction in cluster weight of the current and the subsequent year.
levels in the soil and in leaf tissues were also affected by the
management system, but since the organic and the biodynamic treatments
showed higher nitrogen levels, this factor cannot account for the
observed reduction in growth and yield of the respective treatments.
Nitrogen supply in the organic and the biodynamic treatments has been
successfully ensured through cover crop management and compost addition.
health differed significantly among treatments in this study due to the
different plant protection strategies of the treatments investigated.
In two out of three growing seasons disease incidence and severity of
downy mildew in the organic and the biodynamic treatments partially
accounted for yield reduction in the respective treatments. A stringent
organic plant protection strategy with narrow intervals of spraying
events especially in wet periods throughout the growing season is
crucial to guarantee yield and fruit quality of grapevines.
protection strategy also influenced nutrient status of the vines.
Magnesium content in leaf tissues at veraison was significantly higher
in the integrated treatment most likely due to the application of bitter
salts. To which extend the higher magnesium content in the integrated
treatment at veraison influenced physiological performance is subject of
further research. Nonetheless, organic and biodynamic winegrowers
should ensure sufficient magnesium supply to potentially enhance
chlorophyll content and physiological performance of grapevines.
a growth reduction under organic and biodynamic management was observed
in this study, further research on the microclimate in the bunch zone
and secondary metabolites in berries related to radiation interception
and translucency of the bunch zone should be conducted. Furthermore,
sensory characteristics of the wines from the differing management
systems should be compared.
Supporting Information
S1 Dataset
The underlying dataset of the trial.
Click here for additional data file.(57K, zip)
S1 Fig
Data of weather conditions during the seasons (A) 2010, (B) 2011, and (C) 2012.
average temperature [°C] and daily rainfall [mm]. Arrows indicate
budbreak, full-bloom, veraison and harvest, respectively.
Click here for additional data file.(942K, TIF)
S2 Fig
Maturity sampling during the seasons (A) 2010, (B) 2011, and (C) 2012.
Total soluble solids [°Brix], total acidity [g L-1], and pH. Means ± sd.
Click here for additional data file.(764K, TIF)
S1 Table
Results of the balanced fixed factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA with factors treatment and block) for the analysis of the soil samples in 2010 before data collection started [116].
** and *** indicate statistical significance (p<0.05, p<0.01 and
p<0.001) of the main effects determined by ANOVA (ns = not
significant). Means ± sd per management system (int = integrated
treatment, org = organic treatment, biodyn = biodynamic treatment).
Click here for additional data file.(288K, doc)
S2 Table
Analysis of residues of systemic plant protection agents on bunches in 2009.
int = integrated treatment, org = organic treatment
Click here for additional data file.(33K, doc)
S3 Table
Components of the Wolff-mixture used as cover crop in the organic and the biodynamic treatment.
Click here for additional data file.(37K, doc)
S4 Table
Pest and disease management of the integrated treatment.
Click here for additional data file.(114K, doc)
S5 Table
Pest and disease management of the organic and the biodynamic treatment.
Click here for additional data file.(149K, doc)
would like to thank Software AG Foundation and the consultative group
of the project INBIODYN for stimulative discussion and Georg Meissner
and the department of soil science at Hochschule Geisenheim University
for their assistance. Furthermore, authors would like to thank Matthias
Friedel and Martha Wicks-Müller for their helpful revisions and Bachelor
and Master students Greta Brachmann, Felix Thiele, Vanessa Stöber,
Biagio Boi, Peter Mößner, Ana Seca and Caroline Shipley for their
Funding Statement
Funding was provided by Forschungsring des deutschen Weinbaus:, JD; Software AG Stiftung:, JD. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and Analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Data Availability
All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files.
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