Call for Panel/Session ─ ISEE/PACE Conference

Registration is still open: “Environmental ethics and economics: valus & choices”
June 29 – July 2, 2016
Pace University, One Pace Plaza, New York City
To register, click here:
Economists, political ecologists/scientists, and philosophers have given voice to the pressing tensions between economic growth and economies of scale – sustainable development. With a few notable exceptions, environmental ethicists have addressed questions of economic impact on the environment most often indirectly through (important) topics like animal welfare, biodiversity, climate change, future generations, natural value, population, pollution, and sustainability.
This conference asks the question: Can environmental philosophy avoid a sustained critique of the current political-economic system and remain sincere participants in the environmental community? In other words, if it is the case, as some influential critics have argued, that the social and economic order in which we live is the single systemic cause for planetary ecological crisis, can we in good conscience remain relatively silent.
This event is sponsored by Dyson College Institute for Sustainability and the Environment (DCISE), Pace Institute for Environmental and Regional Studies (PIERS) and the International Society for Environmental Ethics (ISEE).
This message has been sent on behalf of Professor Robert Chapman, Departments of Philosophy and Environmental Studies and Science, Pace University. For any questions, please contact Prof. Chapman at or .