Volume 173, 13 February 2015, Pages 113–118
International Conference of the Spanish Association of Applied
Linguistics (AESLA): Language Industries and Social Change. 3-5 April
2014, Seville, SPAIN
paper provides a window on the role of creating a self-study language
course for wine-growers from a beginners’ level, with the aim of gaining
insights into the use of lexical chunks in language for specific
purposes (LSP) teaching and learning. It focuses on describing the
practical aspects, such as material design or chunk parsing, of a
specific project named VinoLingua. But it also aims at going beyond our
individual practice to set out the sources and grounds of the VinoLingua
scientific framework and to examine the ideas about language and
learning on which our approach is based: the importance of working with
real language corpora and the use of standardised expressions and
off-the-peg chunks of varying degrees of complexity for LSP teaching and
learning. It may, therefore, serve as a model for any basic language
courses designed for other professional groups.
- LSP;
- wine language;
- lexical approach;
- chunks;
- language corpus