Volume 179, Issue 3, March 2009, Pages 401–406
preparation and shoe fit are integral to the long term soundness and
athletic ability of horses. The farrier influences the balance of the
hoof by both the trimming and the shoeing procedure. The goal of this
study was to investigate and quantify the influence of the farrier on
hoof parameters by trimming. Forty Warmblood horses ranging in age from
6–12 years and withers height 162–172 cm were included. They were
divided into six groups consisting of six or seven horses each, shod by
one of six different farriers. The hoofs of the horses were radiographed
twice using a standardised method before and after trimming.
Measurements were taken from digitalised radiographs using a software
Significant differences were identified between
farriers for almost all parameters on the lateromedial radiographic
views after two consecutive trimming procedures. Comparing the results
of both trimming procedures, significant differences for several
farriers were found in the lateromedial and dorsopalmar views. There
were significant differences for most of the measured hoof parameters
between the six farriers and between consecutive trimmings of the same
farrier. The results underline the individual influence of the farrier
on hoof shape and balance.
- Trimming procedure;
- Warmblood;
- Farriers;
- Hoof radiographs;
- Quantitative evaluation
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