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- Brassinosteroids exert a wide spectrum of biological effects on non-plant organisms.
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- Anticancer, antiviral, anabolic and other properties of brassinosteroids are discussed.
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- Brassinosteroids are of interest as a source of novel leads in the drug development.
(BS) are the first group of steroid-hormonal compounds isolated from
and acting in plants. Among numerous physiological effects of BS growth
stimulation and adaptogenic activities are especially remarkable. In
this review, we provide evidence that BS possess similar types of
activity also beyond plant kingdom at concentrations comparable with
those for plants. This finding allows looking at steroids from a new
point of view: how common are the mechanisms of steroid bioregulation in
different types of organisms from protozoa to higher animals.
- BS, brassinosteroids;
- CC50, 50% cytotoxic concentration;
- EBl, 24-epibrassinolide;
- EC50, half maximal effective concentration;
- HSV, herpes simplex virus;
- HBl, 28-homobrassinolide;
- MPP+, 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium;
- TNF-α, tumor necrosis factor α
- Brassinosteroids;
- Medicinal aspects;
- Phytohormones;
- Anticholesterolemic activity;
- Anticancer activity;
- Antiviral activity
1. Introduction
Steroids have been recognized as the hormones of higher vertebrates for quite a long time, more than half a century [1].
In the middle of the sixties it became evident that steroids play a
hormonal role in invertebrates also, in particular in the moulting
functions of insects and other arthropods [2]. At about the same time steroid hormones of fungi were found [3]. Isolation of brassinolide and a number of related compounds (named as brassinosteroids), having hormonal functions in plants [4], showed that steroids are versatile hormonal regulators, characteristic to most organisms inhabiting the earth.
rapid progress in the study of steroidal plant hormones resulted in
establishing many intimate details of their action in plants and led to
their use in agriculture as crop increasing and plant-protecting agents [5].
The development of such agents implied detailed toxicological studies
of BS, including their influence on bees, aqueous organisms and animals.
As was expected, BS proved to be non-toxic compounds [6], [7], [8] and [9].
However, it was not the only result of these studies. Many experiments
revealed a pronounced adaptogenic effect of BS to non-plant test
organisms. This offered an incentive to investigate thoroughly
brassinosteroid effects outside plant kingdom. Their knowledge will
contribute to a solution of a more general problem, namely “How
steroidal hormones, typical of certain organisms, relate to the
functioning of organisms that belong to other classes or kingdoms?”.
has to be aware that no complete answer can be given to this question
at the present stage of research. The obtained data are still
fragmentary and subject to criticisms. One among them is that many
studies have been conducted using synthetic BS analogues of unnatural
structure. It creates some limitations for their use and generalization
in respect to real steroidal plant hormones where brassinolide 1 (Fig. 1) is recognized to play a central role [10] and [11].
Brassinolide itself has practically never been used for biological
experiments on non-plant organisms, although a number of more available
natural BS (e.g., epibrassinolide 2, homobrassinolide 3 and corresponding 6-ketones 4 and 5) were investigated quite extensively. Among many BS analogues those containing a (22S,23S)-diol function (e.g., 6 and 7) should be mentioned as being of a considerable interest in these studies. Although plant growth promoting activity of (22S,23S)-analogues is very low [12], [13] and [14], in some tests on non-plant organisms these easily available compounds revealed remarkable effects [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20] and [21].
2. Effects on insects
considerations were probably the main reason why studies of BS action
outside the plant kingdom were started on insects, moulting hormones of
which (e.g., ecdysterone 8, Fig. 2)
are very close structurally to BS. The first experiments showed that
steroidal phytohormones could affect normal growth and development of
insects. A number of BS effects were revealed at different levels [22], including intact animals [15], [23] and [24], isolated tissues [23], [25] and [26], cultured cells [27] and [28], particular insect neurons [29], and protein molecules (ecdysteroid receptors) [23], [28], [30] and [31]. However, the results of these experiments are not always consistent with each other.
Thus, a number of BS were tested in in vitro experiments on imaginal discs isolated from fly species Phormia terrae-novae and Calliphora vicina
and exhibited only a slight (if any) agonistic ecdysteroid activity and
a significant antagonistic dose dependent effect when concomitantly
applied with ecdysterone 8 [22]. Other studies showed BS acting as either agonists [27] or antagonists [25] and [30], and none of BS tested in the Drosophila melanogaster BII cell bioassay revealed either agonist or antagonist activity [32].
Feeding the cockroach Periplaneta americana with artificial diet containing (22S,23S)-homobrassinolide 3 resulted in a lengthening the larval stage by moulting delay [15], although closely related (22S,23S)-homocastasterone 5 proved to be inactive in this assay. BS were toxic to the larvae of the cotton leafworm Spodoptera littoralis when applied by injection in high doses at the end of the last instar [23].
The observed result could not be attributed to interference of BS in
the moulting process since the effects from BS application differed from
those of ecdysterone 8 or its non-steroidal agonist.
The investigation in Phormia terrae-novae [25]
showed that BS could compete with ecdycteroids for the invertebrate
nuclear steroid hormone receptor EcR, and this was later confirmed by
other studies [22], [23], [24], [29], [30] and [33].
However, the affinity in most experiments was 10- to 1000 fold lower
than that observed for binding to radiolabeled ponasterone A, and no
competition at all was observed for EcR in intact Se4 cells even at
relatively high (100 μM) concentration of EBl [28]. A number of synthetic hybrids of BS and ecdysteroids were prepared and assessed for their activities in the Drosophila melanogaster BII cell bioassay [33].
Nearly all tested compounds displayed no ecdysteroid agonist activity
demonstrating the high specificity for the EcR receptor. A distinct
activity was noticed only for the hybrid 9 ( Fig. 2), however, it was still 2000-fold less active than ecdysterone 8. Similar studies were performed with two castasterone/ponasterone A hybrid compounds [34]. The (22R)-isomer 10 was more potent than the corresponding (22S)-isomer for the competitive inhibition of [3H]ponasterone incorporation (about 100 times with Kc cells and about 35 times with Sf-9 cells).
general, to date, experimental evidence confirming cross reactivity
between steroidal insect and plant hormones is lacking. Based on the
current knowledge of both hormonal systems [35],
they are likely evolved and functioning independently. The observed
effects on insects may be the result of BS cytotoxic properties [28].
The highest content of BS in natural sources was found in pollen collected from flowers [4].
That means that BS have been consumed by nectar- and pollen eating
insects (bees, in particular) over many years of co-evolution and could
become for them food essential components. A number of beneficial
effects from administration of EBl to bees could be regarded as
experimental confirmation of this idea [36], [37], [38] and [39]. Thus, feeding the bees with sugar syrup laced with EBl resulted in an increase in their lifespan up to 100% [36] and stimulated queens to more intensive oviposition [36], [37] and [39]. In another study, no changes in the dynamic of oviposition onset were registered [40].
3. Effects on fungi
It was repeatedly shown that application of BS resulted in an enhanced resistance of plants to fungal pathogens [41].
However, interpretation of the obtained results should be made with
caution. The observed on vegetative plant effects should be evaluated in
the context of BS action on the entire plant–pathogen system instead of
being considered as an indication of their direct antifungal properties
[42] and [43]. In most cases, a pronounced stimulative effect was observed on treatment of fungi with BS [42], [44], [45] and [46]. Thus, the growth of mycelia of the fungus Psilocybe cubensis was two to three times faster under the influence of 10−2 ppm of (22S,23S)-homobrassinolide 7 in comparison with untreated control [44].
BS treatment led also to earlier appearing of the first flush of fruit
bodies and to the increase of dry mass. Some BS were found to be
promising for industrial production of mushrooms Agaricus bisporus and Pleurotus ostreatus [47] and [48].
4. Effects on fishes
Intensive studies of BS effects on fishes started in the second half of the 1990s [49] in Russia and within a short period of time have led to a practical application of the research outcomes [50], [51], [52], [53], [54], [55] and [56]
in fish farming for the protection of embryos, larvae and fingerlings
from unfavorable environmental ecological conditions and for increasing
fish production [57]. The first experiments were carried out with Russian sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedti belonging to a unique group of bony fish. Sturgeon fingerlings treated with epibrassinolide (EBl) solution (10−4 mg/L) prior to their exposure to toxicants (such as CuSO4, phenol, or the detergent) were significantly less negatively influenced by the toxicants than untreated control [49].
This could be seen from the higher abilities of fingerlings with regard
to movements, reactions to a sonic signal, resistance to a current and
training. Similar results were obtained for Black Sea salmon, carp,
crucian and silver carp [53]. Analysis of physiology-biochemical parameters of treated and control fishes showed that EBl possessed antioxidant properties [49] and stabilized hematoencephalic and histohematogenous barriers [58] and [59].
Prolonged exposure of silver carp to copper or organic toxicants
resulted in an increase in erythrocyte catalase activity. Prior
application of EBl returned it to nearly control values [60].
Immersing Siberian sturgeon in an EBl solution led to an increase of
ceruloplasmin level (over 500% higher on the fifth week of the study) [51].
This is an indication of EBl immunostimulatory properties which might
have resulted through the effect of activated leukocytes on hepatocytes.
A significant decrease of hemoglobin content in the blood was observed
under the action of the toxicants. This parameter was greatly improved
in EBl-treated fishes [49].
peroxidation is the process of oxidative degradation of lipids that
becomes more intense under stress conditions. BS were shown to decrease
in plants the accumulation of malonic dialdehyde [61],
which is the most important product of lipid degradation. The same
tendency was observed in fishes exposed to copper, phenol or detergent
toxicants [53].
Level of malonic dialdehyde in fishes treated by EBl and toxicants
showed no statistical difference with the control (toxicant-untreated)
group. At the same time, in the toxicant-treated group without EBl level
of malonic dialdehyde was significantly higher.
A pronounced effect of BS on fish reproduction was found [55], [62], [63] and [64]. Thus, treatment of Russian sturgeon eggs with EBl gave a significant increase of a fecundation, hatching and larvae survival [62].
The EBl-treated eggs produced the fingerlings with better morphological
characteristics and resistance to stress. Immersing sturgeon fish
larvae in EBl solution led to better survival of the fingerlings and to
increase their body weight. The same effects were also seen on
phytophagous fishes (grass carp and silver carp) [63] and [64].
Treatment with EBl of spermatozoons of Russian sturgeon enhanced their
activity and viability, especially in the case of spermatozoons
reactivated after cryoconservation [55].
5. Effects on protozoa
A significant concentration-dependent effect of epibrassinolide was revealed on infusoria Tetrahymena pyriformis in the culture medium [65]. Among a wide range of investigated concentrations, two of them (with epibrassinolide content in culture medium 4·10−7 and 4·10−13 mg/ml) were found to be the most efficient in the increasing population growth and adaptation coefficient.
6. Effects in warm-blooded animals and medical aspects
finding of the protective and growth-activating effects of BS in fishes
provided impetus for a systematic search of BS-initiated responses in
other vertebrates and particularly in warm-blooded animals. The first
results were obtained in rodents in the course of toxicological studies [66]. They showed the ability of BS to influence the reproductive sphere [67], steroid hormonal balance [68] and [69], some biochemical [70] and physiological [71] and [72]
parameters that reflected clear tendency to stimulative and adaptive
shifts in experimental animals. Similarity of BS action in plants and in
non-plant organisms raised the awareness of the potential value of
these compounds for medicinal applications and initiated intensive
studies. Some of the results are reviewed in recent publications [73], [74], [75] and [76], and these developments will be mentioned only briefly in this review.
6.1. Toxicology and pharmacokinetics
These studies confirmed the safety conclusions of the earlier experiments [6], [7], [8] and [9] and extended the borders for harmless BS-application. In acute experiment, toxicity of EBl was characterized by value LD50 above 5000 mg/kg after its oral administration to mice [77]. EBl demonstrated no mutagenic properties in Ames’ test (S. typhimurium, TA100) [78].
The presence of EBl in a system of metabolic activation had no
influence on DNA damage rate by benzidine and electrophoretic mobility
both native and damaged DNA of lambda phage [79]
thus demonstrating the lack of genotoxicity for BS. Intracutaneous
injection of EBl to white mice caused no significant delayed-type
allergic hypersensitivity responses [80].
Based on lack of maternal and embryo-fetal toxicity in Wistar rats, HBl
was concluded to be nonteratogenic at doses as high as up to 1000 mg/kg
body weight [81].
The pharmacokinetics of EBl was studied in rats by intragastric administration of its 3H-labelled form [82].
It was well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract following the
administration and quickly distributed to blood, liver, intestines,
lungs and kidneys. The serum highest radioactivity was reached in 30 min
after administration. The serum half-life was about 3 h after
administration. Similarly, the highest activity in liver also took place
after 30 min and then it gradually decreased. The accumulation of 3H-EBl
(and/or its metabolites) went slower in kidneys, where its highest
level could be seen after 6 h. The quickest EBl-accumulating organ was
found to be small intestine, where only 15 min were needed to reach its
highest concentration. Since significant amount of 3H-EBl and
(or) products of its biotransformation were found in kidneys, urine and
faeces of experimental animals, it was concluded that these are the
major ways for its elimination from the body.
6.2. Anticholesterolemic action
sterols and their derivatives are known as inhibitors of intestinal
cholesterol absorption and agents for lowering the plasma total and LDL
cholesterol levels [83], [84] and [85].
As an oxidized form of plant sterols, BS could be expected to possess
similar activity, although there are contradictory data about the
influence of oxysterols on the development of atherosclerosis [86], [87] and [88].
Promising results were obtained in studies on the effects of BS on cholesterol level [89].
Application of EBl to rats with normal blood cholesterol level fed with
a normal diet in daily doses of 2–200 μg/kg for 36 weeks gave 9–25%
lower cholesterol depending on a dose in a manner, where higher doses
corresponded to a higher cholesterol lowering effect (Table 1).
- Table 1. Effect of EBl on total blood serum cholesterol (mg/deciliter) under intragastrular administration during 36 weeks.
Control Dose of EBl
0.2 μg/kg 2 μg/kg 20 μg/kg 200 μg/kg 68.11 ± 4.75 62.17 ± 5.54
(−9%)57.81 ± 6.34
(−15%)54.25 ± 3.17
(−20%)51.08 ± 5.15
rats fed with high-cholesterol diet, the intake of a daily dose of
2 μg/kg of EBl for 4 weeks reduced the plasma concentration of total
cholesterol for 34% and triglycerides for 58% in comparison with control
animals that received the same diet without EBl (Table 2).
In EBl-fed animals, plasma concentration of vitamin A and vitamin E
increased for 16% and 53%, correspondingly, in comparison with the
control. In rats fed with high-cholesterol diet, the intake of a daily
dose of 20 μg/kg of EBl for 4 weeks reduced the plasma concentration of
total cholesterol for 44%, triglycerides for 68% and low-density
lipoprotein for 11% in comparison with control animals that received the
high-cholesterol diet only. In EBl-fed animals, plasma concentration of
high-density lipoprotein, vitamin A and vitamin E was higher than in
the control for 47%, 30% and 51% correspondingly. A considerable
enhancement of redox-vitamins level reflects a decrease of oxidative
stress and can contribute in this way to anti-atherosclerosis action of
- Table 2. Effect of EBl on lipid metabolism and levels of redox-vitamins in blood serum of rats under high-cholesterol diet (four-week administration).
Control High-cholesterol diet High-cholesterol diet and EBl 2 μg/kg High-cholesterol diet and EBl 20 μg/kg Total cholesterol, mg . deciliter−1 47.12 ± 2.77 98.20 ± 3.96 64.94 ± 5.15
(−34%)55.04 ± 4.36
(−44%)Triglycerides, mmol/L 0.56 ± 0.01 1.90 ± 0.38 0.80 ± 0.09
(−58%)0.60 ± 0.04
(−68%)VLDL, % 7.78 ± 0.52 4.89 ± 0.35 5.31 ± 0.24
(+9%)4.33 ± 0.45
(−11%)LDL, % 66.16 ± 0.65 75.55 ± 0.49 75.24 ± 1.23
(0%)66.97 ± 1.23
(−11%)HDL,% 25.05 ± 0.55 19.57 ± 0.34 19.45 ± 1.14
(−1%)28.72 ± 1.22
(+47%)Vitamin A, mmol/L 0.60 ± 0.01 0.23 ± 0.02 0.26 ± 0.02
(+16%)0.29 ± 0.01
(+30%)Vitamin E, mmol/L 2.79 ± 0.02 1.24 ± 0.08 1.90 ± 0.14
(+53%)1.88 ± 0.10
(+51%)- In brackets: percentage related to the high-cholesterol diet.
A similar trend towards decreasing cholesterol level on BS application was also observed in humans [90] and [91]. A group of volunteers (10 people) with hypercholesterolemia was assigned to consume daily 15 μg of EBl (Table 3) [90].
Participants experienced a decrease in total serum cholesterol from
initial elevated values of 5.70–4.73 mmol/L, which is in the normal
range. Analysis of the lipid profile showed that the observed changes
were to a greater extent due to the reducing the content of LDL fraction
from 4.03 to 2.97 mmol/L.
- Table 3. Effect of EBl on lipid metabolism in humans after four-week administration.
Normal range Control EBl, 15 μg daily Cholesterol, mmol/L 3.2–5.2 5.70 ± 0.67 4.73 ± 0.67 Triglycerides, mmol/L 0.49–2.0 0.37 ± 0.08 0.67 ± 0.08 HDL, mmol/L 1.03–1.52 1.50 ± 0.08 1.44 ± 0.04 VLDL, mmol/L <2.6 0.17 ± 0.04 0.30 ± 0.04 LDL, mmol/L <3.9 4.03 ± 0.56 2.97 ± 0.68 Atherogenic index <3 2.77 ± 0.27 2.28 ± 0.42
Another study was undertaken with subjects with a normal level of cholesterol [91].
Both the control and experimental group consisted of 30 healthy
volunteers. Each person from the experimental group daily received 15 μg
of EBl during 1 month. Before and immediately after finishing the
experiment all volunteers were subjected to the complex investigation
involving basic laboratory tests. There were no significant differences
in hematological and biochemical parameters between the two groups
except for the level of cholesterol. Thus, statistically significant
decrease of cholesterol and triglycerides levels was noted (38% for
cholesterol and 41% for triglycerides).
is an interesting question about the origin of all these effects.
Steroids are known to exhibit both genomic and non-genomic effects [92] and [93].
It is difficult to expect any specific genomic response from BS having
in mind that until now these compounds have never been found in human,
animals, or insects. However, a possibility of a non-specific response
remains. Recently it has been shown that a number of nuclear receptors
play an important role in maintaining the proper level of cholesterol in
the body [94].
A nuclear receptor LXR induces ABC1 reverse transporter of cholesterol
that pumps out cellular cholesterol, resulting in lowering dietary
cholesterol. Another nuclear receptor FXR activates cytochrome P450
hydroxylase CYP7A1 that converts excess of cholesterol to bile acids.
Certain oxygenated steroids and particularly products of cholesterol
oxidation (oxysterols) act as the signaling molecules that bind to
LXR/FXR proteins and stimulate transcription of the corresponding genes.
It cannot be excluded that EBl (being a highly oxygenated sterol)
interferes with the process that leads to the diminishing of cholesterol
level in blood. It is very likely that another possible mode of BS
anticholesteremic action could be similar of that of Lovastatin [95]
which also belongs to natural isoprenoids and has in its molecule
lactone ring, a feature which is also characteristic for BS. In this
case, BS would act as an inhibitor of
3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase (HMG-CoA reductase),
which catalyzes the rate limited step in cholesterol biosynthesis –
reduction of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA by NADPH to mevalonate.
Cholesterol-decreasing properties of EBl could be also a part of its
adaptogenic effect, which is found in animals and in plants and realized
in the latter ones, at least partly, via regulation of the fluidity and
permeability of membranes and the activity of membrane associated
proteins. Such kinds of activities have been documented for BS in plants
[96] and [97].
In spite of lack of definite data on mechanism of BS anticholesteremic
action, they can be used in the development of cholesterol-controlling
and arteriosclerosis-preventing agents [89] and [98].
6.3. Anticancer effects
Steroids have been known as a source of novel leads in the development of therapeutics for the treatment of cancer [99].
A number of side chain oxygenated sterols isolated from plants and
marine organisms are toxic to mammalian cells, especially in fast
proliferating tumor cells [100].
It was natural to expect similar activity from BS most of which are
22,23-oxygenated steroids. Some studies showed promising results for
cancer therapy and have been patented by several teams of researchers [101], [102], [103], [104] and [105].
A first step in this direction was done in [106] where mouse hybridoma cells were grown in culture media containing 10−16–10−9 mol/L of EBl. The treated cells showed an increase in G0/G1
phase and decrease in S phase. In addition, a drop in intracellular
antibody level and an increase in the value of mitochondrial membrane
potential were noticed. The next step was the study of BS cytotoxic
effects. In a Calcein AM cytotoxicity assay castasterone showed a slight
activity against CEM and RPMI 8226 cell lines [107] and [108].
More systematic studies were carried out with EBl and homocastasterone
on the breast (MCF-7/MDA-MB-468) and prostate (LNCaP/DU-145) cancer cell
lines [109].
Both compounds were shown to inhibit cell growth of the cancer cells.
BS treatment resulted in arrest of cell cycle in the G1 phase and an
induction of apoptosis [104] and [110].
A range of techniques including flow cytometry, Western blotting,
TUNEL, DNA ladder assays and immunofluorescence analyses was used for
study of BS-induced apoptosis of human prostate cancer cell lines LNCaP
and DU-145 [111]. Cell growth inhibition and G1
cell cycle arrest were accompanied by reductions in cyclin D1, CDK4/6
and pRb expression. Treatment of DU-145 cells with BS led to an increase
of cells in the G2/M phase and down-regulation of cyclins A and B1. Apoptotic effects of brassinolide on human prostate cancer PC-3 cells was shown to be associated with caspases-3 activation [112].
EBl-induced apoptosis of LNCaP and DU-145 cancer cells was accompanied
by a decrease of intracellular polyamine levels and a significant
down-regulation of ornithine decarboxylase [113].
activity relationship studies of natural BS and their close analogues
revealed certain structural features needed for cytotoxic activity [75] and [109].
The highest activity was observed for compounds such as castasterone
and homocastasterone having a 6-oxo functionality and a (24S)-side chain. The corresponding 6-oxo-7-oxalactones or (24R)-derivatives were less active. It was shown also that 2α,3α-diol group is important for cytotoxicity.
series of studies was undertaken for the purpose of evaluating the
effects of 22,23-dihydroxystigmastane derivatives (natural BS and
analogues) [114], [115] and [116].
The highest cytotoxicity effect against human breast carcinoma MCF-7,
human ovary carcinoma CaOv, and human prostate carcinoma LnCaP cells was
observed for compounds 11 and 12 (Fig. 3) containing an equatorial hydroxyl group at C-3 [116]. The most polar compounds (including 28-homobrassinolide 3 and 28-homocastasterone 5) showed the lowest activity. It was found that for every pair of isomers, (22R,23R)-derivatives were significantly more toxic than their (22S,23S)-counterparts.
The observed difference was assumed to be due to the spatial structure
of the side chain. Computational search showed that (22S,23S)-side chain accepted many various conformations whereas about 96% of (22R,23R)-diols existed in just few related energy minima. In this way, the higher cytotoxicity of (22R,23R)-22,23-dihydroxystigmastane derivatives was explained by their more rigid side chain.
Similar results were obtained for derivatives with a campestane, ergostane [117] and cholestane [118] carbon skeletons. Thus, (22R,23R)-diols 13 and 14 were more cytotoxic (IC50 1.6–1.8 μM) for MCF-7 cells in comparison with the corresponding (22S,23S)-isomers (IC50 >49 μM) [117]. Low-polar diols 15 and 16 were found to be the most efficient among tested (22R,23R)-22,23-dihydroxycholestanes including 28-norcastasterone and 28-norbrassinolide [118]. Incubation of human prostate adenocarcinoma cells with compounds of this series (IC50 = 13–28 μM)
resulted in blocking cell proliferation and inducing apoptosis
(23–33%). Some compounds induced also arrest of the cell cycle in the S-
and G2/M-phases. A structurally close to BS (22R)-22-hydroxy-5α-cholestan-3,6-dione 17 from brown alga Cystoseira myrica was found to exhibit the pronounced cytotoxicity against human liver (HEPG-2) and colon (HCT116) cancer cells (with IC50 2.96 and 12.38 μM, respectively) [119].
Several attempts were tried to improve cytotoxic activity by structural modifications of the steroidal molecule (Fig. 4). A norcastasterone hepta-fluorinated derivative 18 was the only analogue of this type which exhibited a slight cytotoxicity (IC50 = 35.3 μM against CEM cell line) [120]. A distinct cytotoxicity (IC50 = 7–15.8 μM)
against MGC 7901 (human gastric carcinoma), HeLa (human cervical
carcinoma) and SMMC 7404 (human liver carcinoma) cells displayed
cholestane lactones 19 and 20[121]. A number of monohydroxylated BS analogues with a carboxylic group in the side chain (e.g., lactone 21)
were tested for antiproliferative activity against human normal
fibroblasts and cancer cell lines (T-lymphoblastic leukemia CEM, breast
carcinoma MCF7, cervical carcinoma cell line HeLa) [122].
However, none of them displayed any detectable effect. A comparison of
the anticancer and the brassinolide-type activity of the fluoro
analogues [123]
showed no correlation: while ergostane derivatives were most active in
the anticancer, the corresponding androstane derivatives were the best
in the bean second-internode bioassay.
Antiangiogenic properties of BS were found to be another type of their activity that is potentially useful in cancer treatment [105] and [124].
Angiogenesis is known to be an important process in the development of
cancer as malignant cells depend on an adequate supply of oxygen.
Inhibition of this process represents a promising target for antitumor
therapy [125].
Out of 21 tested BS, EBl and homocastasterone at a concentration of
30 μM reduced migration of HUVEC cells to 59% and 40%, respectively [124].
An inhibition of tube formation was noticed for a number of BS,
including brassinolide, homobrassinolide, and epicastasterone.
Evidently, structural features of BS are not very relevant for this kind
of activity since synthetic analogues 22[124] and 23,24[105] (Fig. 5) inhibited angiogenesis more effectively than natural BS. Compounds 23 and 24
were also patented as anti-inflammatory and antiviral agents for the
treatment of epidemic keratoconjunctivites and herpetic stromal keratis [126].
of xenobiotics serves as an important defense mechanism for the body.
Toxic compounds are converted into less reactive and polar substances
that can easily be excreted. Sometimes, however, this process results in
the generation of more harmful metabolites [127]. A classic example is the P450-mediated
activation of benzo(a)pyrene. The formation of its phenolic and diol
derivatives is the main pathway by which this procarcinogenic polycyclic
aromatic compound is eliminated from the body. On the other hand,
epoxidation of the corresponding dihydroxy derivatives yields compounds
exhibiting strong carcinogenic properties. BS were shown to affect the
monooxygenase activity of liver microsomes [128], [129] and [130]. A strong inhibitory effect of BS on benzo(a)pyrene oxidation was observed for (22S,23S)-homobrassinolide 3 and (22S,23S)-homocastasterone 5.
The corresponding natural BS showed only a weak activity. It should be
noted that no significant effect on the benzo(a)pyrene hydroxylation
(what is necessary for elimination of this compound) was observed.
6.4. Anabolic and adaptogenic effects
Anabolic and adaptogenic properties of ecdysteroids is a well-known phenomenon [131] and [132].
It is not surprising, therefore, that the corresponding experiments
were performed with BS inspired by the structural likeness of both types
of hormones. Administration of HBl (20–60 mg/kg) was found to have
multiple anabolic effects on rats, including increase of food intake,
body weight gain, lean body mass, and gastrocnemius muscle mass [17].
Application of BS resulted also in an improved physical fitness, in
particular, significant increases in treadmill performance and enhanced
grip strength were achieved in rats by administration of HBl [133]. EBl at doses of 2–20 mg/kg improved the static efficiency and swimming physical endurance in mice [134]. An increase of tolerance of mammalian organisms to various stresses was noticed on EBl administration [135]. Anabolic properties of BS were used to yield a higher meat and milk productivity of farm animals and meat producing broilers [136] and for increasing the fertility of the bull sperm-producer [137].
contrast to the usual anabolic androgenic steroids, which act through
binding to the intracellular androgen receptor (and which have a lot of
adverse side effects on people), BS seem to exert their action in a
different way. Thus, HBl revealed a low androgenic activity in the
Hershberger assay and no significant binding to the androgen receptor in vitro [17].
The activation of PI3K/Akt signaling pathway was suggested as a
possible explanation of the BS action that followed from an increased
Akt phosphorylation in vitro under BS action [18].
6.5. Antiviral effects
search for antiviral effects of steroids was started in the 1990s,
first among progestagens, glucocorticoids and dehydroepiandrosterone [138]. The ability of BS to enhance resistance of plants to the viral pathogens [4] and [139]
offered an incentive to look for similar properties outside plant
kingdom. Starting from the 2000s, an impressive study in this area was
performed by researchers from Argentina [73], [74] and [140].
A large number of BS (both natural and synthetic analogues) of
stigmastane series was prepared and tested for antiviral activity
against animal viruses: poliovirus [73], herpes simplex viruses HSV-1 [141], [142], [143], [144], [145], [146] and [147] and HSV-2 [143], measles virus [16], vesicular stomatitis virus [148] and the arenaviruses [142], [144] and [149].
The relative effectiveness of BS analogues in inhibiting viral
replication compared to inducing cell death is measured by their
selectivity index (ratio CC50/EC50). Most of the
studied compounds exhibited a good activity against the tested viruses,
with the selectivity index higher than that of parent homocastasterone [138]. It was found that analogues with a (22S,23S)-diol moiety revealed a better activity compared to the corresponding (22R,23R)-diols.
The presence of an electronegative group (fluorine or hydroxyl) at C-5
also favored high antiviral activity. Thus, BS analogues 25–27 ( Fig. 6) were active against all tested viruses [73]. EC50 values for compounds 25 and 27
against measles virus were 4 and 3 μM, respectively, with selectivity
indexes of 44 and 27 (higher than for reference drug ribovirin) [16]. The 3β-fluroanalogue analogue 28 displayed even better EC50 values of 1 μM against measles virus, but it proved to be too cytotoxic.
In search for a possible mechanism of antiviral action, influence of 25 on viral protein synthesis in HSV-1 infected Vero cells was examined [145].
It was found no effects on early events of the virus multiplication
cycle, but the late protein synthesis was strongly inhibited by the
presence of 25. This mechanism is
different from the one of antiviral medications acyclovir and foscarnet,
that was confirmed by studies of the effects of their combinations with
25[146]. A synergistic increase in the antiviral activity of acyclovir (29.3%) and foscarnet (47.2%) was observed in the presence of 25. An in vivo study of the antiherpetic properties of 25
in the murine stromal keratin experimental model led to the conclusion
that the compound did not exert a direct antiviral effect [144].
Instead, it acted as an inductor or an inhibitor of cytokine
production, thus modulating the response of epithelial and immune cells
to herpes virus infection [150]. The protective effect in mice was explained as a balance between immunostimulatory and immunosuppressive effects of 25. An inhibitory effect of 25 and 26
on the TNF-α production (an excess of which contributes to autoimmune
diseases) can be considered as another evidence of immunomodulating
properties of the studied compounds [151].
This inhibitory effect may be linked, at least in part, with the
ability of both compounds to reduce the incidence of herpetic stromal
keratitis in infected mice (although none of them revealed any anti-HSV
activity in vivo) [144].
A marked protective effect of BS was observed against human immunodeficiency virus infection [152]. The in vitro
treatment with EBl increased significantly the cell lifetime. The
amount of the living cells in the infected culture treated with EBl was
more than 50% higher in comparison with untreated control at 4–5th days
after infecting. Moreover, a significantly decreased production of
viral-specific antigens on the cell surface was observed at 3rd day
after infecting.
6.6. Other effects
HBl subchronic exposure in rats was shown to have a strong influence on glucose homeostasis [153], [154], [155] and [156].
Experimental animals had a significant rise in the serum insulin level
and decrease in the blood sugar. In addition, HBl-treated rats exhibited
an elevated hexokinase activity in brain, heart, liver, kidney, and
testis. It was speculated that HBl played a role of a transcriptional
activator of hexokinase gene, promoting enhanced hexokinase mRNA
synthesis in vivo in rat tissues. Another evidence of
anti-diabetic properties of BS was obtained in the experiments with fat
diet-induced obese mice [19].
HBl chronic administration (50 mg/kg daily for 8 weeks) reduced
hyperglycemia and improved oral glucose tolerance. This treatment
reduced the expression of key gluconeogenic enzymes (phosphoenolpyruvate
carboxykinase and glucose-6-phosphatase) and increased phosphorylation
of AMP-activated protein kinase in the liver tissue. Structure–activity
relationship studies showed that a 6-keto group was more preferable for
achieving high glucose metabolism-modulating activity in comparison with
typical for BS 6-keto-7-lactone function [19]. It is worth of mentioning that BS-induced lowering blood glucose level was associated with their anabolic effects [17].
This is another evidence of similarity in the actions between BS and
ecdysteroids. The latter were demonstrated to affect glucose metabolism
and insulin sensitivity in animals also [132].
The protective properties of BS on lipid peroxidation and antioxidative system in plants is a well-known phenomenon [157].
It seemed interesting to study similar effects of BS on non-plant
organisms. Hyperglycemia is known to be associated with the oxidative
stress and lipid peroxidation. Increased content of endogenous
malondialdehyde and 4-hydroxy-2-nonenol is considered as lipid
peroxidation indices. Level of these products in normal and diabetic
rats was significantly suppressed by the treatment with EBl [158].
Increased activity of catalase enzyme and enhanced content of
glutathione evidenced an EBl-induced elevated antioxidant defence.
Another consequence of oxidative stress is DNA damage. An attempt was made to study antigenotoxic activity of extracts from Centella asiatica against H2O2-induced DNA damage in human blood lymphocytes [159]. A fraction of the extract containing castasterone (10−9 M) was effective in diminishing the DNA damage by 89%.
1-Methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+) is a potent inducer of oxidative stress in dopaminergic neurons and is used as an in vitro cellular model of Parkinson’s disease. Neuronal PC12 cells could be efficiently rescued by the pretreatment with EBl (10−9 M) from MPP+-induced cellular death [160].
EBl reduced the production of intracellular reactive oxygen species and
modulated activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione
peroxidase. Inhibition of MPP+-induced apoptosis was
attributed to reducing the DNA fragmentation as well as the Bax/Bcl-2
protein ratio and cleaved caspase-3. Structure–function relationship
studies showed that 6-ketones exhibited nearly the same neuroprotective
activity as EBl [20].
Topical administration of (22S,23S)-homobrassinolide 7 was shown to reduce significantly wound size and accelerate wound healing in mice [21], [161] and [162].
The observed effect was explained by a positive modulation of the
inflammatory and re-epithelialization phases of the skin wound repair
process as a result of enhancing Akt signaling at the edges of the wound
and (in vitro) enhancing migration of fibroblasts in the
wounded area. EBl was patented as a means for anti-wrinkle cosmetics and
rough skin treatment [163]. It enhanced formation of collagen in both human dermal fibroblast and epidermal cells.
is an indication that BS can be used in treating androgen-associated
conditions, such as benign prostatic hyperplasia and androgenic alopecia
The observed effect was attributed to the inhibition of 5α-reductase
activity, which took place in EBl-treated human foreskin and bovine
prostatic tissues. A significant reduction of the prostate weight in old
male rats was explained by modulation of the androgen receptor by EBl [165].
7. Conclusions
are the first group of steroid-hormonal compounds isolated from and
acting in plants. Among numerous physiological effects of BS growth
stimulation and adaptogenic activities are especially remarkable.
Nowadays, there are many evidences that BS produce the same types of
activity also beyond plant kingdom when applied at concentrations
comparable with those for plants. In our book [4]
we summarized all available data on effects of BS outside plant
kingdom. Even that time, the accumulated results reflected effects of BS
in all other kingdoms in addition to plants: fungi, protista, monera
and animals. Unfortunately, they were sporadic, sometimes conflicting
and very poor to make certain conclusions. In fact, there were
practically no data on BS effects in higher animals except the results
on toxicity. During the time that has elapsed since the publication of
this book, a lot of new data appeared concerning the action of plant
steroid hormones in non-plant organisms, particularly in animals and in
humans. Most of them confirm the similarity of adaptation-stimulating
properties of BS in plants and the outside plant kingdom.
These data contribute to a new understanding of steroidal hormones as versatile bioregulators of all living creatures [166].
Relatively young evolutional age of vertebrates and higher animals
suggests the possible importance for them of bioregulating mechanisms
and their key mediators that have appeared earlier and nowadays exist in
plants and some lower organisms. In comparison with animals, plants
have a more ancient origin and their regulatory systems, which developed
during evolution into the highly specialized hormonal systems of human
and higher animals, could logically be expected to be more universal.
Therefore the possibility exists that their hormonal substances might
have bio-regulatory functions in younger organisms standing higher on
the evolutionary ladder. From biochemical point of view, BS having “the
most economic” structure of hydroxylated sterols (that means relatively
simple biosynthetic pathway to these hormones from normal plant
sterols), would seem to be very close structurally to the bioregulating
steroids of the most ancient organisms (like some marine
polyoxysteroids), and that is why they could participate in basic
steroid signalling pathways, which have been inherited by younger
organisms standing higher on the evolutionary ladder. The comparability
of active doses of BS in plants, animals, fungi, protista, and monera,
and similarity of induced effects could mean a similar way of their
action. At present, for the case of plants it looks clear enough and is,
probably, realized both via direct action on cell membranes and via
specific gene expression followed by the initiation of the corresponding
secondary processes. The data mentioned above for BS properties in
insects could be interpreted as an indication on the same mechanism of
action for them, at least at the genetic level. Although the high
structural similarity of BS and ES could be a reason of the same gene
expression under the action of each hormone, the existence of genes
specifically initiated by BS in insects cannot be excluded. If the last
is true also for higher animals, it gives an easy explanation of all the
observed phenomena. In such a case, also similar types of the receptors
could be involved in signal transduction that makes actual a search for
them in animals and other organisms outside plant kingdom.
of the explanations of non-specificity of BS-action could be their
involvement in bioregulation at a very low downstream control point
where most of vital signalling pathways of higher levels can be greatly
influenced. In plants, for example, one of such control points could be
the beginning of the light-signalling sequence between the
photoreceptors and initiation of other phytohormones [167] and [168],
which start playing their roles at a later stage and in a more
specialized manner. A possible key for an intriguing problem: why the BS
action is often realized in adaptogenic effects (including all kinds of
protective properties, such as toxyco-protection, radio-protection,
stress-resistance increase, etc.) together with growth stimulation,
might be the recent finding in plants of the close similarity of genes
involved in BS signal transduction with genes responsible for some
protective properties, such as disease-resistance [169] for example.
Nowadays, more and more data show a tremendous role of hydroxylated sterols in human bioregulation [170].
Recognizing the discussed properties of BS, which are typical
representatives of hydroxylated sterols, make them promising leads for
the discovery of new pharmacological agents and new approaches to
medicinal treatment of diseases.
the discussed stimulating-protective activities of BS in many organisms
and wide natural consumption of BS by all phytophagous animals allows
proposing their essential role as food components, a kind of vitamins,
involved in bioregulation at the most basic level such as adaptation to
the environment including protection against the stresses of different
origin. These properties as well as medical prospects of BS, which are
clearly designated now, strongly support our idea expressed fifteen
years ago [4]
that the data on BS-action in non-plant organisms “promise further
findings that may become important for humans”. This idea is still
relevant for researchers working in the area.
The authors are indebted to the Belarusian Foundation for Fundamental Research for financial support (Projects X13K-094, X13Mld-009, and X14P-139).
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