Volume 123, February 2016, Pages 84–89
Comparative Cognition: In Honor of Ed Wasserman
pigeons were trained to remember arrays of 2–6 colored squares and
detect which of two squares had changed color to test their visual
short-term memory. Procedures (e.g., stimuli, displays, viewing times,
delays) were similar to those used to test monkeys and humans. Following
extensive training, pigeons performed slightly better than similarly
trained monkeys, but both animal species were considerably less accurate
than humans with the same array sizes (2, 4 and 6 items). Pigeons and
monkeys showed calculated memory capacities of one item or less, whereas
humans showed a memory capacity of 2.5 items. Despite the differences
in calculated memory capacities, the pigeons’ memory results, like those
from monkeys and humans, were all well characterized by an inverse
power-law function fit to d’ values for the five display sizes.
This characterization provides a simple, straightforward summary of the
fundamental processing of visual short-term memory (how visual
short-term memory declines with memory load) that emphasizes species
similarities based upon similar functional relationships. By closely
matching pigeon testing parameters to those of monkeys and humans, these
similar functional relationships suggest similar underlying processes
of visual short-term memory in pigeons, monkeys and humans.
- Change detection;
- Visual short-term memory;
- Visual working memory;
- Pigeons;
- Monkeys;
- Humans
1. Introduction
short-term memory (VSTM) refers to the ability to transiently store
visual information for brief time intervals of seconds to several
minutes. VSTM (also called visual working memory) underlies numerous
cognitive and motor functions including: detecting changes in the
environment, planning and executing goal directed movements, and
combining information across eye movements (e.g., Brouwer and Knill, 2007, Irwin, 1991 and Henderson, 2008).
Over the past 27 years, the task of choice for investigating human VSTM
has been change detection where subjects are presented with an array of
visual stimuli and following a short delay they report which stimulus
changed or whether (or not) there was a change (e.g., Alvarez and Cavanagh, 2004, Eng et al., 2005, Luck and Vogel, 1997, Pashler, 1988 and Rensink, 2002). More recently, the emphasis has been on identifying the nature of VSTM limitations in terms of capacity or accuracy (Anderson et al., 2011 and Bays and Husain, 2008; Devkar et al., in press; Donkin et al., 2013, Elmore et al., 2011, Gorgoraptis et al., 2011, Keshvari et al., 2013, Pashler, 1988, Rouder et al., 2008, Sims et al., 2012, Van den Berg et al., 2012, Wilken and Ma, 2004, Zhang and Luck, 2008 and Zhang and Luck, 2011).
considerable effort and research to characterize the nature of human
VSTM, similar studies of nonhuman animal VSTM have only recently been
conducted (Buschman et al., 2011 and Devkar et al., 2015; Elmore et al., 2011, Elmore et al., 2012, Elmore and Wright, 2015, Gibson et al., 2011, Heyselaar et al., 2011 and Lara and Wallis, 2012; Lazareva and Wasserman, 2016; Wright et al., 2010).
Among the reasons for the lag in animal VSTM research, is that training
nonhuman animals to perform these demanding memory tasks is very time
consuming, often requiring a year or more of training to achieve stable
accurate performance with delays and as many as six to-be-remembered
items. Nevertheless, it is important to understand how VSTM works in
species other than humans for evidence about differences and
similarities, including evolutionary continuity of such a fundamental
processes as VSTM. Indeed, all visual memory (including long-term visual
memory) begins with VSTM.
difficulties notwithstanding, we (and others) have developed procedures
to train monkeys and pigeons to achieve reasonably accurate performance
in tasks similar to some of those used to test humans. Although rhesus
monkeys are not typically as accurate as humans in these tasks,
nevertheless, both species have shown progressive and systematic
declines in accuracy as the number of to-be-remembered items is
increased (e.g., Elmore et al., 2011, Elmore and Wright, 2015 and Heyselaar et al., 2011).
In some of these tasks, the basic change-detection procedure (change
vs. no change; 2-stimulus test vs. all array stimuli) for animals has
differed compared to that used for humans. In addition to differences in
basic change-detection procedures, there are often parameter
differences (item types, item number, visual angle, viewing times, delay
times, intertrial times, etc.), that complicate direct species
comparisons in VWM, particularly across laboratories, but even within
the same laboratory. Indeed, in our experiments with monkeys we
initially had used longer presentation times and shorter delay times
than with humans, to promote accurate monkey performance (Elmore et al., 2011).
But later we redid the experiment with those parameters matched to
those used with humans, including making the items the same shape
(squares) and same colors for more direct species’ comparisons (Elmore and Wright, 2015).
The results from the Elmore and Wright (2015)
study showed differences in accuracy and capacity that emphasized
species differences, but a continuous-resource account provided a
simpler and more straightforward explanation based upon similar
functional relationships that emphasize species similarities. Memory
sensitivity (d’) declined precisely as an inverse power law function of N
(display size) and the functions from both species were well fit by
power law functions that accounted for 85% of the variance. By closer
matching of monkey testing parameters to those of humans, conclusions
based upon the similar functional relationships strengthened the
evidence for similar VSTM processing between monkeys and humans.
purpose of the experiment presented in this article was to test pigeons
with colored-square stimuli with the same basic change-detection
procedure (2-stimulus test) and the same parameters previously used to
directly compare monkeys and humans (Elmore and Wright, 2015).
2. Methods
2.1. Subjects
White Carneaux pigeons, 5–9 y.o., from the Palmetto Pigeon Plant
(Sumter, SC) and Double T Farm (Glenwood, Iowa) participated in the
experiment. They had been trained and tested in a change-detection task
with colored circles (Elmore et al., 2012 and Wright et al., 2010).
In the experiment presented here, testing was conducted 5 days per
week. Pigeons were maintained at 85% of their free-feeding weights with
free access to grit and water in their individual home cages. A 14–10 h
light–dark cycle was maintained in the room containing the home cages.
All animal procedures conformed to the National Institutes of Health
guidelines, and were approved by the Institutional Care and Use
Committee at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.
2.2. Apparatus
were tested in a custom designed and built wooden testing chamber
(35.9-cm wide × 45.7-cm deep × 51.4-cm high) equipped with a
custom-built wooden grain hopper tray containing mixed grain that was
centered below a 17-in Eizo T550 color monitor (800 × 600) and was
accessed by pigeons through an opening (5.1 × 5.7 cm) centered in the
front panel 3.8-cm above the chamber floor. An infrared touch screen
(Carroll Touch, Round Rock, TX) detected responses and interfaced with
the computer. An exhaust fan was located at the back of the chamber. A
houselight (Chicago Minature #1829, 24 V) located in the center of the
ceiling illuminated the pigeon’s portion of the chamber during
intertrial intervals (ITI).
software written with Visual Basic 6.0 on a Dell Optiplex GX110
recorded and controlled all events in the operant chamber. A video card
(ATI 3D Rage Pro AGP 2X, Ontario Canada) controlled graphics generated
by the computer and a computer-controlled relay interface (Model no.
PI0-12, Metrabyte, Taunton, MA) operated the grain-hopper, hopper light,
and chamber light.
2.3. Stimuli & displays
stimuli were six approximately 1.4-cm colored squares (RGB 24 bit
values: aqua—0, 255, 255, blue—0, 0, 255, green—0, 255, 0, magenta—255,
0, 255, red—255, 0, 0, yellow—255, 255, 0) like those shown in Fig. 1.
The stimuli were presented in random locations on an invisible 4 × 4
matrix (9 cm horizontal and 7 cm vertical). (These stimuli and displays
were sized to compensate for the pigeons’ closer proximity to the screen
than monkeys and humans.)
2.4. Testing procedures
extensive training to steady-state performance accuracy, the pigeons
were tested for 12 (pigeon G345 and P8040) or 13 (pigeon P8893)
consecutive sessions with 96 trials per session. Trials began with a
1000 ms presentation of 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 colored squares in random
positions within the 4 by 4 matrix. The number of items in the sample
display (display size) was randomized across trials. The sample array
disappeared for a delay interval which was 50 ms for half of the trials
or 1000 ms for the other half of trials, randomly intermixed. Two delay
intervals were used in order to encourage vigilance in the task. For the
results presented here, only the 1000-ms delay trials were included.
After the delay, two colored squares were presented, one of which had
changed in color from the sample display. The pigeons were required to
peck the colored square that had changed in order to receive grain
reinforcement. Correct responses were followed by access to the grain
hopper for 3–5 s depending upon the individual pigeon to control weight.
Incorrect responses were followed by a click noise, but no grain
reinforcement presented. Following reinforcement or an incorrect
response the chamber was illuminated for a 15-s ITI and then darkened at
the beginning of the next trial.
3. Results and discussion
Fig. 2,
top panel, shows percent-correct performance and its decline as a
function of display size. A one-way ANOVA revealed a significant effect
of display size for the pigeons (F = 9.31, p = <0.0001, partial η2 = 0.18).
- Fig. 2.
Pigeon change-detection performance and models. Top panel: percent correct in the change detection task with colored squares. Middle panel: capacity estimates calculated based on change detection performance. Lower panel: power law fits for d’ values calculated based on change detection performance. Error bars represent standard error of the mean.
3.1. Testing models of VSTM
3.1.1. Fixed-capacity model.
VSTM capacity was calculated using the following Eq. (1), originally developed by Eng et al. (2005).
equation 1
However, it is worth noting that Eq. (1)’s
capacity formula assumes that if subjects do not remember one of two
sample display items being tested, but remember the other one was the
same as the sample item, then they can infer that the not-remembered
item must be the one that changed. However, it is unknown whether or not
pigeons make this inference. If they do not make this inference, then
it could be assumed that the correct response is made if the changed
item was remembered (probability of C/N), or by a correct guess of 0.5 (we are indebted to Nelson Cowan for this suggestion). In this case, Eq. (1) would become:
Eq. (2)
actually produces somewhat larger capacity estimates, since correct
answers are based on VSTM for changes plus guessing (but not inference)
when the VSTM does not detect a change. With this equation, the pigeon’s
mean capacity would be 1.14 ± 0.18, thus producing a modest rise in the
maximum capacity estimate for pigeons. Nevertheless, if the pigeons’
VSTM capacity limit is one item or less, then survival by avoiding
predators, finding and remembering food sources, identifying one’s mate,
building one’s nest, and training one’s chicks would be difficult if
not impossible. However, pigeons do succeed very well in doing these
things. Resolution of this seemingly contradictory capacity is not
likely to lie solely with a lack of ecological validity of the
colored-square stimuli used in this experiment. Performance of 77
percent correct with two colored squares is very respectable accuracy
for pigeons in this difficult task; indeed slightly better than monkeys
as discussed below. Perhaps pigeons remembered two items perfectly on
some trials, but at other times remembered no items (inattention),
resulting in a mean capacity that vacillates around 1 item. Yet another
possibility, considered in the next section, is that all memory items
are encoded and remembered imperfectly—for example imperfect memory
might be distributed across many if not all items to-be-remembered.
Furthermore, distribution of a limited memory resource would result in
less perfect memory as the number of to-be-remembered items increased.3.1.2. Continuous-resource model
The continuous-resource model employs d’ values from signal detection theory as a measure of memory sensitivity ( Wilken and Ma, 2004, Green and Swets, 1966, Macmillan and Creelman, 2005 and Elmore et al., 2011). d’ was computed using Eq. (3).
The difference of the z
scores of the hits and false alarms are divided by the square root of
2. The division by the square root of 2 is necessary because the task is
a two-alternative forced-choice task (2AFC) and there are two ways to
make a correct response: by remembering that one item is the same as an
item in the sample display (and choosing the other), or by noticing the
item that has changed and choosing it ( Macmillan and Creelman, 2005).
Hits and false alarms were defined based on stimulus location in the
test display. Locations were numbered from 1 to 16 as the locations went
from left to right and then down into the row below, such that the
bottom right corner was location number 16. A hit was defined as a
correct response to the lower numbered location in the test display. So,
if test stimuli were displayed in locations 2 and 9 and the stimulus in
2 was the changed object, a correct response to location 2 would
constitute a hit. A false alarm was defined as a response to the lower
numbered location when that location did not contain the changed item.
The definitions of a “hit” and a “false alarm” are arbitrary but
equivalent to the obverse. The d’ values for each stimulus type and display size are plotted in Fig. 2,
lower panel. There was little or no response bias for colored squares
in keeping with findings from humans in two-alternative forced-choice as
opposed to yes-no procedures (Green and Swets, 1966 p. 408).
The d’
values were fit by power-law functions. As anticipated, power-law
functions were found to be good fits to each individual pigeon’s d’
values as well as to the group mean. Power-law functions should provide
good fits according to the continuous-resource model, because memory
sensitivity (d’) should be proportional to 1/N, where N is the number of items in the display. The general form of the power law function is shown in Eq. (4), where Y is a constant, N is the number of items in the sample display, and x is the exponent.
equation 4

3.2. Comparisons to monkeys and humans
3.2.1. Percent correct comparisons
The results for monkeys and humans are shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, respectively (Elmore et al., 2011 and Elmore and Wright, 2015). Much like results for pigeons presented here (Fig. 2, top panel), performance by monkeys and humans (Fig. 3 and Fig. 4,
top panels) declined as a function of display size. On average, humans
outperformed pigeons and monkeys by 15.4% and 27.3%, respectively. A
repeated measures ANOVA of display size (2, 4, and 6 only) × species
revealed a main effect of display size [F(2,2) = 20.79, p = 0.0004, partial η2 = 0.78] and species [F(2,2) = 15.68, p = 0.0012, partial η2 = 0.82]. There was no significant interaction of display size × species [F(2,4) = 1.95, p = 0.18, partial η2 = 0.46].
- Fig. 3.
Monkey change-detection performance and models. Top panel: percent correct in the change detection task with colored squares. Middle panel: capacity estimates calculated based on change detection performance. Lower panel: power law fits for d’ values calculated based on change detection performance. Error bars represent standard error of the mean.
- Fig. 4.
Human change detection performance and models. Top panel: percent correct in the change detection task with colored squares. Middle panel: capacity estimates calculated based on change detection performance. Lower panel: power law fits for d’ values calculated based on change detection performance. Error bars represent standard error of the mean.
3.2.2. Fixed capacity comparisons
estimates also differed among species. Not surprisingly, the humans’
capacity estimates were the largest with a mean of 2.5 ± 0.4. Thus, on
the average humans could remember 1.5 to 2.0 more colored squares than
pigeons or monkeys according to the fixed-capacity model of VSTM.
the mean capacity estimate was somewhat lower than typically found for
humans, other researchers using similar procedures (two-item test
displays with one item changed) showed virtually identical capacities
(2.4–2.5) for colored shapes (Eng et al., 2005,
Experiment 1A). Somewhat different change-detection procedures (e.g.,
testing the entire sample display with one object changed) have shown
larger capacities of 3.6 for colors (e.g., Alvarez and Cavanagh, 2004), more similar to the claimed 4 +/− 1 human capacity limit (Cowan, 2001, 2005).
But presenting all (unchanged) sample items in the test display has
been shown to provide additional context cues that artificially enhance
VWM capacity measures (Chun and Jiang, 1998 and Jiang et al., 2000).
test displays breakup these configural-pattern context cues, thereby
providing better comparisons across the range of sample-display sizes
tested, and likely level the playing field for nonhuman animals (e.g.,
pigeons) that may not use enhancing configural-pattern strategies to the
degree that humans do. Moreover, 2-item test displays are better suited
for testing animals because chance performance is 50% correct,
difficulties (e.g., extinction) encountered using larger test displays
are avoided (e.g., with 6 item test displays chance performance would be
16.7%), and are equally well suited for testing humans for direct
species comparisons.
conclusion, the fixed-capacity model may be a reasonable measure to
compare human VSTM, under some conditions, but is not very meaningful
when applied to pigeon and monkey VSTM with capacities less than one
3.2.3. Continuous resource comparisons
We also characterized monkey and human performances using d’ values according to the continuous-resource model. The d’ values for these two species are, like pigeons, well characterized by power law functions as shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, lower panels. Exponents characterize the rapidity of change in d’
over the range of set sizes tested. The exponents were −1.03, −0.94,
and −0.86 for pigeons, monkeys, and humans, respectively; a one-way
ANOVA showed no significant differences in exponent value across species
[F(2,8) = 0.24, p = 0.79, partial η2 = 0.06]. Multiplicative coefficients of the power law characterize the ‘level’ of the function, the Y-axis intercept, extrapolated memory for a single item, and overall memory sensitivity (d').
Not surprisingly, humans far surpass the animals in this measure. A
one-way ANOVA showed a significant difference in coefficient across
species (F(2,8) = 4.47, p = 0.049, partial η2 = 0.65);
interestingly, pigeons showed a marginally superior coefficient
compared to monkeys (3.18, 2.27, and 6.34) for pigeons, monkeys, and
humans, respectively. However, there was no significant difference
between the pigeon and monkey coefficient (t-test, t = 1.05, p = 0.19). The coefficient for humans was significantly greater than monkeys (t-test, t = 2.1, p = 0.04) and pigeons (t-test, t = 2.05, p = 0.04).
4. Conclusions
this article, we have shown that pigeons can be trained and tested in
change-detection tasks with parameters closely matching those used to
test rhesus monkeys and humans, and thereby provide more direct VSTM
comparisons. Humans have an advantage over nonhuman animals in that they
come to the task with a lifetime of game-playing and test-taking
experience, requiring little or no training, except instructions to
reach asymptotic accuracy. Pigeons and monkeys, on the other hand, learn
the ‘rules of the task’ through the contingencies of reinforcement.
With continued training, pigeons in this study maintained accurate
performance similar to that shown in a previous study (Wright et al., 2010),
despite progressive changes that made the task more difficult (shorter
1-s viewing times, shorter 1-s delay times, and larger stimulus sets of 6
colored squares) eventually matching those used to test humans (Elmore et al., 2011) and monkeys (Elmore and Wright, 2015).
We observed no major differences in the pigeon’s performance for most
of these changes, including the two delays (the exception of course
being memory set size which is the major independent variable). Early
change-detection research using very short delays (less than a few
hundred milliseconds) raised concerns of attentional capture and
artifact-mediated performance (e.g., Pashler, 1988).
This is why we chose to use the 1000-ms delay; to rule out issues of
attentional capture as opposed to (proper) memory based on VSTM.
and conclusions from the better matched experiment of this article
support and strengthen many conclusions from our previous experiments (Elmore et al., 2011, Elmore and Wright, 2015 and Wright et al., 2010).
Among these conclusions is that all of these species, pigeons, monkeys
and humans, have very limited VSTM. They are only able to accurately
remember relatively small amounts of visual information over the course
of a brief delay, and as such, VSTM accuracy declines with display size.
Said otherwise, the more items that the participants must remember, the
lower will be their accuracy. The research presented in this article
also highlights and supports species’ VSTM differences shown in these
experiments. The pigeons and monkeys were less accurate than humans at
similar set-sizes (2, 4, & 6 items) and showed calculated capacities
of one item or less with colored squares, similar to what monkeys had
also shown for colored circles (Elmore et al., 2011).
Implications of such findings supported a continuously distributed
resource account of VSTM as opposed to all-or-nothing fixed-capacity
account. Recently, other theories and models have been proposed that
blend these accounts, plus corrections for some other factors (e.g.,
attention lapse rates) that have been added—all of which make model
distinctions more difficult, particularly with the procedures we used in
this experiment (e.g., Donkin et al., 2013, Gorgoraptis et al., 2011, Keshvari et al., 2013, Sims et al., 2012, Van den Berg et al., 2012, Van den Berg et al., 2014 and Zhang and Luck, 2011).
An example of such an account for pigeon fixed capacity involved
multiple-item changes in a change/no-change detection procedure,
resulting in a mean capacity of 1.9 items for pigeons when corrected for
a mean lapse rate (random guessing) of 18 percent (Gibson et al., 2011).
differences in accuracy and capacity that emphasize species
differences, the continuous-resource account provides a simple and
straightforward explanation based upon similar functional relationships
which emphasize species similarities (cf., Wright, 2013; also see Young, 2016, for similar arguments about the utility of functional relationships). Memory sensitivity (d’) is specified to decline precisely as an inverse power law function of N (display size). The d’
values from pigeons as well as monkeys and humans were well fit by
these power-law functions. The additional constraint of five display
sizes for pigeons and monkeys (similar to what was used with humans)
increased the power in the continuous-resource model tests, which
nevertheless strongly supported this model and accounted for roughly 85%
of the variance.
closely matching of pigeon and monkey testing parameters to those of
humans, conclusions based upon the qualitatively similar functional
relationships shown here strengthen the evidence for similar VSTM
processing across these diverse species, suggesting strong evolutionary
convergence of memory processing and relevance of future research
involving invasive manipulations and recordings to mechanisms of visual
short-term memory, generally.
Support for this research was provided by NIMH Grants R01MH-072616 and R01MH091038
(A.A. Wright). We thank Jeffrey S. Katz, Wei Ji Ma, and John Magnotti
for their help and support on early stages of this research. This
research was conducted following the relevant ethics guidelines for
research with animals and was approved by UTHSC’s institutional IACUC.
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