Volume 159, 15 January 2015, Pages 209–214
Research Paper
A study of medicinal plants used as ethnoveterinary: Harnessing potential phytotherapy in Bheri, District Muzaffarabad (Pakistan)
Ethnopharmacological relevance
plants are utilized for handling health care system and in preventing a
variety of diseases. A survey was conducted to document the rapidly
disappearing traditional knowledge of medicinal plants in union council
Bheri, District Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan.
Materials and methods
format was used to collect the medicinal uses of plants. The 180
informants were interviewed from six villages in total, 30 from each
village (20 male and 10 female) regarding the ethnoveterinary uses of
plants in several ailments. For the reliability of ethnoveterinary
knowledge, the informant consensus factor (FIC), and fidelity level (FL)
were calculated and the literature cited was surveyed. The medicinal
information was gathered from local inhabitants, healers, shepherds and
old men and women of different age groups.
total of 24 medicinal plant species used as ethnoveterinary were found
belonging to 22 genera and 19 families. The most dominant family was
Polygonaceae (3 species) followed by Araceae, Asteraceae, Lamiaceae each
with 2 species and remaining families having one species. The important
medicinal plant species showed the highest fidelity level (FL) such as:
Rumex nepalensis, Primula denticulata, (100%) used for dysuria, red urination, Skimmia laureola (100%), Swertia paniculata (99%), and Angelica glauca (97%), used for ague, cold, shivering, gastric ailments, Melia azedarach (100%),
used to reduce intestinal worm load in cattle showing the conformity of
knowledge on these species. Highest FIC was recorded for foot and mouth
diseases and ectoparasite (1) followed by ague (0.98) and dysuria
(0.99) depicting that a few species were used to cure various animals׳
findings of the research revealed that merely a few species are used as
ethnoveterinary medicine supported by pharmacology study. Due to
anthropogenic pressure the extinction of each species from the areas
could result in disappearing knowledge regarding century׳s old
traditional methods of curing diseases from these plant species.
- Ethnoveterinary;
- Medicinal plants;
- Informants consensus factor;
- Fidelity level;
- Bheri
1. Introduction
Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir lies between latitude 33°–36° in the North
and longitude 73°–75° in the East and comprises an area of 13,297 square
kilometers. The topography of the district falls into the hilly zone.
Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJ&K) is very plentiful in natural beauty.
Recently, an ethnoveterinary survey in union council Bheri, District
Muzaffarabad and remote areas of different ecological zones ranging from
temperate to alpine zone was carried out. The study areas lay between
73.50° and 73.58° East longitude and 34.50° and 34.57°
North latitude and comprise a total area of 6700 square kilometers.
These areas are rich in natural beauty and medicinal flora. The total
population of union council Bheri, mentioned in that survey, was about
2500 and almost evenly distributed.
climate of the area fluctuates with the elevation. It is very cold
during the winter, with heavy snowfall. The minimum temperature ranges
from 3.2 °C to 22.8 °C while the average daily temperature ranges from
15.9 °C to 37.6 °C from January to June respectively. The average yearly
rainfall is 1540.7 mm. The farm animal population in the region was
2921 herds of cattle, 3265 sheep, 2185 goats, 75 donkeys, 125 horses and
mules and 996 chickens in 2012.
have been used throughout human evolution. This interaction established
allopathic medicinal industry for further exercises and exploring the
bioactive constituents of medicinal plant species worldwide (Cardozo et al., 2004). The ethnoveterinary traditional knowledge has been reported worldwide, for instance, in India (Sri and Vikrama, 2010), Nigeria (Musa et al., 2008), Africa (Toyang et al., 2007), Zimbabwe (Matekaire and Bwakura, 2004) and in Pakistan (Hussain et al., 2008 and Khan et al., 2010)
to cure numerous livestock diseases. The ethno-veterinary studies
explore the information regarding diseases and their control, remedies
and clinical practices for treatment and prevention, management,
feeding, breeding strategies and the human resources that carry
information and experiences (Mathias, 2004). Ethnoveterinary practice for the treatment of parasitic diseases in cattle of Cholistan Desert, Pakistan, has been reported (Farooq et al., 2008)
and 35 plant species of greater Cholistan Desert of Pakistan were
collected and are being used for the treatment of various diseases of
cattle (Khan, 2009). It has been described that the leaves and fruits of Azadirachta indica have anti-parasitic and anti-coccidal potential significantly validated in animals ( Tipu et al., 2006).
The methanolic extract has been practiced for anti-hepatotoxic activity
against carbon tetrachloride induced liver toxicity in experimental
rats and revealed significant anti-hepatotoxic activity of the
methanolic extract at the concentration of 100 mg/kg ( Karan et al., 1999). Plants infusion is used to treat east coast fever of cattle ( Tabuti et al., 2003) and treatment of mastitis in cattle, especially buffaloes ( Dilshad et al., 2010). The local people are highly dependent on herbal remedy to treat various ailments ( Nigam and Sharma., 2010)
and in a report, 24 plant species of ethnoveterinary importance were
found useful for curing various livestock ailments, such as
gastrointestinal disorders, fever, cough, respiratory tract infection,
urinary tract diseases, promote lactation, wound healing, placenta
removal, deworming, carminative and flatulence in the Arab system of
medicine ( Sher and Alyemeni., 2011).
2. Material and methods
2.1. Field study
extensive survey in the rural and remote areas of different ecological
zones ranging from temperate to alpine was carried out during the month
of March and October in 2012 for the present study. The voucher
specimens were collected from different localities of the area during
the field work. The survey localities include the following six
villages: Chowki, Bheri, Seri, Doba, Baseri, and Domelaan. The following
allied areas were also included in the survey: Baandda and lower Makra (Fig. 4). These areas were particularly selected for study due to dense population.
The collected plant samples were identified with the help of flora of Pakistan (Ali and Nasir, 1970–2002) and also verified online using plant databases (The Plant List, 2013) 〈http://www.theplantlist.org〉 and 〈http://apps.kew.org/wcsp/home.do〉.
The collected specimens were mounted on herbarium sheets and deposited
in the herbarium of Department of Botany University of AJ&K. The
study of plants is used in term of number and type of uses attributed to
the species was carried out.
2.2. Data collection
were interviewed individually in the local language (Hindku).
Semi-structured interviews addressed questions regarding informants׳
details: name, age, gender, education, occupation, religion and data
about medicinal plant and its use: included plant local names, name of
diseases treated, effectiveness of plant, plant parts used, method of
collection, marketability of species, abundance, habitat, other parts or
herbs used along with (if any), methods of remedy preparation, remedy
preservation, mode of administration (Cotton, 1996).
The Prior Informed Consent (PIC) was obtained verbally before
commencing each interview. Ethical guidelines followed the International
Society of Ethnobiology Code of Ethics (International Society of Ethnobiology, 2008).
Prior to data collection, survey was held along with a veterinarian and
a community leader who were well informed about local healers and
shepherds. Initial survey led to the identification of a total of 210
people out of which 180 people were key respondents who gave their
consent for providing the ethnoveterinary traditional knowledge. The
total number of informants involved in the ethnomedicinal survey was 180
(120 male and 60 female). The age of the individuals ranged from 35 to
90 year (average 45). Answers of respondents were translated into
English and noted down by the interviewer.
2.3. Data analysis
consensus factor (ICF) was calculated for each category to identify the
agreement of the informants on the reported cure. ICF was calculated by
equation [ICF=nur−nt/nur−1] where nur is the number of use citation in
each category and nt is the number of species used. The fidelity level
(FL), the percentage of informants claiming the use of a certain plant
for the same major purpose, was calculated by, [Np/N×100]. Where Np is
the number of informants who claimed the use of a plant species for a
particular use and N is the number of informants who used the plants. Such methods are helpful in the selection of plants for further studies ( Alexiades, 1996 and Andrade-Cetto, 2009).
3. Results
detailed description regarding the ethnoveterinary uses of 24 medicinal
plants, plants scientific names, families, vernacular names and plant
parts used, method of preparation to cure various ailments of livestock
in Bheri, District Muzaffarabad is given in the table (Table 1). Results
showed that in the study areas, most dominant families with respect to
species number were Polygonaceae (3) followed by Araceae, Asteraceae,
Lamiaceae (each 2) and remaining families having one species (Fig. 3).
4. Discussion
is the most significant instrument to examine the natural resource
management of indigenous people and to keep open the fast disappearing
knowledge regarding plants. In the present survey, the folk veterinary
uses were revealed from local nomadic, veterinary practitioner and
shepherds. A total of 24 plant species in 22 genera and 19 families were
found which are used to treat several diseases of animals and poultry
by the people of the union council Bheri and their modes of remedy
preparation were decoction, infusion, poultice and in the powder form (Table 1).
- Table 1. List of ethnoveterinary practices of important plants in Bheri, District Muzaffarabad, AJK, and Pakistan.
S.no. Scientific name Family Vernacular. name Parts used Bioactive components Ethnoveterinary practices Ailments 1 Amaranthus viridis L. Amaranthaceae. Safed kannar Lv, Se Glycosides, saponone,tannin (Ahmed et al., 2013) Decoctions Malarial fever 2 Arisaema flavum (Forssk.) Schoot Araceae Toosh Lv Infusion, Mouth and foot diseases of cattle 3 Arisaema jacquemontii Blume Araceae Tooshganda Wp As whole plant Cholera, flu, dysentery, dyspepsia and inflammation of gut and snake bite 4 Senecio chrysanthemoides DC. Asteraceae Bghoo Ae Coumarine, alkaloid, flavonoid (Joshi et al., 2013) Decoction Anthelmintic, antiscorbutic and diaphoretic 5 Lactuca brunoniana (DC.) Wall. ex C.B.Clarke Asteraceae Korijari Wp The whole plant Pinworms 6 Impatiens scabrida DC. Balsaminaceae Pale ponytail naphthoquinone alkaloid (Rastogi and Mehrotra, 1990, 1991, 1995). The whole plant Laxative, diuretic 7 Leptopus cordifolius Decne. Phyllanthaceae Kurkani R, Lv Powder Anthelmintic 8 Quercus oblongata D.Don Fagaceae Reen Lv, Br Decoction Astringent, diuretic, antiasthma and anorexia. 9 Swertia paniculata Wall. Gentianaceae. Malyjari WP (Swerchirin ),alkaloid, flavonoids. (Brahmachari et al., 2004) Decoction /dried plant powder is mixed with gurr and flour Mala, Ague (characterized by cold, shivering) and indigestion and constipation 10 Aesculus indica (Wall. ex Cambess.) Hook. Sapindaceae Bankhorr Fr Aescin, aesculuside, β sitosterol, decanoic acid,quercetin (Harpreet and Arvind., 2013) Powder General weakness, Stimulant 11 Mentha longifolia (L.) L. Lamiaceae Safedpodina Ae Flavonoid, alkaloid, cardiac glycoside, terpenes (Ashfaq et al., 2012) Infusion Anti-cholera, anti-dyspepsia, anti-emetic 12 Isodon rugosus (Wall. ex Benth.) Codd Lamiaceae Peemar Ae sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (Padalia, and Verma, 2011) Infusion Against flea 13 Melia azedarach L. Meliaceae Drek Se Powder Anthelmintic 14 Ficus palmata Forssk. Moraceae Pagaaar Lv Alkaloids, steroids, flavonoids, (Saklani and Chandra, 2012) Whole Anorexia 15 Indigofera heterantha Brandis Leguminosae Papilionaceae Kainthi Tw Indigoferin, β-sitosterol (Tariq et al., 2011) As fodder Milk and meat 16 Fagopyrum acutatum (Lehm.) Mansf. ex K.Hammer Polygonaceae Khattra Ae Luteolin, rhamnetin, luteolin-dime-thylethe, (Ruana et al., 2013) As fodder Antimicrobial, diuretic and bactericidal 17 Fagopyrum esculentum Moench Polygonaceae Khattra Ae Flavonoid, protein, (Hagels. 1999) As fodder Antimicrobial, diuretic and bactericidal 18 Rumex nepalensis Spreng. Polygonaceae Hulla Wp Quinone betasitosterol;,glucopyranos,galactopyranoside, (Rastogi and Mehrotra, 1990, 1991, 1995) Decoction Hepatitis, malarial fever, dysuria and red urination 19 Primula denticulata Sm. Primulaceae Chiatpatra Wp Decoction Hepatic fever, dysuria and hemoglobinuria 20 Aquilegia pubiflora Wall. ex Royle Ranunculaceae Muneeri Ae Powder The herb is fatal to cattle in large amount. Anthelmintic 21 Sorbaria sorbifolia (L.) A. Braun Rosaceae Karleee Ae As fodder Stimulant, 22 Skimmia laureola Franch. Rutaceae Neera Lv Fatty aster and quinone alkakloid (Sultanaa et al., 2005) Powder, decoction Cold, shivering (ague) diarrhea, dysentery, and anti worms 23 Bergenia ciliata (Haw.) Sternb. Saxifragaceae Butpeewa Rh Steroid, terpenoids, flavonides, anthraquinone. (Uddin et al., 2012) Powder chronic stomachic and intestinal trouble 24 Angelica glauca Edgew. Apiaceae Choora Wp Courmarine (Kapoor et al., 1972) Decoction ague and cold shivering
previous studies have been reported regarding the role of medicinal
plants for treating several ailments of cattle practiced in Azad Kashmir
(Ishtiaq et al., 2006).
It has been explored that the ethnoveterinary uses of 58 plants ,
prescribes dosage and mode of administration to livestock in Nepal (Bhattari, 1992).
The 19 plant species relating to 14 ailments of animals were used as
veterinary medicines to cure livestocks diseases by local people of
Poonch Valley Azad Kashmir (Khan et al., 2012).
As far as their utilization is concerned, the roots, rhizome, bark,
leaves, and stem were the chief characters of plant species used while
decoctions and infusions were the primary methods of preparation (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2).
The medicinal plants were under high biotic pressure that leads to
threat of species extinction in these fields. The poisonous plants were:
Aquilegia pubiflora and Leptopus cordifolius. Out of total 24 species Melia azedarach, Skimmia laureola, Rumex nepalensis, Primula deticulata, Swertia paniculata and Angelica glauca
were commonly used to treat chills and fever, dysuria, hemonglobinuria
and other infirmities in all study areas. The ethnomedicinal uses are
supported by pharmacology study, but only a few species have not yet
practiced as ethnomedcine braced by pharmacology studies such as Aquilegia pubiflora, Sorbaria sorbifolia, Lactuca brunoniana, Primula denticulata, Aquilegia pubiflora, and Quercus oblongata. These species have not yet screen for phytochemical constituents.
the study, it was discovered that the medicinal plants are also being
applied to treat human disease. Some of these medicinal plants were used
to treat human diseases and were under the threat of extermination,
such as Aconitum heterophyllum, Rheum webbanum, Taxus wallichiana, Trillium govanianum, Valeriana jatamansi and Saussurea lappa.
These were rather under a high biotic pressure due to excessive
exploitation by local people, smuggling by foreigners and deforestation
and fire wood extraction by the local community. Vegetation is affected
by the people in many ways, such as having a great deal of livestock
pressure, lumbering and dragging of wood logs that crushed the plants of
those fields. Another factor that results in decreased vegetation of
the survey areas was that, the excessive grazing by the cattle, goats
and sheep of the local people, nomadic people and shepherds during the
blooming seasons. The endangered species that include: Swertia paniculata and Angelica glauca are under a threat due to excessive collection and marketing.
In the present study the FIC value ranges from 0.95 to 1 and FL ranges from 86 to 100% (Table 2 and Table 3).
The elderly people have better traditional knowledge and male
individuals are more respondent than the females. Moreover, a high FIC
value for a particular disease category might indicate the military
position of the plants in treating this disease category and possibility
of containing the important active constituents in these plants (Cakilcioglu et al., 2011 and Kadir et al., 2012).
The present investigation for the first time explored ethnoveterinary
folk use, and also analyzed through a literature survey; exploring that
most plant species are used as herbal medications in different countries
of the universe. For instance the efficacy of Azadirachta indica, mentioned as an anthelmintic by livestock farmers, against gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep by Costa et al. (2006) and Iqbal et al. (2010). Skimmia laureola, Rumex nepalensis, Swertia paniculata, Angelica glauca and Primula denticulata
are novel plant species normally used to treat complaints such as ague,
dysuria, hepatitis, and dysentery by local dwellers in Bheri. The most
common privilege diseases were ague, mouth and foot diseases, intestinal
worms and hepatitis.
- Table 2. Categories of ailments and informant consensus factor for ethnoveterinary.
Disease categories Ailments Number of species (ns) Number of use- reports (nUR) Informants׳ consensus factor (FIC) Malarial fever Ague, cold shivering 04 168 0.98 Wound infections Healing, 02 140 0.99 Viral diseases Foot and mouth disease 01 78 1 Urine disease Dysuria, pain, 07 178 0.97 Anthelmintic Pinworms, round worms 05 84 0.95 Stomach diseases Dyspepsia, dysentery 06 163 0.97 Anorexia 02 118 0.99 Ectoparasite Lice 01 105 1 Respiratory ailments Coughing, sneezing 03 114 0.98
- Table 3. Fidelity level value of medicinal plants commonly reported against a given veterinary ailment category.
Medicinal plant Therapeutic category Np N FL value (%) Angelica glauca, Ague 68 70 97 Skimmia laureola Ague 154 154 100 Rumex nepalensis Dysuria, pain, 130 130 100 Swertia paniculata Ague 87 88 99 Arisaema jacquomontii Pinworms, round worms 69 80 86 Primula deticulata Ague, dysuria 92 92 100 Melia azedarach Anthelmintic 90 90 100 Mentha longifolia Dysentery, flue 77 90 86
5. Conclusion
plants compete with the synthetic drugs due to biocompatibility,
cost-effective and lesser or no side effects. As evolving time novel
diseases are emerging in animals and human beings by irrational uses of
antibiotics and increasing industrialization. Nowadays it is the need of
the hour to work more extensively on the plants in the larger interest
of humanity. Due to high biotic pressure the important medicinal plants
were disappearing rapidly in the study areas. We concluded that plants
having high FL mean that a few plant species were used for treating a
particular disease in an area. The plants such as Rumex nepalensis and Primula denticulata have medicinal potential and are used for dysuria, red urination, Skimmia laureola, Swertia paniculata and Angelica glauca
are used for ague, cold shivering, gastric ailments. These have been
smuggled. Thus the issue for conservation of the species diversity is
the theme of the international concern. Extermination of the each
endangered species from the areas could result in disappearing knowledge
regarding century׳s old traditional methods of curing diseases from
these plant species. However to authenticate such knowledge, detailed
pharmacological studies must be explored for synthetic drug and conserve
medicinal plants at global perspectives. Because the local healer
collects plant unscientifically. The survey also drew attention to the
preservation of the local plants, which have been used as food and
traditional medicine to cure human related ailments.
author thanks especially to Dr. Tanweer Akthar (taxonomist) who helped
in identification of plant species and also local community; who shared
their valuable traditional knowledge and experiences with us. This work
is supported by Department of Botany, University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Muzaffarabad, Pakistan.
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