
Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Chapter 61 – Turmeric and its Principle Compound Curcumin are Effective in the Prevention and Treatment of Arthritis

2014, Pages 785–789
Volume 1: Polyphenols in Chronic Diseases and their Mechanisms of Action

The rhizome of Curcuma longa Linn [family: Zingiberaceae], commonly known as “turmeric,” is one of the most regularly used spices, especially in the Indian subcontinent, and is popularly known as the “curry spice.” In addition to its dietary use, turmeric also has a long history of medicinal uses in the various traditional and folk systems of medicine and is used to treat burns, wounds, gastrointestinal ailments, heart conditions, arthritis, and inflammatory conditions. Studies carried out in the past have validated many of the ethnomedicinal observations; and observations indicate that the validated properties of turmeric are mediated predominately by the principle bioactive polyphenol curcumin. Preclinical and clinical studies have also shown curcumin to possess myriad benefits, such as turmeric used as an aid in arthritic diseases. The current review compiles validated observations and addresses the mechanism responsible for the beneficial effects of turmeric.


  • Curcuma longa Linn;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • turmeric