
Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Iseo Summer School 2016 (13th edition) "Looking forward: new challenges and opportunities for the World Economy" Iseo, 11-18 June 2016

Istituto di Studi Economici e per l'Occupazione
Learn Economics from Nobel Laureates
Istituto di Studi Economici e per l'Occupazione
Learn Economics from Nobel Laureates
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Edizioni SummerSchool:
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summerschool 2016
Iseo Summer School 2016 (13th edition)
"Looking forward: new challenges and opportunities for the World Economy"

Iseo, 11-18 June 2016
Angus Deaton, Nobel Laureate in Economics 2015
Michael Spence, Nobel Laureate in Economics 2001
Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Laureate in Economics 2001
Further international economists to be announced
The I.S.E.O Institute is extremely honoured to feature Angus Deaton (Nobel Laureate in Economics 2015), Michael Spence (Nobel Laureate in Economics 2001) and Joseph Stiglitz (Nobel Laureate in Economics 2001) as lecturers for the 13th edition of the I.S.E.O Summer School. The panel will be further enriched by the presence of additional international economists, whose names will be announced later.

The I.S.E.O Summer School is an international summer course focused on the most topical economic discussion. The 13th edition of this prestigious course will be focused on "Looking forward: new challenges and opportunities for the World Economy": this macro theme will be analyzed by each lecturer using his particular approach and studies. As from the very first edition in 2004, the course will gather a large number of graduate students in Economics coming from the most important faculties in the world to participate to this multicultural debate. That's one of the most appreciated peculiarity of the course: the unique multiethnic background.

Based on a stimulating environment, the 13th edition of the I.S.E.O Summer School will take place from Saturday the 11th to Saturday the 18th June 2016: it will be based on a fair combination of lectures, debates and discussion on one hand, and trips and excursion into the most beautiful corners of Northern Italy on the other. Classes will be structured so to stimulate discussion among the full group of participants, contributing to the debate with their own academic background.

As usual, the course will be settled in Iseo, a peaceful village facing the homonymous lake ( Iseo lake) in Northern Italy, not too far from Milan. Classes and participants' accomodation are guested by a four star hotel on the lake, namely the Iseolago hotel.

For further general information about the history and the experience of the Summer School you can visit the dedicated web page, the photogallery (a wide selection of the most picturesque moments of past editions) and especially the videogallery (official video and clips made by participants in previous years with speakers' and students' comments).
3Your Lecture
The I.S.E.O Institute will also give three participants the unique chance to present their research in front of Nobel Laureates and the whole group of students. Participants can apply to the " Your lecture" session sending their papers to the valuating committee, which will select three winners according to the interest of their work and the coherence of their research compared to the main theme of the Summer School.

This opportunity is optional and papers can be sent at a later time, after having applied to the I.S.E.O Summer School.
4Application procedure
In order to be eligible for the Summer School, applicants have to be graduate students ( or former graduate students) in Economics or Social Sciences, researchers, young lecturers and teaching assistants with a strong academic background in the field.

Curriculum vitae and students' motivation are among the requirements at the base of the participants selection.

In order to apply, students simply have to fill in an application form downloadable at the bottom of this web page.

The application form should be sent via email together with a personal cv and a picture by the22nd April 2016 to the Summer School Secretariat:
Early application is highly encouraged since enrolment is limited.
1Fee and Scholarhips
The full fee amounts to € 2.500,00. However every year the I.S.E.O Institute awards talented applicants with partial scholarships (raised among local companies and industries; full scholarships are not available ) amounting to 1.500 Euro. Therefore awarded students have to pay only for the remaining part of the fee, namely, 1.000 Euro. Applying to the scholarship is really easy: participants just have to state it in the application form.

The fee includes:

- participation to the one week course;
- reading materials;
- accomodation at the 4 star Iseolago hotel (11-18 June 2016) for a total of 7 nights with free access to swimming pools and sport facilities;
- full board treatment (breakfasts, lunches and dinners are included) at the hotel restaurant and occasionally also in some other tipical italian restaurants and pizzerias;
- participation to the gala dinner with Nobels, sponsors and istitutions;
- participation to local trips organized during the week to discover North Italy;
- local transportation within the area;
- attendance certificate;

Travel expenses to and from Iseo and any other expense not expressly stated are not included. Please note that accomodation in the Iseolago hotel will be provided in double or triple room.The fee has to be settled by the 4th of May 2016 via bank transfer.