
Saturday, 18 June 2016

Comparing instrumental and deliberative paradigms underpinning the assessment of social values for cultural ecosystem services

Volume 107, November 2014, Pages 145-156

a  Barbara Hardy Institute, University of South Australia, Australia
b  Centre for Regulation and Market Analysis, School of Commerce, University of South Australia, Australia
c  Enviroconnect, PO Box 190, Stirling, SA 5152, Australia 


Despite rapid advancements in the development of non-monetary techniques for the assessment of social values for ecosystem services, little research attention has been devoted to the evaluation of their underpinning paradigms. This study evaluates two contrasting paradigms for the assessment of social values in non-monetary terms: an instrumental paradigm involving an objective assessment of the distribution, type and/or intensity of values that individuals assign to the current state of ecosystems and a deliberative paradigm involving the exploration of desired end states through group discussion. We present and then justify through case examples two approaches for assessing social values for ecosystem services using the instrumental paradigm and two approaches using the deliberative paradigm. Each approach makes different assumptions about: the underlying rationale for values assessment; the process through which values are elicited; the type of representativeness sought, and; the degree of involvement of decision-makers. However, case examples demonstrate that the boundaries between instrumental and deliberative paradigms are often not concrete. To accommodate this fluidity, we offer a third, pragmatic paradigm that integrates some of the qualities of both. This paradigm has implications for engaging multiple community groups and decision-makers in the articulation and mapping of social values for cultural ecosystem services. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.

Author keywords

Deliberative valuation; Ecosystem services; Instrumental valuation; Non-economic valuation; Non-monetary valuation; Participatory mapping; Social values

Indexed keywords

GEOBASE Subject Index: comparative study; decision making; ecosystem service; environmental assessment; participatory approach; valuation; environmental economics; paradigm shift
ISSN: 09218009 CODEN: ECECESource Type: Journal Original language: English
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2014.07.033Document Type: Article
Publisher: Elsevier

  Raymond, C.M.; Barbara Hardy Institute, University of South Australia, Australia;
© Copyright 2014 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.