
Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediments from lake Lille Lungegårdsvannet in Bergen, western Norway; appraising pollution sources from the urban history

Volumes 470–471, 1 February 2014, Pages 1160–1172

Malin Andersson, ,


PAH in urban lake sediments present large concentration variations.
The anthropogenic influence can clearly be seen as higher PAH concentrations.
The most prominent PAH sources are urban fires, gasworks and traffic.
14C dating does not provide consistent data in the anthropogenic period.


This study aims to determine the temporal character and concentration variability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) during the last 5400 years in urban lake sediments through a combination of dating and chemo-stratigraphical correlation. We investigate the chemical history of the city of Bergen and determine the effect of specific point sources, as well as diffuse sources, and also help assess the risk of remediation plans. By using several organic compounds, metals and cyanide, we demonstrate the more accurate timing of sedimentation.
The PAH results display very low concentrations in pre-industrial times, followed by a general increase that is punctuated by a few significant concentration increases. These most probably correspond to urban fires, domestic heating, gaswork activity and most recently due to traffic pollution. At the same depth as a significant rise in concentration from background levels occurred, the high relative occurrence of low-molecular-weight PAH-compounds, such as naphthalene, were replaced by heavier compounds, thus indicating a permanent change in source. The general observation, using ratios, is that the sources have shifted from pre-industrial pure wood and coal combustion towards mixed and petrogenic sources in more recent times.
The 14C dating provides evidence that the sedimentation rate stayed more-or-less constant for 4500 years (from 7200 to 2700 calibrated years before present (cal yr BP)), before isostatic uplift isolated the water body and the sedimentation rate decreased or sediments were eroded. The sediment input increased again when habitation and industrial activities encroached on the lake. The 14C dating does not provide consistent data in that period, possibly due to the fact that the lake has been used as a waste site throughout the history of Bergen city. Therefore, results from 14C dating from anthropogenically influenced sediments should be used with caution.


  • PAH;
  • Lake sediment;
  • Urban;
  • 14C;
  • Bergen;
  • Norway

Corresponding author. Tel.: + 47 73904321; fax: + 47 73921620.
Tel.: + 47 73904321; fax: + 47 73921620.